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Posts by CASPER

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Im ballin out of control.

    Also- Persians are fucking worse than jedis when it comes to haggling. I swear to God. Ridiculous. Dude in a Range Rover and $1000 phone, $500 designer jeans and shitty bro-v neck is gonna haggle over TEN GODDAMN DOLLARS. "Bro...Ive got money". Then dollars shouldnt matter at all to you, you fuck.
  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    We need:

    Snoopy (dumb kid)
    Vizier (crybaby)
    Dfg (sulker)
    Enter (offended cartoonist)
    Metaphysicist (emotionally unstable)
    zok (high horse syndrome)
    Oddballz (egghead with an edge)
    Kinkou (bipartisan for fame and glory and sex)
    xannex (cameo player)
    I-W-D (insert drug-hazed philosophical rant here)
    psychomanthis (power abuser) [oh wait he's already here]
    Panthrax (king of the power abusers)
    mizled (still being misled)
    Toothlessjoe (you still don't scare me, kid)
    Unwyred (unruly foot stamper/ex police officer/wears women's tops)
    ROLF (nobody still knows)
    Vladie aka: "I'll Kill You Last Vladie" (the Russian spy)
    ShutMeUp (never did actually shut up)
    Euda (Mr. SmartyPants)
    xippilli (resident backstabber)
    TheRascalKing (derp-eyed man on a mission)
    Yggdrasil (the first and most important bisexual member)
    waterbottle (enough said)
    ArmsMerchant (resident TV-series star and arms dealer at the library)
    5.56SS109 (just a really, really all-around terrible person)
    p6867 (try hard/loudmouth/failure)
    Captain Falcon (aka: FailFalcon)
    o_rLy (just in it for the hard liquor)
    Fish (somewhere in the fathomly depths)
    PirateJoe (still sailing the high seas even to this day)
    AtrainV (nobody remembers you)
    Rizzo in a Box (now comes in plastic bags)
    zos (exceeded expiry date)
    I've done more drugs than all those faggots combined. I demand a recount.
  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Yo! I've figured it out. Malice and Casper get married and then adopt the child and we raise it as a community. We can all take turns babysitting it in TC , too.

    As long as im the dude.
  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Also, does no one read- Id have handed this child over three days ago if my stupid faggot exhusband wouldnt try to take custody. Sure, he doesnt get text messages threatening shit or shit on FB and certainly never believed me but I know that fucker, he would, given the chance, take my son and abuse him. This is why its so important I file to have him removed from the BC.

    If he was literally choking the baby, why didnt anyone file a police report against him at least. If someone was choking my kid, theguy would mysteriously take a round to the lung while we were "struggling for the gun". But if everything is true, the police should at least know about this guy. A papertrail pointing to the fact that the guy is a monster would be a pretty easy way to assure he never gets custody, no matter what you do.
  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Oh shit I forgot about the part where he played his ukulele to a goose. I wanted to make fun of that as well.

    I think Ive just jump started a career. A schizophrenic, ukelele playing angsty latino nerd named Tomas sounds like someone who would be unbelieveably successful in today's music scene.
  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    cum omelet

  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Hydro we all told you §m£ÂgØL was bad news and that whole situation with him living there was a clusterfuck but you told us we were all wrong about him so pardon me if im a little devoid of sympathy in regards to whatever the hell you guys have going on now. Life is a fucking bitch if you didn't know by now, just dont leave your animals to starve if you off yourself. Im too cold and broken to try to help people like you anymore.

    You salty ol nigga you.
  8. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    1. Im going to go ahead and take like 85% credit for this most entertaining turn of events.

    2. §m£ÂgØL- your writing has actually become tolerable. And I wish to be put on the waiting list for your upcoming album...Tomasz- The Goose Pond EP

