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Posts by Horatio Abernathy

  1. And that's the moment where I would slap the shit out of you in real life.

    Why can't you not be an asshole for ONE MOMENT? I was nice to you and trying to have fun and party and you're a fucking asshole. Like, what the fuck, Doug?.Why?
  2. Okay.. okay..yea YEA. FUCK. I'LL FUCKING DO THAT MAN.

  3. Turn it up to 11 and get this party started.
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I'm indirectly responsible for the rape of my daughter

    Haha. True.
  5. You are juicebox?! I didn't know that.

    Anyway, you are cool in my book. Keep it up.
  6. Got a link?

    Yea, I've been there. Spent a good chunk of my life talking to her. Even let her into my real life. A while ago I had to cut ties because it was just shit. I feel bad about how it ended but it's better that way.
  7. Tuna. Pike Perch. Eel.
  8. No u r.
  9. Bill Krozby, fuck off!
  10. I taught you the word pathetic. Stop using it.
  11. Originally posted by thatsMYdog You guys are just jealous I had the foresight to make 100 backup accounts, try that shit now you will be b-b-b-b-b-b-banned.

    That's not me. But it could be... gimme a second.
  12. Never posted PI or spammed Bill Krozbydick you paranoid shit.
  13. Spanish is only usefull in third world countries. Fact.
  14. Originally posted by WS germans are annoying in general because they always wanna get all inquisitive about the simplest conversation. they wanna play devils advocate and shit all the time. fuck that i dont got time plus it makes my heart race when I just got an offhanded comment to make and some german motherfucker wants to argue about it with me. like go away! I'm trying to eat my pad thai standing up man not everyone is interested in that shit. the only good way to shut a german up is to mention the holocaust.

    Shut the fuck up. You've never met a German in your life.

    The Yankees claiming German are all fake fuck Americunts. We would beat them with sticks and put them in zoos here. Don't get it twisted.
  15. 2. All of them
    3. No, never. I've met guys who speak the language perfectly but you'll always hear the mud in their veins.
    4. I don't have an English accent? When I speak English in private settings (never), I sound like a Brownsville nigga.
  16. I got so many, though.
  17. Originally posted by cerakote not quite, it has opiate like effects but not to the degree of coca leaves. i personally dont like Crouton as all it does is make me nauseous and i dont get high like i do on a real opiate. poppy seed tea is to dope as coca leaf is to coke

    Coca leaves don't have Opiate effects.

    Have you ever done Coca leaves? I haven't. I can tell you, though. Your analogy is wrong. Poppy tea is fo real. Just unprocessed Coca leaves surely don't compare to Cocaine.
  18. It's 40 bucks here for about 10% purity.
  19. Originally posted by bling bling thts wots tc for

    Fuck that shit.
  20. 420 Thanks.
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