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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Bruh...
  2. Phenibut is my favorite drug. Y'know what, this thread inspired me to buy another kilo of it before it gets banned here.

    T-PAIN is great, too. The opiate receptor affinity is ridiculously low, though. L33T used to shoot grams of that shit which is not a very good idea because it's crazy hydroscopic and binds water molecules like 1:1 and turns into gel in the vein.

    I have lost my source and it's pissing me off.
  3. You said you googled all the shit so I'd say it's all about personal liking and what you're working with.

    I have done all routes and I prefer Butane when it comes to the process. That's working with a lot of material, though.
  4. Where did you get so many posts from? Who are you talking to? I mean... y'know.
  5. Ok.
  6. I'll smoke y'all if I figure out how to upload a picture....

    My Zen garden/Home theater is quite impressive.
  7. How long is your fucking head, neckbeard?

    On Topic: We don't have a memberlist anymore, huh?
  8. Come at me, boy.

  9. @OP your knowledge about Psychology isn't sufficient enough to even have a subjective opinion on my mental state.

    Wanna get rekt?
  10. Originally posted by antinatalism did you know that sophie is my favorite girl name? I wanna bang you

    My favorite girl name is a tie between Melissa and Natalya
  11. Originally posted by thelittlestnigger bonus points if you cancel your insurance policy before destroying the house.

    Extra bonus points if you keep in contact with the kids without her knowing and tell them its her that drove you away so they forever resent her for not having a father.
    The people who liked this have daddy issues, haha.
  12. Oh man, I haven't shat on the Krizzla for a while now. I feel like we have to get the word out. Bill Krozby is getting too big for NIS.

    He could become a meme for 15 seconds.
  13. Originally posted by antinatalism cuz meth is 4 plebs&wigga

    only cowards say that.
  15. Seriously my dog is addicted to crack.
  16. her legs look easy to break.
  17. Im tired
  18. Originally posted by bling bling i had a hesh globe than i broke it buot tapped it back together and still sckraped resni

    you can use a plastic tube.
  19. Originally posted by Open Your Mind I have never used steam. Do you play grand theft auto?

    I will probably get a ps4 to play it.
  20. kill them niggers man.
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