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Posts by antinatalism

  1. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR Look at the list of people who thought they can fuck me. None of them are part of the community anymore. I won. I win every time.

    Go on, try me. We will miss you.

    u're just jelly
  2. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR Look at the list of people who thought they can fuck me. None of them are part of the community anymore. I won. I win every time.

    Go on, try me. We will miss you.

    I'm literally the smartest user of the forum, dipshit
  3. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Absolutely. I just think if you're willing to establish a close friendship with a female that you may as well just enjoy the damn friendship. I don't see what's so wrong with that. I mean, if you really want to fuck over a girl you'd think it would be a girl that you wouldn't be able to make friends with. If a girl sincerely likes you and you are completely feigning your mutual liking of her, well gosh golly that seems like a pretty rude thing to do, know what I mean? If anything I'd think you would want to emotionally damage someone who doesn't like you and wouldn't be friends with you.

    Whatever route you choose, don't forget about the having sexual relations and telling them you're HIV positive method.

    > implying that the pleasure of a genuine friendship with a girl would be greater than the pleasure of making her suffer
  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht The internet prior to 2008, and how much better it was. Fewer normies, less surveillance, more quality posters and legendary content. Is it just me or has this year felt like something of a resurgence of that era with the rise of the alt-right and meming Trump into the white house?

    > imageboard users whining about the good old times of the golden imageboard age
    > golden imageboard age users whining about the good old times of the golden irc age
    > golden irc age users whining about the good old times of usenet
    > usenet users whining about the golden times of usenet before the eternal september and the bastardization of usenet culture
    > golden usenet age users whining about the good old times of the bbs

    it never ends
  5. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR Don't play games with the dude you can't outsmart.

    At first I thought you were I Hate Niggers (beautiful irony) but now there is no question about your persona.

    Malice, ladies and gentleman.

    > an user u can't outsmart
    > RisiR

  6. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR Imagine if it was your sister, Malice. *cums*

    good riddance
  7. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RisiR Remember how you hated alcohol and couldn't comprehend how the brute masses could enjoy such a dirty, vile drug and how it elevated your picture of yourself to not be among them?

    I do.

    so first you were saying I'm spectral, now u are implying im malice
  8. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    > yfw all your racetam-choline stacks have been useless
  9. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
  10. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter The 1 girl I made an effort to be friends with in the past year, I ended up becoming her BEST FRIEND. This was the tomboy I've probably made a few threads about before. This is the girl who wanted to fuck me when she broke up with her boyfriend, but I wouldn't touch that used up, gross thing with a ten foot pole. I only became friends with her because she was a tomboy and was like a guy.

    I feel confident in my friend making abilities because of this.

    imagine all the pain u could have inflicted to her. u wasted a golden opportunity
  11. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter So should I go ahead with this wolf in sheep clothing/being nice to women thing? On one hand it seems like it'll take a lot of energy, but on the other I guess I'm using a lot of energy already. I mean, I'm ignoring women and yet I'm still expelling a lot hatred for them anyway, with little to no reward.

    Yeah, I'm gonna do it.

    go for it. try to make it faster than it sounds. i mean, realistically speaking, a good friendship would be enough. don't forget to post her reaction and dox her when u'll shit on her trust
  12. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by thecockboss Have you read the book "Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse?

    i've only read his siddharta. didn't like it that much so i ditched his other books
  13. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter Okay, I'll audiobook it at the gym.

    nah man, give a look at Whatever of Houellebecq. it has everything u could wish 4: permavirgins, wizard-tier mental gynmnastics, schopenhauer, misogyny
  14. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by antinatalism BE AN HERO, GET DEPRESSED

    sometimes I cry thinking about toaster steve
  15. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by antinatalism depression is the first step to become an hero ; ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  16. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by bling bling depresions is a term used for ??? now wach and lern

    depression is the first step to become an hero ; ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  17. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    spectral/malice ticket 2020
  18. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter It'll be fixed now. And let's never have a democrat in the white house again.

    making america white (male) again is the best way to ensure that
  19. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    online for the ps3? and if ppl are playing it?
  20. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    I declare a new era.
    This forum is not about badass doin' drugs anymore. It's about anime and misogyny. it's basically a new wizchan
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