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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S

    Damn, that almost looks like Silver Haze without the silver leaves. I almost get zoinked just looking at it.

    I figured out along time ago that THC is best taken in moderation. Moderation goes out teh door with any other drugs except for fire coke with me but that said...

    I mainline JESUS, Holy Spirit got me buzzin'.

    Although when my Jesus guy is busy The Devil has just about everything else. Want a list of all the drugs i've ever taken? Lol, may take a while to type out i will give you an overview of what i take often.

    Amphetamine Paste

    And now for the less or non psychoactives.

    Pantoprazole for enzyme inhibition/potentiation of various drugs listed above.
    Hydroxyzine for the same reason but by different mechanism.
    Nortryptaline as crash cure or pick me up if i feel like it.
    Loperamide when i have gone to hard on opiates for a while. the trick is to not do a sploo and stick to a maximum of 40mg, it won't get you high but the slow metabolism will auto taper your tolerance back to reasonable levels.

    Although generally i arranged my supply of drugs in such a way that no matter how fast i blast through it all i can basically use for a maximum of two maybe three days. It helps again, with keeping tolerance levels reasonable. And polysubstance addiction is a bitch, so...

    Once every two weeks i have some booze too, not that much, just normal amounts. Like two beers. And on rare occasions i get drunk, i hate alcohol for the most part.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah dude. Fire coke,is really different. I was always like meh, until got good hookup.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Heh. I just watched that video yesterday.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra definitive proof hikki has never talked to a girl or woman he didn't slide out of

    Lol, not gonna lie. My first thought as well.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Females supervisors are chill. I bet she smokes weed, you should consider staying because they don't drug test you at a current job. No amount of money is worth your self respect and also i will make fun of you if you take a piss test for a minimum wage job.

    If you're gonna take a drug test, get a gram of meth and go fucking hard. Honestly they probably don't even care if you "fail" the test (don't even get me started on how getting a positive result is FAILING a test). Just piss dirty but show them you mean business and piss meth metabolites like a real man. If they are also real they will not say anything and hire you on the spot.

    if they are half real they will bring it up and you just say "I do uber eats on the side and theres more money at night so i stay awake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" they will either respect the play and honesty and hire you on the spot or be like nah this nigga is too real for us sorry sir.

    yeah man i think that's the play. Do meth, apply for the other job, piss dirty ON PURPOSE but keep this job and plan to stay there. but if this new place hires you with meth piss, for more money fucking take that shit.

    That nigger in a red hoodie rocking a G36C? Noice.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes but not on my infrastructure.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by kyli0x Some of my obscure aliases.

    alias watch-network='sudo watch -n 1 -t lsof -P -i -n'
    alias scanlan='sudo nmap -n -sP -PE -T5|grep report'
    alias mylan='ip -4 addr show eth0 |awk '\''/inet/ {print $2}'\'''

    Pipe `tee -a watchnet.log` on the top one. Now you have a log file to go over past events. You could even write a shell script to regex on shit you would consider suspicious. Monitor++ if you will.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by kyli0x Capstone-engine is really handy, i suggest looking into that if you have not already.
    Also someone mentioned Cuckoo to me, but i personally never used it before, so i'm not aware if its shit or not.

    I got Capstone. I also have a custom LIEF lib for Python3, didn't write it, but i've used it to hook some common Linux utilities.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Cannabis

    Really dude? Here i am thinking you're smack talking, pun intended, Black Tar users.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WolfgangBladt ive decided to quit opes today. i am finally ready. over the years and attempts ive realised that the key is not planning, but to not go for that final hit, and make your previous one your final. threw out my last pickup today. cold turkey will be a bitch but i am ready.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Has Texas ever been this cold before?

    Dem poor Texans.

    Yeah 2006 IIRC. The One in a 100 years line was BS obviously.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S wtf you should've slammed that shit

    Would you be mad if i posted three empty ampules? Lmao. Benzos aren't my DoC, if it was morphine i would have. I did slam some Midazolam when i first got it but it was a lot of hassle for little benefit. Nasal administration works just as well.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I had some Midazolam for IV, in ampules. But i really hate injecting things. So i looked up the bioavailability and just opened an ampule drew it up into a syringe and sprayed the contents into my nose. Worked surprisingly well. Protip it's in some kind of saline solution, and salt water stings a bit. I wasn't expecting that.

    Other than that i'm not up to much. I was going to download Doctor Death but i got stuck watching Youtube. Oh well.

    Also, Midazolam is like the Crack Cocaine of benzos. It's pretty nice but wears off way too fast.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Antifa Member I really do.

    Don't care what race.

    Don't care about their political opinion.

    America would be better off if the entire state just froze to death.

    I hope people start dying due to lack of clean water soon.

    You know, like a 'shithole country'.

    Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: The tolerant left.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra lol of course

    It's best practice.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Post your portfolio.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Grylls The problem with humanity is there’s too many pedos

    Not really, that's your problem. Perhaps if you were a bit more intelligent you could actually do something about it. Stop shitting up T&T, faggot.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The problem with humanity is that more than half of the population has an IQ of 100 or lower.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Narc Tried up and down. When using up it gives three short buzzes every couple of seconds but eventually just starts up normally. When using down button it just starts the phone.


    Hold until the buzz. No bueno? Hold until the second. See if that makes a difference. There is a purpose to the buzzing just like the bleep bloops your computer makes when starting have a meaning to them.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've been wary of cloud computing ever since tbh.
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