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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also like your drawing sploo.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I had a good day today, I mostly use totse clones as my blog so I guess I have to update on my daily occurrences. I've been on 50mg of vyvanse which is supposed to be equivalent to 20mg of adderall, but I wanted to increase my dosage, so I figured if I asked him to change me back to adderall, it would be easier to get a higher total amount of amphetamines in my body, because he would go from 20mg to 30mg without the 25mg in the middle uknowatimsayin? So I did that and of course I went with my dad to the pharmacy, I pocketed seven of the pills immediately but then he counted them before he put them in the trunk so then he opens the door and tells me to empty my pockets but I don't empty them and then he threatens to call the police so I give three of the pills back and pop four of them. Rant at my dad because he was being a total fun police dick and IF I WANT TO GET HIGH ON SPEED LEAVE ME ALONE, then the puzzling started. My state of mental flow occurs when I do nothing, usually in complete silence, and draw shapes in MS paint for 12 hours straight, not getting up to get a drink of water or anything. Then with the different objects that I draw out I have to establish some pattern within them so what I've been thinking of as a general rule is that 1 element = picture completion 2 = dichotomy 3 = ab bc ca etc etc etc and so I get the shapes out of my wrists and I develop deeply convoluted mental scenarios for my problems (not IRL problems, i don't really have any) like you really need GREAT observation to do this shit so let me explain the question above

    Lets start at the bottom row. There are four circles within each crosshair-like object. Each circle has a certain pattern once, so that every circle experiences that pattern in one of the four crosshair objects. But the patterns rotate clockwise, to various degrees, one rotates 1 move, one rotates 2 moves, one rotates 3 moves, and one stays still. There are two patterns where 3/4 are filled, in one of them, it stays still within the circle despite changing layers, in the other, it rotates by 3/4 turns every time. For the pattern with 2/4 filled in, it rotates 2/4, 1/4 rotates 1/4. Then it moves up to the layer with the circles divided into four, separated by lines. 1 filled = circle 1, 2 filled = circle 2, so on…If you put the 4-circles into 3 divisions, you have crosshair 1 from the bottom row interacting with crosshair 2, crosshair 2 interacting with crosshair 3, and crosshair 3 interacting with crosshair 4. If you read the 4-circles horizontally, it swaps whatever circle layer determined by the 4-circle value in crosshair n with circle layer determined by 4-circle in crosshair n + 1. The swapping of layers between crosshair objecys is fairly simple, if there are 3 filled in circle 1 crosshair 1, and 2 filled in circle 4 crosshair 2, and the horizontal values of the 4-circles across the line is 1:4, then circle 1 crosshair 1 has 2 filled and circle 4 crosshair 2 has 3 filled. in the second division. because layer 4 swaps with layer 3, and layer 3 swaps with layer 2 of the one following that, layer 4 becomes layer 2 of the third object, In the third division, because two 4-circles are connected, and one of the four circles is blank,the swap happens and then the layer in the fourth crosshair becomes blank, which will be relevant later. Then the three crosshair objects interact with the 3 triangles of 4-circles. where first 4c = left crosshair, middle 4c = middle crosshair, right 4c = right crosshair. In the first triad, two quadrants of the 4-circle are black, and the corresponding quadrants on the other crosshairs are black, indicating that the quadrant swaps with the quadrant of another crosshair. Then, in the second triad, only one 4c is active, indicated a shift, or a "flip", within the object itself. Then the third triad has one swap, and one inversion, because it obviously cant flip with other quadrants so it must flip within itself. The two crosshairs above that are composed by diagonally travelling from quadrant to quadrant on the first 2 crosshairs. The grid above that is made by the crosshairs within the diamonds overlapping, when one is rotated 90 degrees to the left and one 90 degrees to the right, two blacks invalidate each other and make a white space, and then the quadrants of the 4x4 graph are filled in to correspond to that set. Because the first object is a square, and that is prior in the sequence, and the only other square object is the 4x4, you know the grid is going to be converted to the first circle on the next iteration. Above that is another crosshair that gets its fill ins by the prior 2 crosshairs overlapping and black cancelling itself out into white. Then,the final circle above that has 2 odd # or even # layers be jigsaws (fill in all to black), or the object most to the left gets rotated one quadrant counterclockwise. The black circle is a variable that indicates whether the numbers the jigsaw or rotations are odd or even. Then, to get the second answer, the first crosshair, determined by the grid, is put through this same system to produce the answer.

