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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    7/10. I'd have appreciated less lines, if you had written it yourself.
    Here is my example:

    Odin you sit, so great and tall.
    Upon your throne, in Valholl.
    The tree you long, lonely hung
    To find those runes unsung

    We give you are thanks
    We join your ranks
    To take us far and all
    My leader of Valholl

    Took me maybe 20 seconds to make that.

    That was quite beautiful but shouldn't it be like this: First the Deity is invoked, then His /Her lineage is presented, then His/Her sphere of influence praised, with an “escape clause” to cover any by-names or aspects not specifically listed, and then a blessing is requested.

    Like they did in ye olde times. Also, i know my norse mythology, while i'm not nordic i am germanic and we had the same pantheon but with other names. Like Odin is known as Wodan in the Germanic countries.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anti-psychotics are not enjoyable IME.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    bad idea because u cant handle guaifensin nausea? hell benzedrine inhalers are the first drug that the beatles did, polythene pam was inspired by it

    No it gave me the shits for some reason. Maybe my body doesn't do gauf well, idk.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    That red star bothers me though. Lanny will like this, lol. The relevant lyrics for me are:

    For blood is on your hands, life stealing motherfuckers
    The constitution burns to ash in front of you, the people know what you are up to
    Your sins will come back on you.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The constitution? Ain't nobody got time for that in America, especially politicians.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ~~~ aint shit to do out here but smoke and drive (just smoke and drive) ~~~

    Dat Nok. Nok is love, Nok is life.

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    GRAD Barrage that's what.

    Wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of one of those. Now that's some fireworks.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Crooker Chinese labs engineering/producing drug producing microorganisms. What an oh so glorious future that would be. A future where sugar water + yeast = all the flavors of the rainbow.

    That's all very fascinating but what does the girl poking her tits have to do with anything, not that i dissaprove of such a thing mind you.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    this is KKK country

    so I guess it could have been worse

    the last recorded lynching in the united states happened a few towns over..

    Nothing like a good nigger lynching though.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh shit moet nieuwe versie downloaden lol.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Heb je nog een bericht gestuurd op Wapp maar je reageert niet.

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=72px]This one is for Lan Lan[/SIZE]

    In the 1960's the KGB was very interested in learning everything possible about the American space program, sending all sorts of spies to find every possible piece of information.
    One afternoon, a breathless spy returned to headquarters with a page of paper in his hand, excitedly shouting to his superior, "Comrade! Comrade! The Americans are using Lisp to write their rocket launching software!"
    The commander was skeptical. "How do you know?"
    "I broke into their research lab and stole a page from the teletype machine! It's not the whole program, but it's the final page and contains the concluding logic of the program! See for yourself!!!!"

    The commander looked at the page and smiled and this is what it said
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


    Two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, “So what’ll it be?”
    The first string says, “I think I’ll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu”
    “Please excuse my friend,” the second string says. “He isn’t null-terminated.”
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Will psychomantits be there?

    I chat on tinychat sometimes, so if you wanna chat you can come there when i'm there.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    See, the issue here is that you have to demonstrate that's actually the case. Consider, for example, the telecom industry in which the president has been generally in favor of neutrality laws which work against the interest of every major ISP in the USA. Clearly such companies like comcast are as big as you can get and yet they, for some reason, have completely failed to win political favor on this issue despite it costing them tremendous amounts of money. How can you explain that in your framework of "crony capitalism"?

    Bank bail-outs. Point demonstrated.

    That's clearly not true in the case of China and for the USSR, there's a lot more that goes into being a socialism than the state having control of the means of produciton. Consider that the state has control of means of production in despotisms and classical monarchies as well, yet neither of these forms of government are socialistic.

    China not so much these days but it was in the USSR, remember how Stalin thought it would be a great idea to impose collectivization, now that was awesome wasn't it. Millions of people died of famine or had to stand in lines for hours upon hours to get a stale loaf of bread.

    Doesn't a nigga gotta fuck too? We can live perfectly well without consuming meat, I've learned this first hand recently. It's somewhat more challenging to live without consuming any product that requires farming of animal products (veganism), but at very least it's obvious that meat is produced without the consent of animals. Would I be justified in violating such libertarian principles as non-aggression or property rights against other humans if it was what was required for me to eat?

