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Posts by CASPER

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Must be a grand world to live in where by virtue of the fact that you have a wet pocket of mucosal membrane between your legs that you may or may not choose to give use of to other people, you can get room, board, money, houses, cars. For every bloated land-whale of a woman, theres some rich indian businesman in front of his webcam somewhere, wiring her $24,000 in "tribute" so he can have permission to touch his penis. A grand world indeed.
  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Malice Hmm, she innately knows her dating market value has increased and that she has a higher chance of snagging someone dumb/desperate enough to support her and her kid. It fits with evolutionary theory.

    True dat. Its florida. A single mother with an illegitimate child born of a young hitchhiker shouldnt be a dealbreaker by any stretch.
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Oh is that why shes making the rounds?
  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I don't want PoC back, I have no interest in that, and to a large degree, I'm relieved I won't have to go through the hell I would have gone through for him and that he won't have to deal with me as his burden. Even if I did want him back, I can't do that now. Things have already been set into motion to where I can't go back to that, or anything for that matter, without serious, life fucking repercussions that would make that impossible anyway. We would have never had a great relationship anyway, even if things hadn't have come to how they are now. I'm truly happy he saved himself from dealing with me in the long term. It would have been a fucked burden I don't wish to put onto anyone. I do however wish thing COULD have been different than that, and for a while I was lulled by him into believing they could. You won't hear about PoC and I ever getting back together though. I haven't begged him for that, nor would I even IF (again, not saying he has or would, but hypothetically) he begged to be back in that, I wouldn't, I couldn't, for several reasons.

    To some degree I am glad that I am no longer living a fantasy, a delusion anymore. Something that could never truly exist as I and he wanted it to. I value honesty, I value truth, and I'd rather have the truth than a lie even if it hurts.

    I really don't care. This discussion has only gone on because you and others have brought it up after I made one mention of going back to my destructive path I was destined to take all this time. Let's just drop it.

    Okay.... PoC and §m£ÂgØL are dangling from a cliff, high above a roiling pit of lava. The lichenous sedimentary rock is quickly slipping beneath their sweaty grasps. You have a length of strong hempen cord and a harness, approximately 30 feet in length, so if you had to choose...

    Who hit dat pussy mo betta?

    Seriously what in the fuck is wrong with you people?
  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I probably am the worst parent ever, besides his father. I'm trying to do right by him. There is a lot wrong with me that prevents me from giving him the life he deserves and will suffer for if I'm left in his life. I cannot provide for him properly, and I realize that now. A lot to do with my health issues. My dependency is solely revolving around my chronic pain and physical ailments. I never stopped being suicidal, this is something I've dealt with for a looooong time. I have been going steadily down hill for the last 4 years or so, probably longer, just more rapidly in the last couple years.

    I am just trying to do the best I can for him before I go and set him up right. Once I'm gone, it doesn't matter. I am a selfish person. I think he should grow up resenting me while I'm dead, than me resenting him while I'm alive.

    Im sorry...when you chose to fuck a Mexican teenaged drifter, andwhen you chose NOT be on birth control, and NOT use condoms, and NOT have an abortion and NOT give the child up for gave up those rights. You created a life. You dont get to be the victim now. Before that kid was even born, I told you to have an abortion and work on yourself. But for some unknown reason you thought this would make the situation better. You owe it to that kid to not stack any more emotional baggage on top of them. Your single job now is to do the best you can to give this kid a chance to grow up and be functional. If when the kid is 18, and youre still unhappy,and you want to eat a bullet, (and Im still alive and in this dump) I will buy a greyhound ticket to wherever you are, and hand you the gun. But that train has left the station. If you wanted to off yourself, you had half a year to contemplate that before you decided to pop this kid out. And god knows there are some shady abortion doctors willing to take care of business at 30 weeks. You made this choice. As someone who's overweight, a lot of your pain is probably due to your weight. I have a ton of pain throughout the day, and if I lost 30 lbs, a lot of it would probably subside.
  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by NARCassist


    Correct me if Im wrong, but was that the sound of you smoking some gear off foil, and then exhaling, saying "The jolly green giant's cock"?

    I just want to know how on-point my ears are?
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Malice Heh, I just had a funny thought about past experiences with women.

