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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev nothing to do with genetics, they were all midgets just a century ago. its more to do with their welfare state that enforces a minimum standard of living, one of which is that nobody has to live in a squalor or eat fucking garbage to survive like here in murica.

    I've read some studies that it's actually correlated to the quality of our food stuffs, beef especially. Sure the welfare state makes sure the people who can't work, or need supplemental income have access to the same quality food. But it's not like in the states where you pay exorbitant amounts for non-GMO foods, or organic stuff. Things are fairly priced, mostly because we have a very big farming sector, and produce more food than we eat. Without using GMO's, or weird pesticides, those things are outlawed here.

    All these factors contribute to us being the 2nd largest exporter of food stuffs in the world right after the US of A.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Solstice Wariat would walk 500 miles and then he'd walk 500 more to abduct a 12 year old

    Oh he knows Wario would walk thousand miles if he could just, nonce kids... Tonight.

    Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America It is literally the exact same thing as a couple of retards arguing about "nature vs nurture" with the impression that one actually beats out the other.

    Hey I'm sure those retards enjoying it makes it not retarded to them, in their retarded minds.

    But it's still fucking retarded and betrays their absolute ignorance of the subject and the personal retardation required to actually enjoy it.

    Yeah ok, Mr most enlightened, most rich, highest IQ paki, your side of the globe.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ghost Do i have to walk that mile before or after I amputate their feet and various other limbs

    You gotta walk a country mile. On amputated feet.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Noncicide aside. Gunslinger Girl is a pretty dope anime.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by netstat for me it was seeing my mother get butchered with a chainsaw in a shipping container, i sat in a pool of her blood for days before being rescued and since then i've never been able to feel anything other than an insatiable lust for preteen pussy

    Calm down Dexter, lel.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America I never even tried to rebut what you said, I pointed out it was part of a useless discussion that informs no one of jack shit.

    If you lack the capacity to enjoy a discussion on the subject hand, and subsequently write it off in blanket terms of 'informing no one'. Then you're the one with the brain malformation. Like i said, drooling retard in text form. Your insistence on calling me and Lanny brain damaged, showcases this to everyone reading this exchange.

    "Hurr durr, you have pedo and alcohol brain damage because i can't enjoy a discussion on a certain topic."

    Lmao dude, you really do have a low IQ don't you?
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe If they have multiple personalities does it count as mass murder?

    Multiple personality disorder, isn't actually a thing. The only thing that comes close are some forms of dissociative personality disorder.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America This is good example of the low level, uninformed and useless conversations I was talking about.

    Wow, amazing rebuttal. If my post was low level uninformed and useless yours is the equivalent of a drooling retard in text form.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev if you could describe it in one sentence? whats the general phenomenon that creates one? or would you say it is genetic?

    In short, there's a couple of ways. One of the ways is indeed genetics related. Second one is childhood sexual trauma during the time the child in question would normally be going through sexual development, or the abuse happens from pre-pubeescent to the beginning of puberty. Trauma btw can induce puberty earlier as well. Third one is more an issue of sexual sadism, if it occurs together with ASPD that might cause that person to target minors as well. Finally there seems to be a cultural/social mechanism by which people in a certain culture don't see acts of child love as taboo. These social and cultural mechanisms can also be weaponized, say a sex cult might engage in such cultural/social conditioning.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev cold war propaganda. the internal affairs of a country are its own business. only expansionist warmongering fucks virtue-signal about the freedom of a foreign state on the other side of the planet and how american lives need to be sacrificed for their freedom.

    USSR was an isolationist state during the stalin era, its only when its system became more lax and democratic that the cold war propaganda machine increased its bitching about what horrible expansionists they are for sending military aid to countries who EXPLICITLY REQUESTED soviet assistance like the afghan government against taliban thugs.

    Obviously i take issue with US expansionism as well. But it's an objective fact that more people died under communist regimes than any other ideologically driven system of governance in history.

