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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Does anyone have a wayback to IWDs ''stupid noob'' thread, I was up until 6 in the morning reading all 37 pages of IWD flipping shit, writing something like 100,000 words that rizzo should be demodded, best thread ever

    Why was IWD mad at Rizzo? Rizzo wasn't even a hardliner as far as moderation is concerned.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Kek, you can has muh automation logic. No need to manually define the path to the DLL or PID.

    from win32com.client import GetObject
    from ctypes import *
    import sys, os, string, time

    Wmi = GetObject('winmgmts:')
    processes = Wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Process')
    # Get process
    explorer = Wmi.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_Process where Name="iexplore.exe"')
    # Grab its Pid
    PID = explorer[0].Properties_('ProcessId').Value

    # Get DLL path
    file = 'mydll.dll'

    path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    DLL_PATH = os.path.join(path, file)

    Just change "iexplore.exe" to whatever process you want to inject the DLL into and for clarity the var 'explorer' to what is appropriate for your purposes. Also, why won't yopu tell me your redfern username lol.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=14px]Feel free to jump in anytime.[/SIZE]

    Only if you post your daugter's noodz.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since you made a similar thread for me i'll return you the favor, not because i feel obligated though but because i'd totally be gay for you if i was like gay and shit. Which is totally not weird breh, you're a pretty cool guy/gal/tranny(IDK so i covered all possibilities).

    tln likes infosec -> sophie likes infosec
    tln likes programming -> sophie likes programming
    tln likes science -> Sophie likes science
    tln seems like a smart guy -> sophie seems like a smart guy too

    See we're totally compatible, if you liked lolis as well, we could totally snort coke of little girls flat chests and shit together.

    I thought your posts in the Morality and LAw thread were pretty good, and i replied to you debugger thread but idk how helpful ill be. But at least i tried.

    You should post more often and you need to tell me what your name on redfern/zoklet was.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fixd bruh

    Thanks bruh that works,

    And you know what you guise are great <3. Imagine if i posted this on reddit, the shitstorm would be of epic proportions.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll do small tits as well though that's ok.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    They didn't get rid of the serial number?
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    your fucking mom is so motherfucking homeless, that her version of a 'walk in closet' is that she wears everything she owns all at once.

    I kek'd heartily.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If i ever make a loli board i'm calling it:

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    the lack of prominent secondary sexual characteristics just doesn't work for me

    I need nubile, adult lady parts to be bouncing around for me to be interested

    also, I like a fair amount of pubic hair, I am a bush fan.

    I disagree, she's perfect. Look at that face, look at that tummy, look at that hair and no bush the natural way is the way to go nigga'.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How old are they? I wasn't serious about this, I just enjoy developing crazy schemes. I hate dealing with people, so this would be an awful fit for me.

    About 11 and up, but i've seen younger.

    You're too soft for this anyway, I should have known.

    Go fuck yourself. Being nice, is good when it comes to lolis.

    What about a similar idea, except we become the first people in history to create genuine snuff films? We could even livestream it and take requests for what to do to them, how to torture them. There are many fake snuff films, but AFAIK there may not have ever been a proven case where someone was torturing and killing people without their consent with the specific purpose of making money from this.

    I'll fucking murder you for calling me soft, faggot. Obviously you've not been on the deepweb as much as you're supposed to, there's snuff on demand, you pay in cryptocoin, then a random person from the chat gets selected as director and gets to tell the murderer what to do to the victim. Much death, very torture, wow.

    You know, that gives an idea…Have you seen those videos where third worlders, children/people from India and Africa get paid to say and do silly things? Imagine if there was a darknet service with a similar concept, except people could request illegal activities, along with having an escrow service to ensure they don't get paid unless they actually do it and so that the buyer isn't able to go back on their word, doesn't have to be blindly trusted. It probably wouldn't cost much to hire a group of Africans to massacre a town, or kidnap some people and record their torture, do whatever you request them to, then send the video to you, or even livestream it if they can

    Lol read above.

    . The cost to buy human labor, the amount desperate and evil people in these regions would request to perform these acts, is so low you could unleash unimaginable chaos to the world. "$500 to detonate this (chemical) bomb in a crowded location." "$X to poison a water source." With detailed instructions for everything they would need. It could lead to users competing with each other to produce the most diabolical and ingenious plans, assassinations that would cause enormous political instability, maybe even taking out CEOs, entire sections of high level management during meetings, or committing other acts, bombings, that would cause immense damage to them, and shorting the stock beforehand. It's similar to a concept that has was thought of a long time ago, assassination markets, but no one has actually created a successful one yet.