    I’m very bashful and have noticed that on some occasions I’ve accidentally glanced at a woman walking contrary to me on the sidewalk or a path and my normally stern unbroken demeanor, which makes me appear intimidating and unapproachable, has softened into a coy type of smile, almost as if I’m somewhat amused.

    Every time they’ve smiled in return, shown a positive reception, and usually spoken to me/or said something softly.

    The same thing has happened just from looking around. When scanning an area I have a very intense unbroken glance. My gaze simply crossing a receptive girl has been enough for them to attempt to speak to me, or even change seats on the train, even if they were speaking to someone, and sit next to me.

    It’s funny because if I wanted to attract an attractive girl I wouldn’t even have to try. So many men would kill for this ability, have such trouble with women and feel desperation, and I’ve rejected every single one by simply ignoring them. 27 years and I’ve never so much as held hands due to the philosophical system I continually developed in my mind, countless unconventional thoughts on existence, life, the human condition, and how to live; then actually putting them into action, continually recreating, redefining, aspects of myself.

    Oh, autism.

    I am going to get a vasectomy ASAP though and give dating multiple girls a try some time after school begins. Due to this being my first experience, I’m strongly against the conventional manner of being exclusive to one girl while dating. If I can convince them, explain that I want to try multiple women without partaking in sex in order to discover and identify what I like, it would be amazing if I actually managed to set a group of girls competing for me, possibly even leading to the ultimate dream of actually for forming a harem scenario!


    Son- I know that probably happens in some of your animemes or what have you.....but no.
  9. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by reject We're all assholes here

    Nah im cool
  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick I would pay the worst sucker price on the planet for one good uses worth of Valium right now. I have a hypnosis the receptors in my brain might be crossed where its like diazepam feels like heroin to me.

    Someone gave me like 200 of some weird generic valium from South Africa. Still havent tried them. Have tons of benzos, but no desire to do anything with them. Kind of just a security blanket in case I need to put myself into a chemically induced coma. Every benzo user I know is a complete fuck up who complains constantly about all the retarded shit they did the last time they were "barred out, man".
  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Remember when the craziest thing that happened to our little community was that one of us got on the news for getting arrested on mothers day for assaulting his mother over an ALLEGEDLY stolen frappucino?

    Man...we had it good back then.
  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack You still got that tarry carpet that you said could kill a man with a single square?

    Well Ive picked and cut and cooked the majority of what was easily salvageable out of it, but if someone were so far gone and done with life so as to risk a massive bacterial infection from whatever gross shit in growing in my blackened, matted carpet (that was once fluffy, light blue)- I have little doubt that if they soaked a piece in boiling water, reduced the liquid, enhancemented it, shot it... they'd get high as fuck before their organs began to shut down, and their periphery began to go gangrenous.
  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack Pedophiles have a hard enough time fitting in as it is.

    Yeah. Im told its hard to fit in a 6 year old.

    *3 day old joke*
  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
  15. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Falco's new handle is Honey Bunny
  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Also, for venture to guess 5-8x the normal LD50
  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I think this is funny you're commenting on this because I talked you out of killing yourself this exact way several times in the past before.

    Timely, appropriate burn.
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick Just ordered some nitrous, don't wanna be stuck having nothing on my dang b-day.

    Nice. I used to order 900 at a time from creamright. Was a great deal. Sure wish couldve found a tank though. GG was gonna help me find one back in the day. I miss that nigga. N fractals.Erorr.
  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Hydro, u know u tha homie...but if you are trying to get a zoklet train run on you, and impregnated by every fucked up/austistic/ chromasomally wealthy weirdo on here, it'd probably just be better to come out and make a thread about it, rather than spending hours on the phone giggling and painting your toenails.Time is precious. It could take years- maybe even decades- to wine and dine, seduce every cock on this message board. Youve got to think about efficiency. We should be looking at distances, carpool situations, hotel discounts. We could rent out a banquet room. We should be buying those masquerade party masks. I mean for posterity, there should be at least one videographer (god have mercy on his soul), because even horrific gore has a pricetag online. Itd at least pay for the gas and Plan B and Thorazine.

    Just some logistical suggestions. This is kind of my forte.
  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by mmQ It's better to add your chapter to the grand cringe story, than never to have cringed at all.

    For this too, I give thanks.
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