    3.Hydro. A child certainly isnt necessarily a "blessing", but it certainly shouldnt be a burden. There shouldnt be this insanity and animosity surrounding a new life. THAT is whats toxic. The fact that the child may or may not be blood means nothing. Its clear that neither of your are in any position to care for a child right now. The objectively best course of action is to have the child adopted sooner rather than later. Honestly this is something that shouldve been solved with birth control or an abortion, but thats not an option. There are millions of adopted children who go on to live happy, fulfilled lives in loving homes with parents that for one reason or another cant have children on their own. The sooner this happens, the better for all involved. You need time to get your own shit straight now that your shitty husband is gone for the first time in a decade, and §m£ÂgØL needs time to learn to be a young man. I mean I get it-a lot of people raise kids at 18 or 19, but thats far from ideal. I dont know what I wouldve done if my girlfriend got pregnant and wouldnt take plan B or something. Despite what he may have said to you, youve got to realize you made the birth control decision, and then you and your husband wanted to raise the child. Its pretty fucked up to try to put all this responsibility onto someone who's still a kid in a lot of ways. I mean shit wasn't he a virgin when he came down to meet you guys. That alone makes a guy make all sorts of irrational stupid decisions. Its pretty clear that this child isnt going to rope §m£ÂgØL into some sort of relationship. Honestly the kind of things he talked about with you are often the exact kinds of things a guy will start considering with the woman he first has sex with. Youve got to be mature enough to know that. Something happened, it was a moment in time. That doesnt mean anything is lost or broken. Theres an additional life now. Instead of passing the buck, do whats right for everyone involved and adopt the child out as soon as possible. That gives you a chance to succeed on your own away from the pedo, gives the child a chance at a stable, well-to-do family life, and lets §m£ÂgØL develop on his own without all that hovering over his head. If you want any slight chance at a future amicable relationship with him, this whole thing is not the way to do it.

    4. Yeah, raising a child is hard. Raising one as a single parent is harder. But my mom had me in a similar situation ( minus the barn, animals, guns, mental illness, pedophilia, abuse, multiple potential fathers, etc). She'd just moved from Texas to California and she didnt know a single person down here. He couldnt afford a babysitter when shed go to work, so she started her own business and worked from home. When I got old enough she drove me to pre-school every morning. Since we couldnt afford $4 per pack of lunchables, shed use cookie cutters to cut out bread and meat and cheese and put them in my lunch. She never took a dollar of public assistance and she went to every school play and PTA meeting. So its very very hard, but its not impossible. For the sake of all those involved, you really need to woman up and take care of this. Idk what the laws are in FLA- and im far too high to give a fuck to google them- but chances are theres a safe surrendur site not to far from you, and you can drop him off at a fire station or something. It doesnt need to be a sad thing. If not for your partilcular biological combination, that particular person wouldnt be here. So you can say you did your job. Now let the kid have a chance. And legally tethering him to the care of an unprepared, mentally unstable, resentful father is not the way to go about that.
  9. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Casper, youre right, Malice was right. Im dumb. I thought my exhusband was different than he is. Im stupid. So fucking stupid. I dont live in a barn, I live in a run down trailer in the middle of east bumfuck- its actually worse than a barn full of dog shit. Worse part of this whole situation is: it didnt have to be like this. My exhusband created this shit hole. I had pently of fence, plenty of wire to run electic fence, a hotwire box… Everything to mKe a happy place for the animals we had. I held a job through my pregnancy up until I could no longer deal with the mental bullshit anymore. He left me in such a fucked situation with this baby and moved across the country after stealing all the money I had and most of my valuables. He did this after my grandmother left because he knew the gravy train was over and has since done jack shit to help my situation. I dont want his help because hes threatened to take custody and if thats real or false, I cant risk my son being raised by him. Hes getting exactly what he wants, off the hook. he is the one who talked me into this baby. He is the one who wanted to be a father to this child. In actualality, he was using this child to chain me to him forever- he didnt realize I wouldnt stand to have my baby treated like he treated me everyday. Then instead of manning up, he did what he and his fathers fathers before him did, stole, ran far the fuck away and make threats. Karma is a bitch, he will get his in the long run. He shit on me and my family for a decade and I was too stupid to see it. in my defense, not that it matters much but my husband for all thebshit he was, was a very persasive person, he could sell ice to eskamoes. if hed not beennsuch a piece of shit, he could have done good things with his life. §m£ÂgØL kept me going this far with promises that shit would be better, that hed always be my friend. I know he has mental problems, but I see now actually how bad they are. He atleast has a supportive family though and thats what my son needs. Or he can place him for adoption- thatll be his choice once all this shit is done and over with. Ive heard so many times about 'flesh and blood' and doing whats right for him- he can make the hard decisons once this time. Im done trying to preserve a friendship, trying to build a life worth something, or better myself- its impossible. Im just trying to minimize damage to my child. §m£ÂgØLs family is well off and maybe for once he should have a little responsibility in his life or at least make that heart wrenching choice of giving this sweet, beautiful child up for adoption. At least he wont be raised by a rapist and a pedophile though- for all the horrible shit that can be said about me and Im not disagreeing with any of it, or your opinions of me (for the most part, they are correct, save for a few irrelevent facts) Ive atleast done that one, small amount of good for this baby by keeping going long enough to get him off the birth certificate and unable to influence my childs life. i am so sorry this has had to happen to my child- I have hope for him though, hes 8 months, talking, walking and able to understand basic instructions (when he grabs my hair, I say 'no, let go' and he responds by smiling and letting go). Maybe I am a fucked up person, maybe §m£ÂgØL is a fucked up person but through all this I pray to whatever Gods may be that my child shines through this clusterfuck and goes on to do great things and I have hope he will- he is an exceptional baby and exceptionally smart and developing way faster than he should be. People dont usually use the word patient to deacribe a child, much less an infant, but he truely is as patient of a baby as they come and Id have lost my mind way before now had he not been such an easy, calm and patient child. I hope he forgives me as an adult for what I brought him into, but I dont expect that. I just hold out hope that his life can be more than mine, his fathers or anyone in this fucked up mess and he can overcome al this horrible shit, because if he can, I know he will go on to do great and wonderful things in life- if he can overcome this start in life, I truely believe with the right guidance he will be somebody who does important and good work for humanity. either way, I hope he justs finds happiness and contentment in life that I couldnt. I hope he is smarter than either his parents, and wise enough to see people like my exhusbamd for what they are: manipulators, users, leeches. If he can be happy in life, he will have made me proud.

