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Posts by Horatio Abernathy

  1. Originally posted by Fox Paws I'd like to see one scientific study where 100% of cancer patients were healed by placebo affect.

    Enter Wim Hof.

    Post last edited by Horatio Abernathy at 2017-05-01T14:51:31.841574+00:00
  2. Posted in another thread but I want to know your opinions.


    If there is a placebo test for cancer treatment with 100 participants. 50/50 sugar pill/active drug.

    49 placebos get healed and 51 druggers are healed. Drug gets approved. What the fuck healed the other 49?

    Placebo. The most powerful thing in the known universe. The human mind. There has never been a single study where the placebo didn't at least heal one participant.

    Placebo isn't anything negative. It is the physical manifestation of willpower and the reason you are such a STD riddled AIDS faggot, Doug. You are mentally weak. You could never achieve Placebo.
  3. If there is a placebo test for cancer treatment with 100 participants. 50/50 sugar pill/active drug.

    49 placebos get healed and 51 druggers are healed. Drug gets approved. What the fuck healed the other 49?

    Placebo. The most powerful thing in the known universe. The human mind. There has never been a single study where the placebo didn't at least heal one participant.

    Placebo isn't anything negative. It is the physical manifestation of willpower and the reason you are such a STD riddled AIDS faggot, Doug. You are mentally weak. You could never achieve Placebo.
  4. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Jerry is mexican and he died almost 10 years ago, and Riley is just fat and dumb and a cop… haven't seen him in years though.

    Why does Jerry still have a Facebook account and why does your mother Paula have two?

    I'm pretty sure she uses the one with the numbers in it to whore around. It has a lot more pictures of her with makeup trying to look good.
  5. Originally posted by just one more mongol It works for me, its like minor braingasms triggered by whispering and certain sounds. It's neat, I get the same sort of tingling in my head if someone tries to scam me.

    Dude... looks like I'll have to do some research.
  6. Hey Bill Krozby, why is Jerry such a jedi looking motherfucker and is Riley gay or does he just look like it?
  7. I'm not an Alt. This is the main account now. RisiR got nuked into molecules. He is dead. RIP.
  8. Originally posted by Captain Falcon *Raises hand*
  9. Originally posted by Fox Paws You're a weird dude you know that

    I celebrate it. Thank you.
  10. You can also try this shit. Ear eating. If you don't get a tingle in your dick you are officially asexual.

  11. The best ASMR videos are Japanese Candy without talking and only the hand. RRcherrypie is the best channel but there are more good ones.

  12. Originally posted by Fox Paws Why'd you nuke your old account

    I messed up. I betrayed myself and my ideals for whatever reason and reported another nigga.

    Death sentence.
  13. The P900 has 12 bands of light wavelengths including infrared and ultraviolet, the parts you can’t see with the naked eye. This panel, and others like it in the Advanced Platinum lineup, is about as close to sunlight as you can get indoors. But this isn’t a one-trick pony. This panel is good for every stage of growing cannabis.

    You can keep it low-key for sprouting by hitting the “Veg” switch, or kick up the intensity by flipping the switch for “Bloom.” The 90-degree angle of the LED focusing lenses sends the light down into the canopy of your plants. This encourages massive growth.

    It can replace a 1000-watt HPS light at full intensity and still only use 515 watts of electricity. The average price of electricity in the US is around 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. Running a 1000-watt HPS costs you 12 cents every hour, plus what you’ll pay to cool it. But running the P900 gives the same or better light quality and intensity at half that price.

    When the P900 is suspended at 18-inches above the plants, its core coverage reaches up to 3 by 5 feet. Its maximum coverage is 4 by 6 feet. You may be asking what those numbers really mean for you. At different stages of growth, you’ll be raising or lowering the light according to what your plants need. For sprouting, you can cover up to 4 by 6 feet. But at more intensive stages like flowering, you’ll cover less area because you need more intense light. An adult cannabis takes up at least 1 square foot of space in a 3-gallon pot, so the P900 can flower between 12 to a maximum of 24 at a time.

    This definitely isn’t a budget light system. But we like that the P1200 LED drivers work anywhere in the world. They accept 110V or 220V input (or specifically, 85V to 260V. PlatinumLED offers one of the better warranties on the market, with a 90-day money-back guarantee and 5-year complete warranty.

    It's a sales text but it is accurate.
  14. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Ive been in the commercial garden industry most of my life and I have asked dozens of people that make their living off this and they all say LEDs are not worth it or they would be using them already.

    RisiR here, dumbfuck. Don't even talk to me.

    This is a good LED light. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have 120° LEDs at the site but yea it still shits over every HPS or MH on this planet and in space.
  15. Meanwhile, LEDs can deliver the same amount of light for 40 percent less electricity, without the wasted light. That's not only more energy efficient, but less expensive overall. Good quality LEDs could cost around $1500 per light, and a 1000 square foot canopy, either in an indoor grow operation or a greenhouse, would need about 62 lights. However, the lights themselves can last over 10 years if a grower uses around 50,000 hours of light, or an average of 12 hours a day, Yorio said.
  16. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump What do you want to grow commercially anyways? If you are looking at lights on alibaba that makes me think you are trying to get them as cheaply as possible. You want to get the best light system for your needs not just anything cheap, you will save money at the cost of not getting what you need. LEDs are also not really used commercially. You want 1000+ HPS or MH with a good ballast with warranty on everything.

    Please stop giving false advice. LED lights are absolutely used in commercial settings. They beat gas based lamps in almost every way. I've heard of growers who use full spectrum LEDs coupled with traditional lamps and their results are stellar.

    NASA does it too....
  17. When I click on Latest threads it shows me no threads. When I click the forums it's the same.
  18. When I click on Latest threads it shows me no threads. When I click the forums it's the same.
  19. When I click on Latest threads it shows me no threads. When I click the forums it's the same.
  20. When I click on Latest threads it shows me no threads. When I click the forums it's the same.
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