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Posts by CASPER
2017-09-04 at 1:51 PM UTC in street prices where you are
2017-09-03 at 6:48 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
2017-09-02 at 4:20 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 A good try if you've never studied Chinese.
Would be more like "shuey-yoo-ahn" for xueyuan and "zh/jaopian" for zhaopian (the zh in pinyin makes a kinda jhrr noise, no real English equivalent) and "chee-an" for qian. They mean college, picture, and money, if you were curious.
Seriously though, pretty good. You did the 'rr' sound for ao in zhaopian but it's actually something done for I's and it's also a regional thing. Up north they would say 'shrr' for shi (is/be/are) but down south they actually pronounce the I. It's also only for some I words for reasons I cannot fathom.
Also good guess on the frontal tensing of the tongue. That's what I thought at first too but they're actually moving the tongue backwards into the mouth. I don't yet get how to do this without making it sound like my mouth is full of food.
Sometimes pinyin does make a little more sense, like in English we pronounce liar with the (phonetic) A sound first. lair is also pronounced with the A sound first, different A though. In pinyin you won't have funky shit like this to worry about, you just gotta learn the basics first which really isn't that hard. It's actually way easier to learn than I thought it'd be, except for written.
My first guesses were a little close to what they actually wouldve been then, I guess. Thought you were trying some trick stuffs. Only because ive seen the names of some chinese cities pronounced, and it started zhwey...but i could also swear ive heard xu pronounced "curr/coo". And "qi" - like chi/energy. Figured that had to be some weird conjugation sound too.
Very cool language though, and going to be increasingly more relevant in coming years. How long have you been studying? And youre abroad now? I mustve missed that part. Theres just something depressing about knowing there are billions of people on the planet who you COULD sit down with and exchange stories and history and conversation, but cant because of language barrier. Hopefully Google will get on with that. -
2017-09-02 at 1:36 PM UTC in How often to you slovikot a pussy or ass? (serious question)It hasn't been a relevant topic for me in quite some time, but even girls who are otherwise hygenic, ive come across some that just smell and taste fucking awful. I mean if shes giving me head, it seems only fair, and of course i want to get her off as effectively as possible, but most of the time i wont eat a chick out unless we hop in the shower first. I wouldnt expect ANYONE to give me head if I could smell my own junk, standing up, outside, in a light breeze...and i would expect the same of anyone else. Some chicks get really offended though. If ive been eating you out for 60 seconds, and my tongue and throat are burning, how about we just rise off first, huh? I mean A dick even at its worst- is external, easily cleaned. A vag on the other hand- is a prime breeding ground for bacteria, and is prone to all sorts of shit going wrong with it if theres any kind of bacterial or fungal or ph balance issue out of whack, keeping that ecosystem from being in balance (see previous comment about burning...that was likely a lactic acid imbalance). I dont think its too much to ask.
2017-09-02 at 1:13 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I was all like whaaaat the fuuuuuck. Nigga, I wasn't even convicted, the charges were dismissed.
Really, when the judge saw the police report, he was like, "It.. doesn't look like anything actually happened.." and I was all i kno rite. Florida is fucked up for making arrest records public like that. Doesn't matter if you're guilty or not, news sites can plaster the arrest all over and fuck you up over it. Charge ≠ conviction.
True story- I looked you up years ago to see if you were on a Florida prison registry, to put random money on your books. -
2017-09-02 at 1:11 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
2017-09-02 at 1:10 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Woh boo yao shoo-o whuah
Pinyin is pretty confusing at first. Try 'xueyuan' and 'zhaopian' and 'qian'
Go on, I fucking dare you.
Im actually really fucking good with accents and languages for some reason.