    1. I dont think youre a bad person. You seem to be somewhat intelligent with geuine empathy- which is rare in a lot of people these days. I just dont understand how in the everloving fuck any of you thought havving a child was an informed, reasonable choice to make, considering your life at that point. Two people who are economically not well off, living in unsafe, bordering decrepit living condfitions, lack of consistent utilities, lack of steady income, lack of support, with a biological father who was a dude met on a website full of retards, aspies and junkies who came to take drugs, swim in the creek and lose his virginity to a married stranger. From the sounds of it, I would be better equipped to raise a child, and I am a bagillion times over not ready to raise a child. I just dont...I dont fucking get it. It didnt need to be this way.

    (Also- §m£ÂgØL in a dress and lipstick looks like one of those Afghan Dancing Boys. Short any other employment, at least he knows he'll always have a fallback)

    2. Im curious how you know all this stuff about your husband now. If this actually happened, why would he have any chance in hell of having custody of the kid? Cant you have him locked up? Cant you take him to court for stealinbg your shit. If there was ever a time to snitch, it sounds like it should be on this guy. And like I said- if youre so set on offing yourself, why not take him with you? Then you know your kid is safe.

    3. You dont necessarily need to either keep the kid or give him up. Im not sure, but Im pretty sure there are a lot of situations where when the parents arent able to care for the child, the state can foster them temporarily until youre able to get your shit together. Why not do that? The child is yougn enough that it really wont remember a lot of what goes on.Youve spent the most important time after birth bonding. A year or 18 months wouldnt scar the child or leave it traumatized and dysfunctional. Its worth thinking about.

    4. Start aGo Fund Me account or something. Some nigger bitch started one a couple months ago because she spent her life savings on lottery tickets and wanted more money to buy more lottery tickets. Worth a shot.

    5. §m£ÂgØL probably could use some responsibility in his life, and I dont know what his thoughts and wants were at the time he found out about the pregnancy, but especially if he advised not keeping the child, it seems kind of fucked up to drop a kid in his lap like that. Then again, he is a little prick sometimes, and part of me just wants to grab the popcorn and sit down to watch that thing unfold like some shitty 90's Michael Keaton movie. *MJ popcorn GIF*

    6.You could kill yourself, yes. But really, that solves zero. All it does ispass the problems off to someone else, and guarantees nothing will change for you. There arent a lot of people that care the way you do. Seems pretty stupid to put that to waste. Your heart doesnt have to stop beating for you to be dead. You can be dead spiritually. You can choose to be dead. You can decide that your body, your energy- no longer belong to you. You can find an at least temporary situation for the child and then put your energy stubbornly into doing good.My life is pretty shitty too. I have herniated discs in my back and back spams. My bnlood pressure is shit. My hair is turning white and falling out. Im a junkie. I have no friends, really. I havent gotten laid in like asoldi 2, 3 years. But im not unhappy. Couldnt say why. But I work at the shelter and the needle exchange...and I drive around at night bringing clothes and food, towels blackets, razors, shampoo, socks, etc- to people that need it. It means Instead of focusing on all the way s my life is fucked and all the choices I made and everything I ruined, all the things I can never get back- its not about me anymore. Im just a conduit. And at some point I may still choose to kill myself. I think its a valid choice to make. No one should have to drudge through an unhappy existence if there really is no hope of relief. But if Im helping one person even a little bit, then my being here is a positive. Its almost egotistical to think that your childs life will be better if you die. Your childs life and the world at large would continue being the same way it is, long after youre gone. Realistically,, the only thing your death is likely to do is give your kid and excuse to rebel and be angry and make bad choices and fuck up therir life on purpose. While youre here though, you can fix it. Bullets dont go bad and pills will kill you long after their expiration date, so theres no reason not to give things a go. If the kid is only 8 months, youve hardly given it a chance.

