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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Be fuck all on it otherwise you would have disclosed already. If there's personal info alongside CP. Track down the owner and black mail him.

    Then send the SD card to the police anyway.

    I haven't had the time to sit down and do the forensic data recovery yet, the process may be straightforward but it's not exactly point and click, dude.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Make multiple tiers of accounts. For one offer access to special accounts that offer the users easy access to bitcoin mixers/tumblers. For a subscription fee of course. I may be able to provide the things we need to run our own mixer/tumbler.

    Next tier up would be people who want access to the mixer/tumbler market. They can offer mixing services what we'd do is make sure they get to connect to the people that need those services. Basically doing the networking and aggregating plus marketing for them, for a fee of course.

    On the flip side, offer accounts for people who want to be escrows. They will guarantee to the people that are exchanging goods or services between each other that everything goes fairly, they will charge a fee for that and we will charge a percentage of the fee for facilitating these parties get together expediently. Furthermore we will justify additional fees, by covering losses up to a certain amount if our escrow account holders decide to exit scam. We will manage the administrative operations of escrow accounts as well, and offer wallets on our platform for escrow accounts, and unbeknownst to them we will make sure to have access to all the funds in all the escrow account holders. This way we can intervene, when amounts over a certain threshold are trying to be moved around to different wallets that we don't control. That way an exit scam by escrow accounts will be stopped before it happens, and we will take what they owe to the people by force if need be. Say we guarantee up to 10k for anyone affected by an exit scam in progress, the other users get the benefits of that, and feel more secure doing business with our subsidiary escrows. Say a particular escrow account is holding more than they owe, we will confiscate all of it for our problems, and even if the people are owed more than 10k we contract them in such a way that we are not obligated to pay them more than the 10k, so any surplus resulting from that will go into our own accounts/wallets as well.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ghost is this just a social engineering to get someone to download your infected cum packets

    No i'll just upload any images, videos, and documents i'll find. I'll post the personal info if there is any available straight to here, same goes for dumped sqlite databases belonging to apps and such.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bueno Sounds like a fun project.

    I wouldn't call it a project per se, the process is rather straightforward but i think it would be fun to do. I've had the appropriate tooling for a while now, and i don't get to play around with it too often. Kind of excited by the prospect and if it turns out there is some juicy info on there all the better.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was on a leisurely stroll the other day, as you do. I'd been walking for a while and was a little thirsty by this point so purchased a nice cold Lipton Iced Tea and took a seat on a public bench in a nice little part of town. It was pretty comfy, and as luck would have it sitting next to me was a little SD card, someone probably took out of their phone for whatever reason, maybe to put a new one back in but then forgot about the old one and had forgotten it there.

    Obviously i put it in my pocket and proceeded to enjoy the rest of my day. I'll be pretty busy this week being a general menace to society and such but i've made some time available to perform forensic data recovery on the SD card, thinking i'll have it done before the weekend. I'm looking to recover all the data i possibly can including pictured, videos, personal information, and any interesting stuff apps and such may have left behind.

    Now my question to you is, would you like to have this data free of charge to learn all the juicy details? I'll do my best to deliver on that if you'd like me to.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Deanna Troi Reminder that Sudo is a nonce

    He's not. But even if he was, he is one of the few people that i'd trust to have the moral fortitude and ethical clarity to make sure he wouldn't actually harm any child, mentally or physically.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe There was nowhere near the amount of sick child harming fucks on Zoklet.

    Sure there were, they just kept it to themselves because most of them are cowards. I can think of two exceptions to that, but they were and are so much more than just 'a nonce'. And i mean that in the best possible way.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He was a candle flickering dimly, with all of the other little candles, struggling against better judgement, and against the blinding radiance of The Sun.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe I too would like to bury said hatchet. I appreciate your honesty and equal hatred for all things Noncey. We must continue pushing Lanny to make the necessary changes to make this a better place. I would not be surprised if there are now more secret nonces than humans on this site.

