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Posts by aldra

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    there are no rock stars anymore, the industry has become too decentralised for that
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo also, zelensky has a Putinish approval rating rn and can't prosecute hunter Biden now because then he'll look beholden to Trump. He's going to throw Trump under the bus to look like he's fighting corruption in literal America. He's going to turn that goodwill into enriching his pockets a bit and probably trying earnestly to make the country less shitty and corrupt, he's going to go soft on the East, to the breakaway regions benefit (and everyone involved) and Putin is going to take advantage because he's a chess player. He's actually a really good president for Ukraine rn, he's kind of ineffectual but it remains to be seen how badly he will be corrupted by Ukraines political and financial spheres

    I don't know. I think you underestimate how important US support is for the Ukrainian 'government'... If you look at how he held himself in that meeting with Trump, it's obvious he's stuck in a place where he knows he's going to get it from both ends. He's forced to take a side in the war between the US establishment (ie. the Obama policy that created his kingdom) and Trump (who has the final say as to whether the Ukraine gets funded). It's a dramatic lose/lose/lose for him.

    I'm not a huge fan of this writer but he does have some good articles, this one included.
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo 1. You didn't mention Kolomoisky is basically the only oligarch who backed zelensky from the jump from tv to president

    2. I don't think porkys approval ratings were that bad back in 2015. The rounds of IMF funding were tied to reforms and the US funding was known to of course be contingent, whether it was based on a prosecutor or not is just one thing, but it is extremely suspect Joe Biden specifically asked for a prosecutor in the notoriously corrupt Ukraine to be fired. Porky was a literal CIA asset according to released diplomatic cables, it's kind of insane they would even have to ask him twice to fire someone.

    3. Of course Viktor would say he was targeted because of that. He also probably targeted Bursima holdings because of someone else telling him to do so to gain leverage over Joe Biden.

    4. The issue of whether or not Hunter Biden was doing shady stuff in Ukraine will never be proven in the public record (he definitely was) and neither will a video tape of Joe Biden winking, nodding, looking shady and emphatically saying "I want this prosecutor fired because I'm worried he might end up charging my son with something"

    4 again. Trump still got ratted on overtly saying sketchy and stupid things during a really bad time and it looks really bad because he's really bad at being president. This is what people will remember he's a fucking idiot and is just mad at the guy who ratted now. Now Pomeo is dragged into it too and America loses so much face you wonder if it can continue with so much greatness

    5. what do you think of Trump asking your PM about the origins of the Mueller report? Why would he even think they'd have an idea? They're all part of the same 5 eyes, do they not have anyone in Britain?

    1. I didn't know he was the only one, just that he was the primary one. There have long been rumours that Porky and Tymoshenko have a coup planned against him but I doubt it for now at least.

    2. they've always been bad lol. I dunno, perhaps Viktor was connected to someone important so Porky didn't want to take a hard line against him - a lot of other people got disappeared for less.

    3/4 - Agree pretty much on all counts

    5. My guess is that the British intelligence agencies are working against him and our PM injected himself into the situation like the enormous bootlick he is. I don't really know what he could offer in this regard though, except for acutely homoerotic emotional support

    Originally posted by Gulm Posting in a gay thread.

    it wasn't until you got here
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    As the enormous bulk of the western corporate media has had a laser focus on whether Donald Turnip did anything wrong in asking Ukrainian President Zelensky to either release or reopen a previously-shelved investigation into Joe Biden's son Hunter, I think it's worth digging into what was going on that was being investigated in the first place. The information on this matter is DENSE AS FUCK so I'll try to keep it concise.

    Back in 2015, US Vice President Joe Biden pressured the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian then-President Petro "Porky" Poroshenko into firing his chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. He'd made it a condition of the release of roughly $1 billion in IMF loans and openly bragged about it after the fact. The question that's been brought to the fore is why Biden desperately wanted that prosecutor fired - with the two sides in the US arguing over whether Viktor was fired for being 'too soft' on corruption, or whether he was fired for investigating the 'wrong kind' of corruption, namely Joe Biden's son Hunter and his activities relating to the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

    Viktor himself made a statement on his 'firing' (he was forced to voluntarily resign). While Porky admitted to him that he was being forced out due to pressure from Joe, the official reason given was that the prosecutor's office had 'lost the public's trust', which is an extremely ironic thing to come out of Porky's mouth given his abysmal approval ratings.

    Viktor goes on to say that he strongly believes his dismissal was tied to an ongoing investigation into Burisma Holdings, where Joe's son Hunter had been hired as a salaried board member (not an investor). He reports that on several occasions Porky had asked him to either reduce the scope of or end investigations entirely.

