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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. snab_snib African Astronaut
    become a piano tuner. use it as a reference pitch.
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  2. TreyGowdy Houston
    Is getting an sql shell really trivial (without root)?

    I would dump the environmental vars as these would likely contain db credentials.
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  3. Originally posted by Sophie Well, i am sure the person you made it for appreciates the effort. But in my experience girls aren't particularly into logic.(Or things resembling it)

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  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Kek, the neckbeard that got fucked up is one of us:

    Year199X LatinoRockhopper staying alive in Year20XX world ||#AnCap #AMAVoluntaryism #MRA #nerd #MAGA || Will Debate Feminists/SJWs/Libs/BLM/LaRaza/AltRs||YTsoon SF CA

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. snab_snib African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Niggas in space being a thing is probably the best thing blacks have ever been associated with
    INB4 muh peanut butter
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  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Sure. Let's see it.

    You get 3 attempts in 10 minutes with a ban time of 30 minutes meaning it's faster to stay under the ban than keep hitting it so you get one attempt per IP per 3min 33sec for 7.121×10^301 years average time to brute force. Assuming you controlled 100% of the IPv6 address space and can run every address on this schedule in parallel (lol) the figure comes down to 2.093×10^263 years.
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  9. Next time a black man gets elected you are justified in marchind down the streets wearing KKK robes shouting "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"
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  10. HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject How many dicks do you think she's sucked for meth

    All of them
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  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I was just about about to write about this. Suffice to say,

    typical leftist subhuman garbage. These people need to be given some free one way helicopter rides.
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "this totally violates the NAP but it feels soo goooood"

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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Lanny Funny, I didn't know starbucks paid so well as to make the median UCB grad among the highest paid college graduates in america, earning more that the average american household immediately out of college.

    I suspect the successful students aren't the ones rioting over a professional shit-talker and destroying their own facilities
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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also `var` isn't used on every variable declaration in PHP, in many cases it's not used at all (new in 5 I think) so you probably shouldn't include it in your search if you're set on searching source files.
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You have to be on a pretty ghetto service to have passwords actually stored in source. I'd suggest listing the running processes and looking for a database process or looking at netstat for outgoing conns on common DB ports, that's typically where your data's going to be. Getting a sql shell up from there should be trivial, although exact steps are dependant what database the target is running. Look around for a users or similar table, authentication data has to live somewhere.
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  16. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra was thinking of posting this a little while ago

    they're protesting a jedi faggot who fucks niggers, lol

    i really never thought i'd see the day that liberal leftists protested to stop a homosexual jedi from speaking at a college.
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  17. The Niggas In Space had lived peacefully in their Capital for many years until their antics became to much for the Nobility.. We have been forced out of our homes, into the harsh wilderness.

    Lanny pipes up "Hey guys, I have an old shack in the woods, we could hold up there for the winter".

    "Great Idea!" A small party goes with Lanny to pick up some chicks at the bar, unfortunately Hydromorphone is there drunk off her ass and wants to tag along. The rest of the Niggas in Space will arrive after us.

    The supplies list is long but all that matters is we got plenty of Alcohol and Meat.
    For animals we have 2 rabbits, A dozen CHICKENS (and a few cocks) , Some turkeys, a Goose, A Gander, a horse and
    A camel for some reason.
    The name of our destination.... DIAMONDCRAFTS!. I think Lanny has picked a grand spot for our new home, I can't wait to see it!

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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    In spirit `require` in Ruby is a way of saying "I want some other thing in some other file to be available to me". You could say the file being required is "included" in the dependency graph of the code requiring it.

    In interpreted languages "make something available to me" usually means "execute this file" although there is nuance about execution order, how multiple-"requirement" works, and namespacing. In some languages (C and I think COBOL come to mind) "make something available to me" is much closer to lexical inclusion. People will argue about which is "simpler", in some sense lexical inclusion is very simple to implement but execution is more elegant. Most everyone agrees namespaces are a good thing. As in most things Java splits the difference by having namespaces (although of a pretty infuriatingly ridget variety) with a mechanism for execute-on-load but it's pretty rarely used and there are a lot of restrictions on what you can do. Perhaps a good way to conceptualize the different approaches is to look at header guards in C, what they do, and why they're not a thing in dynamic languages.

    In Ruby the `include` keyword is the primary mechanism for class inheritance. Think "extend" in Java. There is no direct analog to inheritance in C, it wasn't a popular concept when C was designed, whether or not it's a useful tool has become controversial again in recent years although orthodoxy remains firmly positive.
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  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Require is your mechanism for loading another file, like import in Python. Include is a mechanism for incorporating one class's properties into another. So like the analogous code in python would be:

    import celluloid
    import socket

    class ScanPort(celluloid.Celluloid):
    def initialize(self, host, post):
    self.port = port = host

    In this case include is indicating ScanPort should inherit methods from Celluloid. It's possible to require a module without making a class to extend it, like for example somewhere down the like you probably create a socket somewhere without `include`ing it.
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  20. Originally posted by mmQ Days until achieving MAJORITY disapproval from Gallup Polls.

    Reagan: 727
    Bush I: 1336
    Clinton: 573
    Bush II: 1205
    Obama: 936

    Trump: 8. days.


    Times that mainstream polls have been honest: 0
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