Id say "cuh-yoo-ahn", "zhur-piyan" and "cooey-an" ....although trying to type out some of the chinese inflections is just about impossible with english script. Ive never taken chinese, just heard a lot of conversation, and it seems theres a sort of frontal-lengual tensing. Like idk when they speak really fast I always pick out a bunch of "shyuur" type sounds, which if you typed "sure"- wouldnt describe the sound correctly. Theres like a bend in the middle. Idk. Im high. Thanks China. -
2017-08-28 at 7:11 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Not being addicted to heroin or other similar opioids.
Ive been doing more drugs than anyone ive ever met, for the last 11 years. Right now I do methadone and counseling sessions, and i use whenever i feel like it....which is like one a week or so now. Its a lot easier mentally to tell yourself "If you really want it, you can have it. Just work on now." Strangely enough, I went almost 3 weeks only because i had a box of it in my drawer that I knew i could go to if i really needed it. -
2017-08-28 at 6:45 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
Originally posted by mashlehash Damn everyone is growing up.
Fubi has a wife too, now. Fubi was going to meet Panny and wife at a restaurant when Fubi came to North America but his wife dominated any instinct he had.
He ended up staying with Apricot and relapsing.
He kind of HAD to relapse. It was destiny. If you come all the way to Los Angeles and dont shoot dope with me in my truck, youre seriously missing out. -
2017-08-28 at 1:59 AM UTC in street prices where you are
Originally posted by Wick Sweat Fuck with casper he will steal your bitch pronto! (Pronto! Pronto!)
More likely quietly sit with her at night on the beach while she talks about her abusive father and dead little brother, and how she doesn't want to live anymore. Then we will sleep in the same bed and ill wake up and make her purple pancakes bc she said her dad used to do that before he became an alcoholic, and then she'll ask me to carve my initials into her thigh with a razor blade and well drive around listening to her shitty indie music and drinking King Cobra and getting high, and then a few hours later she'll leave and ill realize my stash is gone.
Awww jeahhhhh -
2017-08-28 at 1:46 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSWith all the talking about boxing, I decided to measure my reach.... 79.5". lol.
2017-08-27 at 3:13 PM UTC in street prices where you are
Originally posted by What_a_Kreep Damn are you serious?
Black is $10 a point here. Sometimes a lil more because you get ripped off by the middle men an if you actually do find a dealer, they're fucking niggers and jedis at the same time. One of the many reasons I stopped shooting H every day. Sucks being dependent on an asshole that doesn't bother to call you back till six hours later when he knows you're sick , he aint even busy he just lazy.
Meth is usually about $10 a point too, same price, but the dealers are a lot more generous with meth than H. Quality has been inconsistent with my current guy, anywhere from really bad to amazing but usually landing somewhere in the middle. He gives me double then what other dealers in town have. instead of .2 being $20, if I gave him a $20 he would give me .4
God I fucking I hate dealing with dealers sometimes, guy I have now is at least quick, i've even met him at 7am before. He's the first dealer to ever do that for me lol. still do H???
Send me your number. I want to discuss sobriety and stuffs. -
2017-08-27 at 3:06 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSMy IQ used to be 144. Wonder how badly ive fucked that up now? lol.
2017-08-27 at 3:01 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
2017-08-27 at 5:15 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSGaaaaaayyyyy stoppage. Still....considering that isnt even his sport, I give homie major props. Trying to not use all the tools youve drilled at for years of your life is like trying to throw a baseball with your left hand as a right hander. Landed punches in the right place, just hasnt had enough time to learn the right kinetics for that style.
2017-08-27 at 4:30 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSI cant get into tinybltc right now, but if any of you are in here, fight is at
Enjoy, friends. -
2017-08-22 at 6:05 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSI would pay a cool $USD to see what in god's name blingdog millionaire would look like, if my some miracle he survived to 40/50 years of age.
2017-08-21 at 3:54 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS
2017-08-21 at 8:06 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDSdope with a 24 oz glass of white grapefruit juice, tonic water 9mg crushed lorazepam, 20mg valium and 50mg bundy should be the only way to take dope