    “In my conversations with Poroshenko at the time, he was emphatic that I should cease my investigations regarding Burisma. When I did not, he said that the U.S. were refusing to release the USD$ 1 billion promised to Ukraine. He said that he had no choice.”

    Assuming that he was telling the whole truth, the question then becomes, what was actually going on at Burisma, and was Hunter actually doing anything wrong?

    Burisma changed hands a lot in the early 2010s, but it's difficult to trace - according to anti-corruption efforts at the time, the government was obfuscating ownership information of most of the larger companies and holders of rights to natural resources, specifically coal and LPG. From what could be gleaned, there was an 'official' owner and a 'real' owner who was not publicly affiliated with the company, typically someone who was either politically connected (often the Maidan-deposed Yanukovych’s family) or one of the longstanding oligarchs.

    You can read about it yourself in a link I'll include at the bottom, but the best guess as to who really owned Burisma was the infamous Ihor Kolomoisky. The Zlochevskys, who the Western media largely paints as the owners of Burisma, founded the company but later (prior to Hunter's appointment) sold all of their shares to Kolomoisky's Privat Group. This is important because Kolomoisky is deeply involved in Ukrainian politics, financing both Porky and Zelenksy in no small measure. Digging too deeply into Burisma would lead directly to the President's boss.

    This is important to the Biden question because Kolomoisky is a jedi. About as jediy as they come really, which makes his control of Burisma a difficult optic in the highly fascistic order that crystallised after the Maidan - most of the volunteer battalions that Kolomoisky himself raised were ultranationalist groups who were fashioned after - and idolised - the UPA, a pro-nazi Ukrainian organisation that operated during WWII. As a result, it seems that he tried to transform the image of Burisma to that of an American organisation, going so far as to appoint a conveyor belt of American businessmen to the board, such as Hunter Biden among others (many of whom were connected to other US politicians). Hunter and his (business) partner, Devon Archer, were reportedly paid around $3 million for their year of 'service'.

    I'm getting bored so I'll just summarise the rest:

    1. The main reason Viktor was fired appears not to be related to Biden specifically, but that he was originally directed to investigate Burisma in order to go after Zlochevsky, who was connected to the deposed (Pro-Russian) government of Yanukovych. He started to follow the trail to Kolomoisky, who is connected to the coup-imposed (Pro-US) government of Poroshenko, and US foreign policy could not allow one of their most important domestic supporters to fall under a federal corruption investigation.

    2. Kolomoisky is well-known for large-scale corruption; in some circumstances he's used military operations as a pretext to clear inhabitants from land in order to start fracturing and oil-drilling operations.

    3. Fuck
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    d r i n k
    t h e
    p i s s
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    needles are an ambush predator

    and I don't know of any snake that can give you AIDS
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    jesus christ I would be afraid to walk around out there even with boots on
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I dunno, I'm not really into it. I had a friend that was deep into Tekken but I haven't talked to him in a few years.

    Back then it was mostly Tekken and Street Fighter because they were well-balanced and technical. I know SC has a pretty big online community because of the ridiculous customisation and shit but it's not much of a 'serious' competitive game.

  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    you act like this is something unique to one party
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Yeah if you go to any of the major tournaments you'll find a few people who are willing to put money on it.

    Over the internet, not so much
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I'm gonna ask my mom to get me one of those pro fighting boards for christmas

    build a custom one, it's not that hard really and a cool project.

    you can even buy an enclosure so you don't have to do any cutting/drilling.

    that said I don't really like them, I wouldn't bother unless you want to play fighting games competitively.
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. I used to play sheeva a lot.
    My brother used to have a code book & use all these codes for special moves & I would always beat him by pressing random buttons as quickly as possible. One time he lost his shit & tackled me & the recliner I was sitting in onto the floor 😂 My family is super competitive & can't take an L. I remember getting upset my daughter was able to use the gutter bumpers when she was like 6 lol I had to talk myself through it 🤣😇

    kek, me and my brother used to be like that playing starcraft
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ If its exclusive to OG MK I'd pick Sonya and annoying jump and blade your ass to death, then give you the kiss of death to top off your death. Like a cherry on top of the whipped cream swirl thing.

    I'd be Goro and grope you twice as hard and fast as a normal person would be able to
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I feel like he said this as a joke and it got taken out of context
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Sorry aldra. It must of been a shitty experience

    lol I wasn't even alive at the time; the closest I got to it was what I assume was my dad's psychotic ptsd.

    The CIA actually flooded Vietnam and Laos with heroin during the war in an ill-conceived attempt to lower th NV combat effectiveness, getting huge numbers of their own soldiers hooked in the process.

    Later on they actually did flood black communities with it (because they knew nobody in the government would really care) in order to fund their South American operations. Dunno where the gays come into it though
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    maybe after the fallout fades
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania I like both.

    Why not both???

    limited budget
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