    Go ahead, watch nothing happen.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev your posting history speaks for itself, 10 months of begging the friendship of an anonymous pill popping degenerate


    werent you done with me in july of last year only to come crawling back begging for my attention again you psychotic freak?

    Lmao. If i'm nice to you and tell you i'd prefer to be friends that's begging for attention in your mind? And i'm the psychotic freak lol, you have more issues than i do. Especially issues forming normal human relationships. You're emotionally stunted and have been traumatized to the point that you percieve every human interaction in a way where one party is trying to take advantage of the other. Truth be told, as soon as i learned that, i set out to try and find a way to stop how your mind deceives you into being in a constant state of victimhood.

    You seemed pretty intelligent, so elevating you to a position where you could actually do something about your circumstances and have something about yourself to feel good about wasn't me being obsessed it was me granting you the opportunity of casting off the shackles that bind you.

    Unfortunately i over-estimated your intellectual capabilities, evidenced by the fact you couldn't follow the most simple of instructions without me spoon feeding you anything and everything that required more than just half a second worth of thought. In fact your personality is so antagonistic at an inter-personal level that it felt like despite all my good faith efforts to help you along, you'd stall, fail to comprehend simple concepts, to the point that you were actually sabotaging any progress that could have been made along the way. The confirmation bias in your worldview of 'everyone is out to get me' just compounded the issues really.

    And now you feel betrayed, as evidenced by the histrionics on display in this thread. The only reason you feel that way is because you massively over-estimate your own intelligence to the point of arrogance, so in order to protect your fragile psyche if things don't turn out exactly the way you envisioned it, there must be obvious malice involved on my part, right?

    I'm not obsessed with you dude, there is nothing that special about you, although your psycho-pathological constellation of personality traits are quite interesting to me. Look, i told you i wouldn't bother you, and i told you i don't have any ill-will towards you as it stands, but clearly you feel the need to keep bringing this stuff up. If that's somehow therapeutic for you be my guest, but framing this as me being obsessed with you in any capacity is disingenuous. I'm just posting my honest thoughts here about the situation, what's done is done. I don't mind leaving it at that, i don't mind just ignoring you if that makes you feel better. But if you are so upset that you consider me your enemy from now on, we can play that game too, just know that any malicious action you take against me personally or by proxy will not result in your intended outcome,i can guarantee you that.

    I'm high right now so i'm pretty mellow, i don't mind being real with you nigga. You're the one that's going to have to figure out how you wanna move forward. Do whatever dude, but don't assume i give a shit about how you feel about me.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai This crippling personality flaw is exactly what your nation's armed forces are looking for in a recruit.

    I have been considering applying for an Intel/Cyber position at the Ministry of Defense. The pay is great, i'll get basic military training, then advanced specialization. Then get deployed with a SIGINT unit or as Cyber War/Counter Intel.

    Pretty sure i could pull it off too, if i did my best.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    SpaceX will invent them, and we'll call them Elongates in Musk's honor.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A good cause, well not necessarily good. But epic and grand in scope. A majestic cause. List a couple of good causes to die for and i might give it a go. Become a martyr of some sort. The best cause you can think of.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley To God her name is Wife, Companion, Partner. SHe is the duality that exist, that is clear. To us, we call her Mother as we call the God Father.

    What do her kin call her by?
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Sounds very silicontech, not interested.

    It's Star Trek lore stuff.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra chop crimp

    come on now

    This lol, we operate at least 7 abstraction layers above this fool.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala We have in depth conversations about religion, politics, and the universe and respect each other’s viewpoints.

    And by that I mean he mostly walks around the house drunkenly mocking a Baptist preacher.

    Quite an image, lmao.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by frala That’s between me and Jaysus!

    What does your athiest commie boyfriend think of all that?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Would you have sex with me Sophia? I'd treeat you like ea princess and reciprocate homosexual acts on you.

    Tell your girlfriend, I will cum in her too.

    No. On both counts.
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