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Thanked Posts by Sophie
2021-03-06 at 6:44 PM UTC in Our Community Needs Fresh Blood.We don't need more generic internet people, we already got our share when DH came over. If we have to have more people i'd prefer them to be actually interesting to talk to.
2021-03-05 at 8:17 PM UTC in Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial imagesWe've been heading for an IRL cyber dystopia for a while now i'm afraid.
2021-03-04 at 9:11 PM UTC in Ex-work said I didn't hand a usb-c adapter in and want me to invoice $100 less... should I just release their codebase?
2021-02-26 at 4 PM UTC in retards who don't understand science make fun of others for not understanding science
2021-02-28 at 2:48 PM UTC in Hi. Good morning. God damn why'd I wake up.
2021-02-26 at 3:08 PM UTC in retards who don't understand science make fun of others for not understanding science
Originally posted by aldra I'm not totally convinced it originated in Wuhan; they never found a patient zero and there are several samples of a similar strain collected in Europe long before the outbreak
Here's my crazy Conspiracy Theory. Did you read that Times article how and i quote "a cabal" of people "fortified" the election?
I read it and it got me thinking, what if team Pepsi was so invested in getting rid of the team Coca Cola guy they had a sit down with all their friends and had a big old think and went like: Team Cola has a good economy going that's going to be a major hurdle, how can we tank the economy while making a billion and getting team Cola out of power? How about, we release a mostly harmless virus, pretend it's the black death, and do it in China so we score a foreign policy point as well.
As you'll remember, in November 2019 hundreds of CEO's resigned and took their golden parachute. They definitely knew something was going down. And they also had that Pandemic response drill right around that time. Really gets the noggin' a joggin'.
The January 6th thing was just the cherry on top. -
2021-02-25 at 1:24 PM UTC in If there were a button I could press
2021-02-25 at 12:34 PM UTC in Have you met the one?
Originally posted by Bill Krozby You do have a problem with her though obviously since you wrote that wall of text calling her annoying and youve called her stupid before.
Just imagine being so simple minded you're upset about someone blogging about their love life in the appropriate sub forum..
She's not shitting on people, or doxxing people, or spamming chomo pictures so I don't see whats wrong with her pist and how they are "annoying"
Theres plenty of negative annoying people here and shes not one of them
Shut the fuck up kr0z, as usual you have no idea what you're talking about.
Here, for old time's sake:
Douglass E. Monks
DOB: 6-26-87
4410 Avenue F, Appartment 309
Austin, TX 78751
Phone: (+1)512-945-6786
Arrest Record
Possible Relatives
Paula Berry Monks, Facebook - and
Larry Monks, Facebook -
Steven Monks, Facebook -
Riley Monks, Facebook - -
2021-02-25 at 8:52 AM UTC in We aren't interrupting you!
Originally posted by Rabbi T. Weed It's not disrespectful, it's just the clash of differing cultural values because culturally Jеwish styles of dialogue haven't been assimilated by the goyim yet. It's not "finding excuses". It's explaining why you're a culturally insensitive, borderline antisemitic jackass for not valuing our input into your conversations because you don't appreciate the timing. This is really about you finding excuses for why it's okay to hate us, not about Jеws finding excuses to be disrespectful.
Only sound i want to hear kikes make are screams of pain as they get bayonetted to death. -
2021-02-23 at 3:08 PM UTC in octavian is a self-hating pedophile
2021-02-22 at 10:16 AM UTC in The following users should kill themselves:I don't want anyone on here to commit suicide really. We've lost too many people the past two years as it stands. Whether they were well liked or not. It doesn't matter, they were part of our community, and our radiance is diminished as a whole by the fading of their light...
2021-02-20 at 6:43 PM UTC in What drugs do you take?
Originally posted by Sudo It is here too and my blue cross requires 2 previous PPIs or its about 4 bucks a pill (which I pay because it actually works). If you're taking all those recreationally then do yo Thang but if you're taking them to function there is a haply medium that exists there.
I just smoke weed and take suboxone like the fucking normie I am
Well... It's complicated. I'm blessed in the sense that i don't suffer from chronic physical pain. Or even anxiety. I got the T-Pams for insomnia. -
2021-02-20 at 6:35 PM UTC in Hiki, we were just talking about you in Jumpin Chat.
2021-02-20 at 2:53 PM UTC in Hiki, we were just talking about you in Jumpin Chat.
2021-02-20 at 2:48 PM UTC in Candy "futureman" rain
Originally posted by CandyRein Thread is a fail…
LaLa asked Lanny to see where we both stayed state wise back in May and he’s from Nebraska and I’m from Illinois…
Oct bringing back this old troll because he’s mad I’m with someone 😂
Nice of you to throw LaLa under the bus in order to lend some credence to your claims. -
2021-02-20 at 12:03 PM UTC in Just had sex
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
Ha. I was watching Minecraft Monday with Technoblade and Chris, they were doing some PVP thing against other streamers and Youtubers, and Techno was like: GIRL GAMER SPOTTED GOING IN FOR THE KILL. Then it cut to her stream and she was like AH! Technoblade!
She died.
It was pretty funny. -
2021-02-20 at 11:20 AM UTC in Hey Grylls, "domyou" have a computer that could run this?The fuck's a 'domyou'.
2021-02-19 at 8:27 PM UTC in At least I didn't fuck up as bad as the Costa Concordia Captain guyHeh. I just watched that video yesterday.
2021-02-19 at 6:03 PM UTC in I hope everybody in TX dies.
Originally posted by Antifa Member I really do.
Don't care what race.
Don't care about their political opinion.
America would be better off if the entire state just froze to death.
I hope people start dying due to lack of clean water soon.
You know, like a 'shithole country'.
Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: The tolerant left. -
2021-02-16 at 12:08 PM UTC in Bash Aliases.We had the shell script thread. Now let's have a thread where we post some useful aliases. I got a bunch, but a lot of them are just command or script invocations with the arguments/flags passed that i use the most when invoking said scripts or utility. I do have a few that are pretty handy beyond that, and i think universally applicable.
alias httproxy="curl '[]=http&anonimity[]=high%20anonimity&anonimity[]=anonymous'"
alias proxy="curl"
alias myip="curl"
alias web="python3 -m webbrowser "
alias serve="python3 -m http.server "
# Alias Wizardry
alias torshell=". torsocks on && notify-send Note. 'Terminal with PID $$, sessions routed through tor' -i info"
alias dpaste-h="echo -e 'usage:\n cat foo.txt | dpaste' \n"
alias dpaste="curl -F 'format=url' -F 'content=<-'"
You can make an alias for different proxy protocols with the first alias in the list there. The reason i don't is because i have a shell script specifically for gathering socks proxies, sorted on geographical location and speed.
Any handy aliases you like to use often?