    Well I did that, finished up my test, and then it was time for teen social thing and I walked there grinding my teeth like crazy. I went there and helped for 2 seconds before I went to the other room to get some paper and draw instead which I did with this girl who I thought was pretty cute despite being a bit androgynous, this is what i drew.(will post soon), anyways I admitted I was high on speed but then like 20 minutes later I start talking about neuroscience and how all perception is based in neurotransmission and that telepathy is possible because ants can do it, that all hallucinations and delusions are real because neurotransmitters, how consciousness is a fractal, and how humans are meant to take their circuitboard metabrains to travel to other planets to form a connected neural network of civilizations which would enable us to interact with multidimensional entities. i was ranting really loudly in the church and my hands were shaking nonstop and people from 30 feet away were yelling at me to shut up but i kept on talking and the asian girl gave me an "i want to fuck this guy" look and then I tried drawing some lines and had it so it starts out with a pair of two objects,, the first object rotates 90, flips upside down, and the third line in the object rotates 45 degrees, the second object flips over and the lines at the tips of it push into itself, and then those objects merge, and she was just like wow omg. i literally act like i do on this website to people and theyre okay with it despite the extreme grandiosity it obviously entails then at one point the cute girl and her friends left and i think they were laughing their asses off for a good hour because it was most likely the most meth psychotic thing they ever heard, and if it seems like i'm being verbose now, earlier today i was actually having flights of ideas, i'd be like yeah im gonna discover the secrets of the universe and then i would think about them and the secret of the universe is the dopamine devil which is just a bittersweet 1 0 1 0 cycle

    >No irl problems.

    Sounds legit.

    Also androgynous looking girls aren't that bad.

    Bretty cute. Would bang.

    Also, bang the azn chick sploo.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I guess it's still night in the states but i just woke up and it's already 93.2F or 34C. They expect the temperature saturday to soar to a crispy 104F or 40C. I'm moving to Reykjavik.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    so am i brah

    Good deal bruh.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As the title says. I particularly enjoyed the following and if you know another one like it i'd be interested to know.

    Kill la Kill
    Code Geass
    Death Note
    Tenjou Tenge
    Darker Than Black
    Black Butler
    Rozen Maiden
    Stein's Gate
    Elfen Lied
    No Game No Life(Anyone know if and when the second season will come out?)
    Tokyo Ghoul

    My favorite genres are: Psychological, action, mystery. But if you have a nice Slice of Life or Comedy anime i might be persuaded to watch them. My sister tells me Oreno Highschool Host Club is pretty lulzy but from what i've seen it's pretty much a shojo anime so idk if i will enjoy that.

    Also i am down with any moe and/or echi shit so lay it on me.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's listed as a very long term milestone.

    It would be nice to have UDP support because it works better for certain programs where performance and lower latency are desired, for example VoIP clients.

    My nigga'. Thanks for the insightful responses.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Reminds me of Psycho. It's like dealing with a 9 year old kid.

    fite me irl
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here's a PROTIP for you, get into the social engineering toolkit on kali. Spoof this website under 'Website Attack Vectors´ and embed a reverse TCP meterpreter as payload and proceed to host it somewhere on a slightly different name. Then post links here.

    Wait for someone to click on the link and get a popup which will install your meterpreter.
    Open up your msfconsole to talk to your meterpreter.

    I doubt you even know how to work linux, you old sack.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    just cross me once and you'll find out what I can really do.

    You're a joke Spectral, hack me Will fucking Taggart, do it..
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also what's the benefit of enabling UDP together with TCP on TOR, when both are layer 4 and TCP is generally considered to be more reliable?
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah this forum is a little bit different. This is vBulletin 5 after all. I think RDFRN was v3. Playing with your cat, drinking fine wine and reading French sci-fi literature doesn't make you nerdy, but a faggot with a beret on. However the beret is optional.

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What's that, rat? I can't hear you over the sound of your cowardly squeaking noises.

    So far the only coward here is you, i have challenged you on several occasions to show your proficiency in compromising computer systems. Yet you haven't even attempted anything of the sort, thus we can conclude you are too pussy to even try. Carry on fake ass faggot.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Oh haha, ja zo ja.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ik zie je daar homo!! Wacht maar ik haal mijn 50 neven d'rbij, je gaat zien!!

    50 neven!? IK HEB 100 BROERS G! Heel zuid is me broer mattie. We gaan je poppen.

    Wij zijn die tuig negers, jwz. Jij denkt ik maak grap? We reppen die Roffa zuidzeide, partij van de straat, kaolo ma pang pang.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh ja, juist 'em. Net als readycall.

    Ik weet niet eens wat readycall is yo, lol.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is Will short for William, Willy, Willem or Wilhelm?

    I think it's short for William.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll fight you.

    Schoolplein om drie uur bij het hek yo.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He thought he could get a bolded usertitle at 200.

    Shut up Will.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was thinking he was faking whoever Sophie is but besides that who knows Edit:Moved my bitching to help and suggestions

    I am but a figment of your imagination, fleeting as one thought passes into another.
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