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Thanked Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No i didn't.
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  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh i read that wrong. The cum swapper set double l33t as password to activate the number on his end.

    Lol he got BTFO'd.

    That said, i am still open to receiving any cool MalDoc TTPs should you have some.
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  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    All DNMs that are older than 8 months are controlled by law enforcement. You could never actually buy military ordnance on there, nor could you buy kids, or women, or order a hitman. If you want any of those things you need to get involved with IRL organized crime.

    95% Of child pr0n sites have been shut down.

    There still are some hacker forums around, but good luck getting into the serious ones without a vouch, or some serious 'street' cred.

    The hacker sites that are open to the general public are mostly personal blogs or resource aggregators. And you get the occasional venue, that has a basic tier system. So you'd get a usergroup for ordinary members and potential customers, a seller/developer usergroup that offers various services and tooling for a price of course. And then you have the staff.

    Other than that most of it are scams and some limited hangouts plus infrastructure that's used for cyber shenanigans.

    Forget about Tor, i2p is where it's at, or so i hear.
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  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    F-15's and nukes. Yeah right, just like in Vietnam, where some farmers with AK's BTFO'd "The most powerful military in the world" if there was ever a time in which the US government could use a good revolt would be under Biden's administration. I'm not even an american but i feel bad for my American friends when you have a president that makes the US into an international laughing stock.

    2A protects 1A, don't give up your guns. The US federal government can suck my dick. I bet they'd like it with all the woke intersectional bullshit that's been going around at the highest level of the US Gov.

    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Good, about time gun ownership starts getting restricted and regulated in the US.

    The only effective solution to the increasingly prolific firearms is to halt further new sales to civilians.

    The used gun market is a completely separate issue that will take care of itself because 2ndhand guns will become more valuable and in now limited supply.

    You're as un-american as your Paki heritage you ungrateful fuck.
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  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by stl1 Well, I guess that's the long and short of it!

    Particularly the short.
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  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Jesus Christ you're retarded...
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by FreeAssange I think there are two Gods in the Old testament. There is the universal "essence" God who "desires mercy, not vengeance" who dominates the later prophets–Jeremiah, Jesus

    Then there is the vicious tribal god, Yahweh, the one who talks to snakes, turns women into salt, and incinerates entire cities because some yokel washed his hands in a counterclockwise motion instead of a clockwise motion. He's the god favored by the tyrannical Levites and prophets like Ezekiel. He's the one that commanded the tribe of Judah to genocide the world.

    Yeah. For the casual Christians all they should take away from the The Old Testament is: I am The Lord your God you shall have no other Gods before me. And just can the rest.

    There is a deeper level of analysis to be had though, but that takes a lot of work, and people generally don't like to or want to understand what their faith is actually about.
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  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai Yeah, Erika even refers to the same flowers we'd commonly refer to as heather.

    Really? I never knew.

    Originally posted by Meikai Always found it weird that it's a given name in both languages, but I suppose naming girls after pretty flowers would be cross cultural.

    My hypothesis is that it's cross cultural because it has it's roots no pun intended in the old religions of the Nordic and Germanic peoples, which The English are a part of and their descendants too whether they like it or not. Something about fertility festivals, and spring and then Christianity came in with Easter, and what does an egg have to do with Christ? It's weird symbology. Why? Because it's coopted symbology the eggs symbolize birth and life and fertility.

    You still have fertility festivals in someparts of Germany and Scandinavia although they aren't called that any more. IDK if you have ever seen the thing with the big pole and all the ribbons and the kids walk around the pole in circles covering it with the ribbons?

    It's a very, very old custom in some parts of the world. Same story with giving pretty flowers girl names i would postulate. And it has to do with fertility festivals.

    A celebration of life in a way, i would argue.
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  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by FreeAssange I tried to organize a "feeder tour" to meet up with Assange's father and brother on June 21 in Minneapolis and so I was posting stuff on Reddit about it and was stunned at how callous and ignorant and short-sighted and gullible our people are. I got nothing but down votes and people saying shit like "Julian Assange has zero credibility as a journalist" which is literally parroting the New York Times. So fucking stupid. Look at the evidence, for crying out loud. That's a completely illegal war crime, done in our name, that our government is hiding from us, and an Australian citizen publishes exactly what the American press should be uncovering, and does it for free so WE could be informed, exactly the role the press is supposed to play under a system of self-government–and these fools come out and with their faggoty little "he has no credibility as a journalist" WTF

    Because our people are too stupid to see this for what it is, rise up, and put a stop to it, it is only a matter of time before the same vermin are doing the same thing to us while we are standing and talking in civilian clothes on a street in our own country. I hope the Reddit faggots are the first to die.

