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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung everything is dying. Ur hometown ain't special.

    I've been to his hometown and it was pretty special back then. A lot better than anything in Indiana that's for sure.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev works fine enough for china. when russia abandoned it, it devastated the fucking country it almost became a failed state. also, more people were christian during the soviet union than modern russia, so much for your "christian russia stronk" narrative.

    Sure, works fine if you're Xi Jinping or a member of the PolitBuro, Standing Committee and Central Committee of the party. It's also working great if you consider genocide a good thing, or a massive surveillance state. Or are a fan of social credit scores and arbitrary enforcement of the law, and shitty construction work that puts the lives of millions at risk. Like The Three Gorges Dam. If that seems great to you. Then who am i to argue...

    Also, The USSR and China never had good relations, the fact they were both communist was the only thing they had in common. Just like when Stalin sold all the grain from The Ukraine and caused millions of people to starve so did Mao Zedong sell all the grain stores to Russia in the 50's/60's leading to even more suffering, death and starvation. So much so in fact that to this day a common greeting in Chinese literally translates to "Have you eaten yet?".

    And before you tell me that was in the past and China is wealthy now, that's only because of money coming in from The West, it started off with Henry Kissinger 'opening' trade with China, which directly led to US manufacturing moving there, because of the fact that the cost of labor in China is so low, and they don't have any laws, or initiatives to provide the workers with adequate pay, housing or safety regulations. It's so bad that they hang suicide nets around tall office buildings in the lower tier cities to prevent people from killing themselves by jumping from the rooftops.

    The reason why the US wanted to open up trade with China is to undermine their relationship with the USSR and prevent a formal alliance. Keep in mind China was never part of Russia/USSR, but they did trade a lot. When America opened China up for global trade, the relationship collapsed. So, Russia didn't abandon China, China started trading with The West, which prompted that collapse. Not to mention mis-management of the entire society.

    Unlike you i'm not pulling this shit out of my ass, this is well documented history, go look it up. Your assertion that "more people were christian during the soviet union" is A) Not backed up by any historical sources, B) Patently ridiculous because religion was outlawed in the USSR. Sure people may have been secretly Christian, but not practicing Christian. So C) even if there were more Christians in the USSR, there is no way to verify that because you'd get gulag'd if you admitted to worshiping anything other than the state and the glorious leader, so even if they had held a census, everyone would have lied. Things calmed down a bit after Nikita Kruschov became the leader of the USSR, but not by much. Only under the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika instituted by Gorbachev did the USSR give some freedom back to the people. The very freedoms they stole after the Russian Revolution.

    Frankly your general lack of understanding and knowledge when it comes to history and indeed reality is embarrassing to put it mildly.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh wanna bet little chomo

    You were the one on the brink of incontinence as a fat bitch pointed a revolver in your general direction. You're Mexican, the least you could have done is make it interesting by having some sort of Mexican standoff.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Does it have an SD Card?
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I think XP came with Python and visual. learn to code

    Wrong. In terms of programming all it had was vbscript and cscript interpreter + support for VBA for use in MS Word macros.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have a prototype set up in VM, it's based off a mini.iso for Ubuntu 20 LTS, it has, Docker, Multipass, SBuild, Vagrant, VMWare-ISO tools, QEMU-KVM, QEMU-IMG, QEMU-Debootstrap for x64, x86, ARM, and more exotic architectures. Normal Debootstrap, Debootstick, a static binary for bootstrapping apt packages, and LXC, LXD, Snap, and cloud-init, to initialize installs for VMs for local cloud and remote cloud usage. Packer, also has the ability to initialize AWS instances.

    All i need to do now is check out Kubernetes and see how that might fit within the design parameters of the OS-Building Distro. I might also add Build-Root which is a toolchain specifically designed for ARM and a couple other embedded device architectures, which will allow the user to basically build a mini OS for an Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

    First i will test all the tooling, write some automation implementations for it, and build a Docker Image if everything turns out to be working as intended, the Docker IMG will be made available at Docker Hub. Then i either SBuild/Debootstrap or Debootstick the Docker Image, and turn it into a rootfs, mounted to be written to a USB stick for Live Boot, or Installation.

    Pretty pleased with my progress so far. If you have anythingtoadd, comments and/or criticism, please feel free to post your thoughts.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nothing? Disability benefits.

    Otherwise, i know some people that need some money moved around. All you gotta do is make withdraws, and deposits, you'll make 500 a week easy. If you skim off the top though they'll know, and you'll be in deep shit.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Every fringe chan has been called a honeypot by some of the users at some point in time. Whether it's true or not is hard to tell.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh You wouldn't get close because I'd shoot you on sight if I ever saw your punk Dutch ass

    You've never shot a gun in your life, §m£ÂgØL. Don't make me laugh.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe I doubt he would have murdered 26 million Russians, most likely all males. They would have bred the womenz for fresh blood.

    Hitler & Company? No they wouldn't have genocided The Russians. The plan was to give Germany Lebensraum, while also defeating communism. The Russian ethnic Slavs would have been deported to Siberia. Unless the people in question had a Russian FSR passport but were considered kikes. Then they'd get a bullet to the neck.

    I also don't think they'd breed with ethnic Slavs, as it would have resulted in half Aryan half Slavic kids, and good 'ol Aolf was pretty big on the whole keeping the race pure thing.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Soygay works at a call center btw. His angst is due to being a white prajeet.

    At least he still makes more money than you do then.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    You can better yourself and still post here, unless you're a weak willed faggot...

    Sorry i'm only mad cuz i'm sad.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it is.

    as long as it has chinese characteristics.

