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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    as a real life small-time criminal, I do this almost instinctually

    This is good.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok, Psycho. What would you like to know? For real this time. Ask me anything.

    I have judged your character from our interaction, there is nothing more i want to know. Besides, should i ever ask you a question i wouldn't expect a truthful answer anyway.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've used the same nick since 2006 .

    Yup, and that's why you got DOX'd. Changing nicks often is good OPSEC.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's true, Jonathan Haidt has done good work in this, and also demonstrated that leftists generally don't understand rightists worldview, the farther to the left you go the worst the effect becomes, on average, and attribute differences due to evil, which Lanny has consistently shown.

    Leftists universalist humanitarian values also tend to be wildly inconsistent and incoherent:

    They've inadvertently dine enormous harm. Housing (I highly recommend reading "The Gated City") and agricultural and trade policies have done enormous harm to the poor, by far the most.
    And their fiscal state and sustainability is largely illusory:
    Their stances and activism on nuclear power have also by far done the most environmental damage, the arguments against it don't stand up to scrutiny:

    Of course people like Lanny will refuse to take responsibility for it and claim they aren't inherently leftist stances, which is true, but won't answer as to why they come from the left and have been adhered to so consistently and widespread for decades with no sign of changing, all the while having no problem blaming rightists for their perceived outcomes of their policies.

    By the way Mal Mal, that 'I can tolerate anything except the outgroup' article was brilliant. I didn't read it entirely but from what i read it was good.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It may please you to know that I am making a zombie game for young family members to play

    That's pretty cool, here's a protip for supreme zombie atmosphere:

    The way in which a character goes from one place to another is with an event that is triggered by the touch of the player. Usually you just select 'transfer player' and define the place on the other map where the player is supposed to spawn. Hopwever say you want the player to spawn in a dungeon or a generally spooky place, what you can do is set the event so that it changes the tint of the screen. Like so:

    This makes it so the screen is a lot darker than usual which is great for creating a nice spooky atmosphere.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fixed indentation in OP, run that puppy bitches.

    However, i need to get my service to install itself and start after installation without notifying the user. Instead of calling the service handler like so:

    def ctrlHandler(ctrlType):
    return True

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrlHandler, True)

    I need everything to transpire automatically. Thoughts?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, talk about effort, i spent two and a half hours creating all the content for this thread you lazy mofo. Lulz.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh noes! Something cool that takes effort, better not do it.

    Also, you don't have to make battle animations. The battle screen is seperate from the 'world' screen. Also, if you want characters to drop them orbs as they walk around you're going to have to script that in, lewl.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's nothing personal, or due to mistrust…it is more like the downs syndrome kid in school, when the teacher tries to help him, and he says 'I can do it MYSELF'

    I know it's nothing personal, but it does come with an element of distrust. However i'll take it as a compliment. As long as you're scared, it's good, hue hue hue!
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Libertarian master race.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Of course people like Lanny will refuse to take responsibility for it and claim they aren't inherently leftist stances, which is true, but won't answer as to why they come from the left and have been adhered to so consistently and widespread for decades with no sign of changing, all the while having no problem blaming rightists for their perceived outcomes of their policies.

    That's the thing right? According to the left nothing is anyone's fault, that is, if you're poor or a minority. The left seems to have this idea that wads of cash simply fall out of the sky, and it so happens the biggest wads fall into the hands of wealthy businessmen and the small wads fall in the projects. It's not like people who are rich actually worked hard to get rich and deffered gratification. No, no, they're just 'well connected' and 'work the system'.

    Everything is always everyone else's fault, the system is rigged i tell you! It is designed to keep the little man little! It don't matter what you do, you will never ever get out of the projects! The only solution is state-sanctioned, violent redistribution of wealth. The rich won't give a shit about this though because they have the means and the know-how to survive extra taxes and whatnot, while the middle class gets destroyed in the process and at the end of the day the wealth disparity increases even more. What the left doesn't realize is that all their ideas and policies have the exact opposite effect of what their stated goal is. But of course, they'll never admit it, for it must be someone else's fault right? Because the leftist ideology is infallible...
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I haven't much faith concerning the authenticity of OP.

    Me niether, on Facebook he was talking to himself as well. And now this without responses? Seems like Sploo is sharpening his edge.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Lewl, my ISO got corrupted, i was like FFFFFuuuuuuuu!!!! So i'm downloading a VM Image instead, lolol.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also torrented it myself, just best practice

    Ya'll niggas are too paranoid. If i were to spread a backdoor i'd do it by binding it to an executable of a more popular program for maximum pwnage. But i suppose not trusting anything anyone links to is pretty decent opsec.

    Also, if anyone has any questions regarding the info provided in this thread or anything specific to do with RPG maker feel free to post them.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why don't you go into detail, for the sake of the little people? Tell everyone all about it.

    Right, guys? You want to hear all about this, don't you?

    Shut the fuck up and stop pretending there's an imaginary audience to whom you can speak. Everyone here knows all about how you're always full of shit.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Leaning 'left' or 'right' doesn't inherently make someone lost or delusional or anything of the sort. Implied beliefs within those leanings can appear to demonstrate certain lacks of perception, but not by default. I have always just sort of thought, in the most general sense, that being LEFTISH means you care about humanity, and being RIGHTISH means you care about taking care of 'your own.' Obviously that's a very simplistic look at it but it's where I start. I have yet to have demonstrated to me why caring about humanity is a bad idea and makes a person foolish. Is it because we're only here for such a short amount of time and the world is presumed ultimately fucked, that it's laughable to look at those who think a difference can be made? Is it the right thing to do to simply protect what's yours and offer no help to others since of our short time here on the earth? If enough people, perhaps, thought differently, perhaps a difference could be made… that shouldn't be weird to believe. When masses believe in something, that something generally takes place. When the masses are purposefully ignorant or turn a blind eye to atrocities, it's easy to assume those atrocities aren't taking place and it's sure nice to be on the side that isn't experiencing them. I guess empathy and sympathy have a lot to do with it, of which many willfully choose not demonstrate or experience.

    The right not caring about humanity is a myth. The right cares just as much for humanity however the right's ideas of how to make everything fair for everyone among other things are simply fundamentally different than the left's.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Subservience requires domination.

    You are hopelessly leftist, lanny, I give up trying to convince you otherwise..

    I was about to say, subservience implies coercion but yeah lan lan is a lost cause as far as his political views are concerned, lulz.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm sure the people left here enjoy me 10X more than they "enjoy" you.

    IDK Spectral let's check the ballistics.

    Sophie thinks you're fake and gay.
    TDR thinks you're fake and gay.
    thelittlestnigger thinks you're fake and gay.
    NSA/inb4lock thinks you're fake and gay.
    Lanny thinks you're fake and gay.
    mmQ realizes you lie a lot.
    The people in TRT don't acknowledge your existence.

    And only you and Crazy Mike think TDR is gay.

    So far it looks like TDR is winning the popularity contest.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    FBI doesn't bother with cyber bullies. Why don't you post her reaction as well.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    how would you interpret the psychology of a 14 year old girl who has this as her profile picture? autistic? sociopathic? retarded? none of the above? all of the above?

    i really do want that pussy though

    She doesn't look 14 in this pic, i am sliglty dissapoint. Again, she only seems a little awkward/insecure. But i'd have to talk to her to establish an idea of her character.
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