    Being on Reddit was your first mistake.
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  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev you already asked that, im not a kid or your girlfriend

    Why would i ask that of a kid or my gf?

    Only reason you feel disgust is because in your mind you allowed me to use you and you hate yourself for being so weak. The reason you see weakness the way you do is because of your internalized trauma that says 'if only, then maybe...'

    The aversion towards other people, especially other lolicons, not just me and your combative attitude told me long before i knew you that your behavior is resultant of unresolved trauma. In other words you're a victim. And if you think you're not then stop acting like a victim. Because your histrionics are getting to the point of melodram patheticism.
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  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Misterigh People also use emergency exits when doing this.

    Emergency exits aren't alarmed at Walmart? All the stores round these parts have a sensor that trips the fire alarm when an emergency exit opens.
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  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I just learned about this language and it's the best thing since sliced bread. It supports every mainstream OS and even some platforms beyond that. The language itself is intuitive, whether you come from a C, Python or NodeJS background. Over the last few years i have devoted a lot of my time into getting more proficient at C and Node, and of course i have continued working on my Python skills. The combination of which sets me up in a great way to start seriously getting into Nim.

    I am very glad i put in the time and effort to do so with regards to the other langs i mentioned, and i will of course continue to strive for excellence when it comes to those. As you know i aspire to be a full stack dev in the sense that i want to be able to proficiently code in most modern programming languages. I've come pretty far in my humble opinion, but there is much yet to learn, very much in fact, and i will of course endeavor to continue to improve, to the point of having a high degree of expertise in software/security engineering and Systems Architecture. Basically expert level DevSecOps.

    Anyway that was a bit of a tangent. I think for every day use i'll start making the switch to Nim, from Python.

    Nim combines the best of Python, Rust, Modula, Ada, and has a package manager that works much like NPM for NodeJS. Which is why i mentioned those langs in the beginning of the thread. As opposed to Python it's a compiled language however. But it takes a lot of cool stuff from python and makes it better. The syntax is relatively similar.

    Interestingly it's kind of like a meta language. A JS backend is provided for client and server targeting. It wraps C,C++, and Objective C, allowing it to make use of libraries native to those langs, vastly increasing it's capabilities. And it comes with a small core that is easily extendable.

    A Nim core program looks like this:

    import macros, strutils

    macro toEnum(words: static[string]): untyped =
    result = newTree(nnkEnumTy, newEmptyNode())

    for w in splitWhitespace(words):
    result.add ident(w)

    Color = toEnum"Red Green Blue Indigo"

    var color = Indigo

    Very similar to Python as you can see. A Nimble package looks like this:

    # Package

    version = "v0.1.0"
    author = "Benedict Cumberbatch"
    description = "Sample package."
    license = "MIT"

    # Dependencies
    requires "nim >= 0.13.0", "jester >= 0.1.0"

    import distros
    if detectOs(Ubuntu):
    foreignDep "libssl-dev"
    foreignDep "openssl"

    task test, "Run the tester!":
    withDir "tests":
    exec "nim c -r tester"

    And operates a lot like a Node package would.

    Now since i just came across this language i am probably missing a bunch. But so far it looks pretty good to me. If you're interested checkout the official site here

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  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Before you go ahead and kill yourself - because I think you actually have something to offer - should you maybe try not being such a loser?

    There's no reason to be an IT support bitch overdosing on benzos at work. You seem like you're a bit smarter than that.

    Maybe work towards having a less shit life then see if you want to end it.

    It's too bad you're a coward and blocked me so i hope someone quotes me so you can see this. If anyone here is an IT support bitch it's you motherfucker. "you're a bit smarter than that". Aldra would fucking own you any day if he were so inclined you arrogant fuck. "best programmer in the world" my fucking ass. You're lucky Aldra is a good guy. If he decides to stop being nice i hope you realize he has friends with the skills, assets and infrastructure to fuck everything you care about right into the fucking ground you bitch made faggot.
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Hello I'd like to order a soft shell turtle and yes some fire sauce and yes I know this isn't taco bell and yes and yes

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  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I got a fat stack of train memes for him if he ever shows his face round these parts.
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  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready arent you an Aussie?

    You think the blight stops at the borders of the USA?
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  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah alright for a second i thought he was really dead, n-not because i care or anything but since everyone seems to be dying lately. S-so, you know...
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  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    combo breaker but happy belated birthday dude.
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like you best when you're being vulnerable OP. (no homo[no predator])

    Feels like i'm talking to the real you.
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  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nile I dunno, I think we should all respect Privacy as a sacred human right.

    But whatever, fuck em.

    I only respect the privacy of people i respect in other ways as well.

    Originally posted by bugrot thats illegal i hope you jnow what you're doing

    Do i strike you as a person who cares about trivial matters such as 'legality'?
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