    Stalin era and the Afghanistan Conflict era are so far apart in terms of how the USSR operated, i don't think you could compare the two times in any meaningful sort of way. Don't forget that in the 80's Glasnost and Perestroika were conceived as well, a pretty moderate doctrine by Soviet standards compared to doctrine that was in effect when Stalin was in power. Now admittedly Stalin wasn't expressly of the 'school of thought' that Lenin and Trotsky were a part of, in the sense that there had to be a constant global revolution for communism to flourish, and he did focus on domestic issues such a rapid industrialization and collectivization. Which of course was executed through terror, famine and mass deportations.

    But Stalin also encouraged, supported, and promoted the actions and goals of the ComIntern which as an international organization was in the business of bringing about global communism. So don't give me this non-expansionist spiel. The only reason he dissolved it was in order not to piss off the Allied Powers around the time of WWII so as not to upset the alliance of convenience that was going on and sorely needed by the USSR at that time. The moment the war was over the ComIntern was brought back circa '47 under the name of ComInform.

    And you know, if the USSR under Stalin really wasn't an Authoritarian Imperial Expansionist state dressed up as something 'for and by the people' you would think that they wouldn't have fought the Winter War against the Fins, or that after the second World War he would have given up the territories he conquered back to their leaders before the war when marching his armies to Berlin. Instead what he did was install communist puppet regimes and satellite states where their allegiance was to The Kremlin and The Russian Socialist FSR in large part as the presidium of the supreme soviet.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev reason i asked is i have tried going down this rabbit hole before but always hit a dead end. all the correlations i found were contradicted by the exceptions. plenty of pedos were not abused as kids, plenty werent raised by single mothers and so on. the experts are all confused so if you have this figured out, i would like to hear it.
    maybe these drama-loving degenerates would too.

    I think we agree for the most part, in the sense that it's very nuanced. However like i mentioned i have spoken to a number of people who have given me their own accounts of their theory of mind as it concerns pedophilia. People who have been in contact with the concept as a manifestation of human behavior in one way or another. Speaking to these people has given me some insight into some of the important contributing factors. Although anecdotal i am not of the belief that just because of the anecdotal nature of the information it is to be discarded.

    Rather the information i came to learn served to augment my understanding of the phenomenology as a whole.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev it didnt have to be, germans have been warmongering cunts for the longest time way before hitler, it wasnt until the allies carved them up and demilitarized them that they finally fucked off, same thing with japan. this isnt two-sided at all, the soviet union would not have invaded europe because they were not an aggressive country.

    Yeah right. Communism is expansionist by nature. And the USSR sure managed to kill a lot of their own citizens for such a non-aggressive country.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev do tell

    I will at the appropriate venue.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When we get appropriate COMSEC set up, i'd be interested in hearing the story if you'd be comfortable sharing it. It sounds rather interesting.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why do you think molestation was part of his childhood OP? Because you think he likes little girls?

    In my exploration of my own psyche, and speaking to both abuse victims and people who would be regarded as perpetrators of abuse i have come to learn that there are many ways in which a person may get to the state of mind where they would like to or prefer romantic relationships and more intimate kinds of relationship with minors.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur a follower, not a leader.

    In what sense? I'm not a Satanist, and i am not even particularly spiritually inclined. However that doesn't take away from the value that theology and religious philosophy has in my opinion.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo it depends what you consider a schism, there's really just sunni and shiites but there are a few different sects of shiite (alawites for example) and sunni's also have sufi, baathites, salafists, whahabbi's etc. Islam was designed to be one unifying religion while christianity wasn't designed at all. Jesus is mentioned more in the Quran than any other person. Sectarian violence is the stupidest thing ever and does a disservice to religion as a whole. Sufi's are boss. Rumi is a master. Going to call my third son Rumi like Serj Tankian. Tank you

    If Christianity wasn't designed, how would you say it came about? Are the only real areas of design the ones where the clergy all came together and decided what would be what like at the council of Nicea and such?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nile Care to explain your take? I see it as worshiping power in a sense.

    The way i understand it, it's not a rejection of God as a means to blaspheme. It's more to do with Atheism of a particularly edgy variety. That said, i am not well versed in the ideas of Satanism, but it's less to do with mysticism than most people seem to think.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You know what i agree with that sentiment.
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