    E: Lol. I just had a vision flash through my head of Single Dad §m£ÂgØL.In a ratty pink floyd bathrobe, kind of fat, sweaty oscar isaac lookin guy. Wannabe cool-dad. Hes smoking a cigarette watching X-Factor. Theres three weeks worthg of fast food boxes and empty 2 liters and a fleshlight on the coffee table.Theres a persistent thumping. "DAMNIT DYLAN STOP KICKING THE WALL!" he yells up from the couch. The kid screams back "FUCK YOU MAKE ME YOU PUSSY. YOURE PROLLY NOT EVEN MY REAL DAD." §m£ÂgØL mutters under his breath "Oh if only..... DON'T YOU TALK TOME THAT WAY DYLAN. YOU HAVE TILL THE COUNT OF THREE TO STOP IT". "FUCK YOU YOU BROKE BISEXUAL PIECE OF SHIT". "DAMNIT DYLAN DONT YOU TALK fuck it...." *Goes back to chain smoking and scratching his chubby latin chode-dick*
  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Called it.Called it so fuckin hard.

    And if youre absolutely convinced youre going to check out, and not just doing that thing all my crazy ex gfs have done... If you want to make sure your ex doesnt get custody (and he is, without a shadow of a doubt, ACTUALLY a rapist), deal with him yourself and then eat a gun. Thats what I would do. At least its sort of heroic.

    But Im really not sure what the fuck anyone in this situation expected to happen. If youre broke as hell, mentally unstable, addicted to drugs and living in a broken down barn full of animals and dog shit, thats not the time to be having a kid. Its 2016. Having a kid is a choice.
  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    While we're on the topic of vaporizers does anyone have any recommendations? My only real requirement is that it works off herb rather than liquid or whatever, something cheap and dinky is find as long as it isn't total shit. Don't care about portability or anything. I technically have asthma but the only time it's bothered me in years is when smoking pot (funny enough cigarettes do nothing).

    Magic Flight Launch Box
  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Picked up a little overtime in the last week, made sense for political reasons but a nice bonus is that I have this thing where I can never buy stuff that I haven't budgeted for unless I pick up non-regular income to compensate, even if I have plenty in savings or whatever. So I'm going to spend my unexpected windfall on an oculus rift dev kit and some drugs. Take a little time, however much I need, to shake off any potential disorientation from the VR experience, get comfortable with simulated vision. Then I'll take a respectable dose of a psychadelic, not like ego-shattering or anything, but enough to get fully and totally lost in the experience, strap on my VR set, and see how real another world can seem. Obviously I'll be developing something for VR during the adjustment phase as well, I may even make myself an experience beforehand time permitting. Maybe a nice simulation of Muir woods, always somewhere I've wanted to trip but transit logistics make it difficult. Or maybe something more surreal. Just thinking about the generative worlds I could make with good VR, it's amazing. Maybe even a framework for building infinite spaces built out of whimsy for people to create and explore as whimsy strikes them under the influence of drugs. Think about it, someone could say they want to explore a vast empty favella, set some simple parameters like density, joint conditions, terrain parameters, perhaps most of this set by people with some limited technical modeling/technical expertise, and it becomes a reality. Every quaint italian villa, every dreary atlantic shore, every quaint shack in the woods and luxury penthouse apartment could be yours or anyone else's and the only blocker would be a cheap VR set and the ability to articulate your desires,

    Dont. Oculus comes out at the beginning of next year. Im not sure whether the pricing i saw was rift or Samsung VR gear but i saw $99. In any case, itll definitely be cheaper than the dev kits.
  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I havent exactly been watching. I just found out this place existed and then i found out mark died and was sad. Any minor emotional connection I mightve had to the boards is pretty done, but Im still technically unemployed and sit home all day doing jack shit so....why not pop in now and again? Maybe i could breathe some life into this little jerk circle.

    Anyway whats up with you? You start taking hardcore drugs and throwing caution to the wind, engaging strangers in conversation yet?
  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Oh hi every1. Whats going on in this shit show?
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