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Posts by antinatalism

  1. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    my theory is that the very root of every serious depression is all about
    > mfw no gf

    other types of depression are just melancholic larpings
  2. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter recently i feel like i've been losing my mind, and it's society's fault

    it is indeed. they keep interfering with my life
  3. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by yum Many girls with multicoloured hair do so to garner attention which is what a lot of people do a lot of things for. Many times overcompensating for a lack of real personality they seek to look more interesting by seeming unorthodox. This isn't a good example but

    Just about every woman who has ever died their hair red ever did so with sex on the mind. Just the way things are.

    I unitially thought enter was pathetic, then I thought he was hilarious and now I think he's pathetic again. Hypothesis proven

    I hope u realize that your post is a shithole of non sequitur statements and that the only thing it proves is that you're retarded
  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    sometimes i feel mindless
  5. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    your approach is too straightforward. people usually don't give a shit if a stranger is rude to them, but, as Schopenhauer teaches in his hedgehog's dilemma, the closer u get to a person the more u will be able to hurt her. So you have to be an hax0r and use PRIVILEGE ESCALATION techniques to become the ROOT OF HER HEART and then you will have TO DEMOLISH EVERY OUNCE OF FAITH IN HUMANITY SHE HAS 4EVER.

    How do u accomplish that?

    be a wolf in sheep's clothing. use confidence tricks, be nice to her, gain her trust, be there when her mother will get cancer and when she'll lose her job, use a lot and a lot of social engineering. the very least is trying to become her best friend, the best outcome is marrying her. Then one day u will get your revenge and when she will be crying and she will ask u why, u'll say "u didn't invite me 4 your birthday, bitch, learn some manners"
  6. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny I can't tell if this is supposed to be satire or not. Do you really think we can't find examples of art or science that have been inspired by religious sentiment in the modern era? Do you not think there's value in the human communities organized around religion?
    I do. I mean, I bet you could name a few, but they're neither as important nor as numerous as the plethora of examples from, let's say, the late middle ages or the reinassance. u gotta deal with the fact that religion is not as effective as it was back then as a form of knowledge to satisfy the urge for answers to metaphysical questions. in a digital age where technology is constantly idolized and feared, movements such as transhumanism offer a much better and modern approach to metaphysics
  7. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by yum You're a gothy faggot, who gives a shit if your mom had you to get a welfare cheque? That was the thought process behind the actions that shape your life, not the result or eventual feelings of the person st the present time.

    I bet you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny

    > white knighting so hard for mommy

    good job, mommy boy, good job, now mommy's gonna give u a blowjob as a reward
  8. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    "don't talk to me or to my wife's son ever again" the thread
  9. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ she doesn't say oy vey

    I bet she does. women have jedi souls
  10. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    go to the gym. become fit. become attractive. wait 4 women starting to flirt with u. then break their hearts
  11. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by antinatalism both. it shouldn't surprise anyone since they're women

    Originally posted by mmQ Oh. OK. I guess I got lucky; my mom's pretty fucking awesome, and she definitely cares.

    that's a list of possible reasons of your average mother:

    > making a baby leads to a socially acceptable lifestyle
    > I can fill the frustrations and emptiness of my life by giving birth to another human being
    > I'll have someone to take care of me when I'll be old and more lonely
    > oh little babies look so sweet but when he'll be 20 he better get the fuck outta my house
    > oy vey, I gave him the gift of life without asking his consent first, how he dares to not be thankful to me!
    > I better throw out some babies before I'll divorce with my current husband so I'll get a shit tons of bucks
    > I'll love him unconditionally as long as he lets me shape him as I like, otherwise he needs to get out of my home

    pick at least one for your mother
  12. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm sorry you feel this way. Shitty at being moms or shitty in general?

    both. it shouldn't surprise anyone since they're women
  13. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by greenplastic Stop hating women and your problems will be better

    > just give up, goyim
  14. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ No, my mom definitely does. Moms are usually burrity koohl

    nah, most mothers are horseshit
  15. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    you explain something. then you test their comprehension. if they fail the test, you use a taser against them or something of the sort. if they pass the test, u give them a chocolate.
  16. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter Finance, it was shit.

    math, if u want a wizard-tier field
    gender studies, if u want a troll-degree
  17. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ None of those points are facts, only opinions.

    Bait thread confirmed.
    > u cannot disprove a metaphysical statement
    > this above is not a fact

    just an example
  18. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ Because still, no evidence has been presented against it.

    you cannot disprove a metaphysical statement, you ignoramus.

    Originally posted by antinatalism kek, but I just said that I'm not mocking u because of your religious beliefs, but because u're a brainless pussy.

    let me just recap 4 u:
    - the burden of proof is on u. y'know, it's called affirmanti incumbit probatio. u claim something exists, u gotta prove it if u want to be taken seriously
    - the universe doesn't need religion to be expained so occam's razor suggests that there's no god
    - however, the focus was on how religion is obsolete in the digital age, not how unreasonable it is
    - u failed to understand that, and u started whining like a crybaby bitch "who are u to judge, truth doesn't matter as long as it works 4 me"
    - I kept stating facts, and u kept whining and failing to understand everything like a retard

    still waiting u to address each of my points.

    Originally posted by antinatalism but religious=stupid, wtf are u arguing about. and I'm not even ferven atheist à la dawkins, I'm more of an agnostic. While I appreciate the cultural contributions that some religions helped to make in the past centuries (I could think about bach, michelangelo, the role of medieval monks in preserving greek and latin manuscripts by transcribing them and so on), but in our nowadays digital society the amount of contributions that christianity could give amount to 0. FUCKING ZERO, U DIPSHIT. so u don't even have the excuse "well yo man religions are likely bullshit but at least think about muh contributions to our culture": the whole point is not that religions are bullshits, the point is that they're obsolete. it's the kurrent year, man, the only god that's worth to be worshipped is the kek

    still waiting u to address this post without failing to understand it. show me what kind of cultural contributions religion can still give to a digital age

    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ There has still been no debate. Just more "you don't believe what I believe so you're an idiot."

    I stated facts, u whined like a bitch saying that those facts hurt your feeling and truth doesn't matter if bullshits work 4 u. go back to your safe space

    Post last edited by antinatalism at 2016-11-27T13:33:28.617069+00:00
  19. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ I never claimed that I had proof that God existed. I just said that there is no reason for you to shit on me for believing in God. Nowhere have I here, or anywhere else on this website, claimed that I have proof of his existence.

    how about the fact I'm shitting on u because u still fail to understand basic arguments, faggot. do u need a safe space?
  20. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ As are you.

    no, u
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