    Go cause another famine you WuMao 50 cent army faggot.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh OP is a pedophile loser who held a knife to his girlfriend's throat because he couldn't handle his drugs

    I held a knife to her throat because she was being a bitch. When it comes to you i wouldn't stop at that i'd slit your throat.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga It's nice that you desperately write fanfictions about me, childrapist

    Didn't read.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo I am very fucking fortunate.

    At least when you say it it's believable. Plus you strike me as far more the entrepreneurial type. The funniest thing is that while you make money all he does is talk about how much money he has, on the internet of all places. I bet he has 20 accounts on multiple forums just sohe can put on a rich person persona, or a tough guy persona, so he'll at least get treated with respect by the <80IQ people who believe his tall tales.

    He desperately needs that validation.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga I pay more taxes than T2K1 "welfare collector" QMR. I contribute more to america and lay more claim to it that QMR "Food Nigger" T2K1

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev jedinited states of america has more balls than gaydolf because they invaded and bombed over 200 countries since the end of WWII, the reason they didnt attack post-soviet russia is because they could hardly occupy half of tiny yugoslavia with all their NATO slave states, so what the fuck would they be able to do to russia? oh right, they were only able to grab chechnya for a few years in a time when the country was experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe.

    lesson learned from WWII, never fuck with the USSR.

    Didn't read.

    Originally posted by Kev right, gaydolf had no intention of murdering 26 million russians, he just wanted to rechristianize them, am i right?

    I was speaking for myself, i don't want to see any dead Russian
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev nothing great about gaydolf shitler, a j'ewish dwarf with one nut who committed suicide like a little bitch after invading every country in europe.

    israel has statehood because of him too, thanks gaydolf.

    You literally think communsim is a viable political and social way of running society. Lmao.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Full auto in the sense that you will only need to fill in some values, save it to your config file, and have the rest pretty much automated. Pretty neat huh? Guess what i am building? A Distro that does just that. Now you might be wondering to yourself: Soph, why would you want to make a Distro which builds other Distros? Well i am glad you asked.

    I've been getting into Distro Dev and general OS/Kernel/System stuff both as it pertains to regular and embedded systems, Rasberry Pi Arduino, and even some of the more exotic architectures. I put OS in there because i got access to tooling that allows me to configure custom Windows builds, as well as Linux Distros and OSX.

    Since i got my data center/VM-Lab up and running i've been a little annoyed with setting anything up that isn't meant to be a server, or a standard ass Win10 install, or just a simple Ubuntu or Debian box. Bootstrapping utilities are a thing, but i want to be able to have config files that set everything i need for whatever scenario i can think of, Including Special Windows Builds. I also want to have almost all of this automated for convenience and to give myself room to scale up, which is absolutely possible.

    Win Builds

    Some details on the tooling involved and general info.

    I have a special set of Windows Kits and associated tools that i run on Win2k16, they include the SDK, ADK, EWDK, and the Windows Hardware Lab.

    They do a lot of things but one thing the ADK and EWDK are used for is Enterprise Level Windows deployment. Say a company might have 100 people in the sales department that need their workstations configured in a way that is most conducive to the execution of their duties, and has pre-configured security policies. Because everyone knows, the people over at sales are the god damn people always opening MalDocs and getting ransomware all over the servers. In that scenario an Enterprise would use the same kind of setup i have access to in order to churn out those 100 workstation deploys with the better security policies.

    All you need to do is set up a master server, provisioning server and build targets.

    Basically with this tooling i could make Win10 Builds designed for Development, Debugging, and Kernel Debugging/Research. Or I could turn off Telemetry, Event Logging, Security Logging and Windows defender components.

    Alternatively i could make a custom build that actually respects your privacy.

    If you are familiar with Commando or FLARE by FireEye, those builds were made with the tooling that i have access to as well. Difference is i have a secret weapon that FireEye can't use for legal reasons that allows me to make installation media for custom build distribution, suited for VM, bare-metal, anything really. Without the need for the end user to activate the

    If you are unfamiliar with FLARE and Commando and/or would like to get an idea of what i am talking about or perhaps use those VMs(They're great btw, definitely recommend) Check them out below.

    FLARE: Windows Based RevEng VM
    COMMANDO VM: Windows Based Complete OffSec Suite VM

    Pretty neat right?


    Debootstrap, QEMU-Debootstrap, Debootstick, QEMU-KVM, Docker and LXC allow me to easily set up a rootfs, kernel and Package manager. QEMU components support exotic architectures too.

    QEMU-KVM or LXC in combination with the snap application manager from the fine folks over at Canonical are useful for getting minimal Ubuntu LTS set up, customized and virtualized. These can be debootstrapped, and used to create vmdk files or images on installation media. Very handy for creating highly specialized and smol custom Distros based on Ubuntu. You can do the same with Docker and Docker Images. The beauty of which is that there are many Docker images available, even if you don't have a Docker Hub making a Dockerfile to your exact specifications is trivial.

    For ARM architecture a tool-chain by the name of BuildRoot is available too. The cool thing about which is that you can build a Distro from the literal ground up.

    I will be looking into Kubernetes and as well, but i am less familiar with those solutions at present.

    The distro i am building for this purpose is Debian based, is getting all the toolchains and virtualization frameworks and will ship with a custom windows build, either as an IMG, ISO, or VMDK. The Build will have all telemetry and logging disabled at the kernel level, and come pre-installed with everything you need(including a custom tool that will make our lives a lot easier while doing so.) in order to start churning out pre-activated custom builds

    Besides the one you can see above i will be writing more tools mostly for automation purposes. It's going to be the one stop shop for all our OS and distro needs.

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