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Posts by CASPER

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What if you take it off and look down at your crotch, and find there's another face there, and that you're actually the costume who is about to be discarded

    Last time I do duster and LSD I'll tell you what

    It happens

  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    This is KinkKodiac thats a solid copy MijoMorsel
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    King Bear checkin in
  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lol holy fuck when you take that thing off your mother just shrivels up

    Just like irl
  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    eh. Only wheni have something interesting to say. But i dont have much interesting to say anymore.

    True though- i did take extra back meds yesterday and not being in as much pain did lift my mood a little bit. Id prefer to get some more sleep though.

    How u this AM?
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Playing Outer Wilds

    Remembering some creepy ghosty shit from when i was a kid, Thinking of a way to incorporate it into a creepypasta.

    When i was in high school, we still had an answering machine. One night the phone rang at like 11 or something but my mom was watching TV and i was doing something else.

    I listened to the message the next afternoon. Was super staticy, only a few seconds long. A girl crying.

    “Daddy, im in trOuBle....”

    the last word kind of warbled like the tape was going bad,and then a sharp crack like the phone being disconnected or slammed down on a reciever or something. I mentioned it to my mom and she said it was someone trying to play a prank on me. But no one really knew my house number and certainly no one cared about me enough to try to prank me.

    It was simple, but the message just always creeped me the fuck out. Who was the person actually trying to call.

    I figured maybe i combine it with another of my irl spooky stories.

    A couple years ago there was this banging in the middle of the night, My house is from the early 40s and theres these metal heating grates in the floor. Id hear this booming coming from the duct work at like 2am. Eventually Id get pissed off and go outside to realize someone jad left the cover off the crawlspace on the side of the house. So id figure it was a possum, try to flushit out with the hose and generally make it shut the fuck up. Id lean a couple huge 30lb cinderblocks against the old bent up cover, and leave it be.

    Couple of nights later, same deal. Im really,really annoyed. This time it sounds like someone is also tapping a pipe with a wrench. Theres a popping, like snapping twigs. i Go outside. The cover is off the crawlspace. Im really confused. I shine my super powerful flashlight and stick my head in as far as im willing to. Smells like complete ass and gross dust. Maybe 60 or 70 feet near the other corner of the foundation, i see a fluffy tail. Fucking raccoons. I go to the other side of the house and spray pesticide to try to flush it out the other end- which is about as good as i can do at 1am without waking people up. No sound for like 30 min. I go out, replace the cinderblocks. Stack another across the two of them.

    2:30 am. I wake up. Clunk outside my window. Crunching leaves that sound like someone in shoes- if that makes sense. Quiet. Clunk. A raspy sound. This time the sound is directly underneath the bathtub. I listen through the porcelain. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Fine. If all its going to do is that, I dont care. Ill take it. I just want quiet. A few min pass. More clunking. Finally i stomp into the bathroom and slap the bottom of the tub twice angrily. Quiet. Quiet.


    Dude the goosebumps i got all over my body were fucking insane.

    I stood really still listening for prolly 2 whole minutes. When i finally shifted my weight, a tiny scraping moved slowly from one side of the tub to the other.

    I went to my room and got my gun and flashlight and went outside. Let it not be said that Casper was too scurred to confront a Chupanabra. Ofc the cinder blocks were off again.

    Sat up watching tv with the gun for a while. Next day found a cats hindquarter and a little spool of intestine in the bushes outside the crawl space.

    I still dunno wtf was in there, but i dont think raccoons eat cats, and idk how a coyote wouldve moved those cinderblocks so easily.

    But it occurred to me that if id heard someone whisper something from underneath the house that night, i think i wouldve fucking had a heartattack.

    Anyway. Those are my 100% true mini creepypastas.
  9. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Looks like the kind of photo youd find in a creepypasta
  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Shopping for CBG hemp flower. Gonna try tomake my own oilz
  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I watched Frailty. It was Just Aight. Not very Halloweeny but im trying to save the good stuff for the week of.

    Also essential Halloweener viewing

  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Dudes like a an extra from Breaking Bad

  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by aldra I want a jaguar now

    Move with me to Peru and it can be reality. We’ll start a company specializing in organic indigenous herbs and quinoa as a front to move cocaine, and use the proceeds to fund a private military and trained jaguars to succ our pinky fingers subserviently.
  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I can't stand this facial hair
    Tomorrow I'm shaving

    proof requested
  15. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    This is as close as i get to healthy frozen meals, but i usually eat 2. So calorically its still a clusterfuck but at least im eating real food. These are dank btw. Hihly recommended.

  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CandyRein On my lunch thinking about how much fun I had on the weekend.. my homie got an old school ride for his birthday.. we took it for a spin ..

    But I’m about to go on lunch now tho ..


    Cadillac. Nice
  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Post ingestive feedback nigga

    Your body craves what it wants

    Yeah im trying to eat what sounds good within reason, and making a point not to stress eat. Or if i am boredom/stress eating, i have tp eat like tortilla chips or raw broccoli or boiled eggs.
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Drinking beer while i close up shop and downloading halloweener movies on our super fast internet since i have poveety speeds at home
  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    That sounds suspiciously like one of those “a runners high is better than heroin” or “this chocolate cake is better than sex”- things.
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    dont trip babbygurl
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