    Nope a nigga doesn't gotta fuck to survive. Meh maybe i'm a hypocrite, i am down with the LGBT lifestyle and i better be because my sexual preference is not quite normal myself but fucking animals is just weird breh. Also if you're starving you still can't break the NAP, and still gotta' respect property rights. If a nigga is starving then a nigga needs to find a job, if the job ain't there, become an entrepeneur.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And the idea of private charity in a purely capitalistic system is naive and a red herring. The very idea that makes free market systems seem plausible and desirable is that they "trim the fat", in the sense that participants which do not produce maximal profits will eventually be edged out of the system. Yes, we may be free to choose charity, but how is charity at the price of economic suicide a meaningful option at all?

    If what you said about the right's charity was true why do the republicans STATISTICALLY donate more to charity than the left? Also LMAO! Charity at the cost of economic suicide, oh god Lanny. First of all without government interference the economy would be over 9000 times stronger and could take 'a hit' like massive private charity. Also you seem to believe that most people in the world are absolutely incapabale of being their own economic agents in the sense that they can't take care of themselves. It is implied, since you said the charity would need to be so great it would be economic suicide. See lanny, the anarcho-capitalist system actually believes in people, and that they are able to make their own living in a free market environment. The unfortunate poor that just got unlucky will be well taken care of by the amount of charity able to be produced by such a system.

    You see what i have a problem with is that the government, FORCES me to pay for people that are poor whether they be deserving or not. The notion of deserving comes from the fact if they make an effort to get their shit together or not if they do and they fail because of their own limitation i am happy to provide what economic aid i can to help a person out. But when the government gets involved and basically puts a gun to my head and is telling me YOU ARE PAYING FOR THE WELFARE STATE BECAUSE WE FUCKING SAY SO i take issue with that.

    Same with national debt.


    You're paying for it or you will go to jail and if you resist men in blue suits will shoot you in the face.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ahh, should have read the whole thread. No doubt the tarantino version sounds more badass but I was a little upset when I learned it wasn't real (I what a total PF fanboy when I was younger, I knew the whole dumb verse, word for word, for a time).

    So like, as you know, I hold a very different view of things (I guess that illustrates the point we're both trying to make, to a degree). There's a world of difference between a perfect darwinian society and a world wherein our ideas face stiff disagreement. Like when you're on the internet and you have some stupid belief then what are you risking? You may be made to look like a fool to your peers (which is a powerful motivator, no doubt) but there's no risk of death. The economic capitalistic premise condemns human beings, and a large number of them at that, to death for ignorance or ineptitude or even poor luck (god knows capitalistic markets are prone to wild swings). The leftist ideal is based in the fundamental idea that human life and happiness is worthwhile in and of itself. It's conceivable that the maximization of human wellbeing can only be achieved through a capitalistic system, but almost every thinker who's accepted the premise that maximization of human well being is the goal has come to the conclusion that socialistic policies are the most likely way to achieve that goal. There is a recurring rhetorical thread in the right wing of the idea of what people "deserve", the notion that if you don't do the right things you are somehow less entitled than the rest of us to wellbeing. There's a lot of focus in the right's rhetoric on "deserving", how people who aren't well off are their because they deserve to be but that's clearly a metaphysical mire. What entitles those with the means to succeed to their success? There is no valid argument to support that position, human life is human life, if we could save and provide well being for a hundred human lives at the cost of on other who didn't do anything to "deserve" their sacrifice we would be monsters not to. If you don't agree with that simply replace 100 for any number up to the population of earth. "Deserves" falls away in the face of needs, in the face of right. What is right is not what is deserved but what leads the the optimal outcome. A darwinist should appreciate that.

    This has so many fallacies and assumptions i ain't even feel like typing up a retort because it will be a two page diatribe on how very, very wrong you are in your understanding of a free market capitalistic system based on austrian principles.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Everyone wants me to come to the States, i feel so popular
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Unlike Idiosyncrafag, Lanny doesn't afraid of anything and does not negotiate with terrorists.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't know anyone in TC and I'm too paranoid to click links

    Add my skype if you wanna chat.


    I'd like to chat but skype is not secure enough.
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