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Posts by antinatalism

  1. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by littleasianlady Rich isn't real anymore.

    Two people working in a cafe living together can afford:

    Large LCD TV
    Nice looking furniture
    Overseas holiday

    The car might not be a BMW, but it's still a car.

    50 years ago jobs mattered. Now we all can easily have the same standard of living, just different brands. Bed is still soft. Jacket is still warm.

    Backpacking across Europe for three weeks is probably a better holiday than staying in a 5 star hotel.

    I agree. Nevertheless, women still go after rich guys. Even if, as you point out, that's irrational. They're really retarded, kek
  2. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    and what does all of this have to do with bitches dating men who shit everywhere?
  3. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    let the bitches taste the flavor of their own medicine
  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    alaska is expensive as fuck, are u sure u have the bucks to move there?
  5. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR LOL.

    I watched this video in a loop for 5 days
  6. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the holy ghost now that the system has been fixed people are posting way more

    they're digitized social rewards

    a brilliant idea really

    u're just jelly. stop being butthurt and make quality posts
  7. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    we're living in the end times. oxford dictionary's word of the year is post-truth, digital better than flesh and blood, no more future and past, eroge better than sex, anime better than life
  8. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    have you ever jerked off while reading some post?
    who's the user whose magnificent and iconoclast intellect is more arousing to u?
  9. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ I don't know either

    But honestly I don't really care, I can't hardly stomach the thought of living another year let alone another 60

    And I can't stomach the thought of having to have another human to relieve sexual impulses

    Thank the jedis for porn

    Post last edited by 180gr 10mm FMJ at 2016-11-25T08:15:59.780917+00:00

    I can't die, I want to live forever by uploading my mind into the cyberspace. waiting 4 mind uploading
  10. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by antinatalism eroge are not porn

    porn = jedi
    japs =/= jedi
    eroge = japs

    eroge are art
  11. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Watching porn while waiting for a sex robot.. I can't imagine a worse hell than that.

    eroge are not porn
  12. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    who's the most rich user of
  13. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    that's how women are when they are out in the open. at least, until 100 years ago they had the excuse "we're not making scientific discoveries as gr8 as yours, we're not as good at chess as u, we're not as gr8 mathematicians as men because muh oppression! just wait and see, when we will be free we will outsmart u!". now that they have as much freedom as men, if not more, did anything change? not at all. what did they do with their freedom, enter? did they become computer scientists, physics, chess masters? nope, enter, they are as braindead as they were back then, but even more slut
  14. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Because it takes less effort not to do something than to build a robot to replace it. I have evolved beyond the use of my sexual organs anyways so why do I need to fuck anything?.

    > implying I have to build the robots myself

    I'll just wait and in the meanwhile I'll keep playing my eroge vidya
  15. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump When you are 4 of those 10 people its not really my fault.

    meth makes u paranoid
  16. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Just remove the desire for pleasure, much simpler.

    why should I remove the desire for pleasure just because 3D carbon-based women are dogshit? that's a cuck argument
  17. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter I can't wait for this. Women need to be obsolete.

    If I had hitler like powers they'd be used for breeding and live in camps.

    that's what gonna happen. women, on average, have no talent. science, literature, chess, sports, all those fields are dominated by men and their superior intellectual/physical skills. the only way women managed to get a place in our society is by using their ugly vagina and whining about muh patriarchy. Once sexrobots will become mainstream, even plebs will realize that there will be no need anymore to endure the bullshits of carbon-based women, and they'll eventually be deported into infrastructures owned by the sperm banks where they'll taken care of and they'll keep giving birth to other humans for the new utopia's sake
  18. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter I thought bears were just opposites of twinks. Like big beta guys.

    with big hairy chests and lot of lipstick too
  19. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Yeah, I'm cyber stalking someone on a forum with 10 people. I've had more sensible paranoia being awake for a week high on meth u coward.

    and out of all those people, you chose me. that means something, doesn't it?
  20. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    fuck women
    time to ditch carbon and embrace silicon

    your ideal gf will be reaility soon enough
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