    Calm down Malice. Also, what good are all these schemes of yours when you're never going to act on them?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Caption kinda' ruins it though, father daughter incest is a little weird breh.

    Good news though new loli board.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's pretty damn scummy, bro. Not that it bothers me, I'm just going by how it's generally going to be perceived by most people. This is the kind of thing that would be expected of a nigger. If you were to get caught for that and word got out you could get beaten or raped in prison, or at least you would if you didn't live in a region with the pansiest prison system around and some of the pansiest people (East Asians would probably beat you on that due to their nature).

    Well, just the beating part, I don't think that would be necessary. It's an old person, just grab them and run, unless you're so out of shape and such a poor runner that you don't feel confident in your ability. Although, there are substances that significantly increase physical performance you could take to compensate for that, but you wouldn't have time for them to kick in in a situation like that, unless you snorted a stimulant (The risk of death from sprinting on this combined with the adrenaline/NE release from the psychological impact of the situation would likely be insignificant without a serious relevant health condition.). You could even make a nasal spray for situations like this, a combination of pyrazolam and 2-FMA would be pretty cool, and amusing if you actually used it for this (god mode activated).

    They would probably just have them replaced, so it's not like they would lose anything, just be inconvenienced and shaken up; not much to feel guilty about solely from the theft. If you really want opiates that badly, why not just buy heroin? Is it cheap in your region? I've seen some surprisingly cheap sources on darknet markets, I think I may have seen some from your area that were particularly affordable, but didn't ship to the US.

    I'd just sue all the heroin myself and yeah it's cheap. 30 bucks a gram.

    Did you ever think about an inside job, using your insider information to pull off a mass theft? Were there any good opportunities, strategies, you identified? Imagine how much money you could make selling them on a darknet market.

    Yes, would have needed a small crew for that was not feasible at the time.

    Have you ever thought about travelling to a place like Afghanistan and buying heroin in bulk straight from the source, then smuggling it back? Even with very large amounts I think there are techniques you could use to mail it back to yourself that would avoid all methods of detection. Or you could body pack it, put it in a condom and insert it up your ass. Once again, the potential profit from selling on the Darknet would be immense. Even a relatively small initial investment could yield you an enormous return that could be used to expand your operation.

    Lol fuck that.

    Another idea that crossed my mind related to you: Imagine if you kidnapped or took in runaway attractive lolis, street children, or children in abusive situations, orphanages, in fucked up places, impoverished, dysfunctional, and crime ridden sections of Eastern Europe, then groomed them, psychologically conditioned them, for sex. This would be used for opening a darknet webcam show where you could be tipped in cryptocurrency. To make it better, you could give them a power aphrodisiac like this:
    Or GHB, to make them really want it. Muscle relaxers would also make things much easier for them. In this situation you would treat them nicely and keep them healthy, unlike the people that usually do this kind of thing. It would create a very rare product, girls that aren't being abused, that are genuinely healthy and happy, want to participate, and it's very difficult to hide genuine suffering, to mask that they don't actually want to do this and that they aren't any of things they pretend to be (healthy, happy). Happy, healthy, attractive/White, bubbly/cute/energetic/flirtatious personalities, who had been trained to give good sex performances, learned various techniques and positions, were able to take it well, and participated in threesomes with other girls?

    My evil strike fails me when it comes to little girls, i'd be down to groom some cute east bloc lolis, and maybe give them a better life, and get laid in the process. But i could never give them drugs, or have them do a webcam show unless they were absolutely sure they'd want to do that themselves. I'd keep the cutest loli for myself though, because i'd get jelly otherwise lol. Man imagine that though a harem of lolis. That would be awesome.

    Due to the nature of this there seems to be high demand from the small market, and this style of business could draw in much more people than normal, people who may have been marginally interested but avoided it due to the shady nature of these sites and the abuse that occurs, worried about possible legal repercussions, but the barriers to entry, the relatively small amount of people willing and capable of doing this, unmet demand driving up prices. Particularly for the high quality that would be provided, possibly something at a level that has never been seen before. The amount of money that could be made would me unimaginable.

    Believe it or not there are operations like these in existence where the girls aren't forced, get paid and the quality is supreme. It's the only kind of content of this nature i enjoy, with the exception of homemade vids by the girls themselves.

    You have coding skills, are a natural hebe/lolicon, and have the kind mental profile that would be needed with regards to your sense of morality.

    Yes i have limited coding skills, python coding skills. Web dev is done in PHP/HTML/Javascript/MySQL I'll probably get vanned eventually even though everything that would be going on would be with mutual consent.

    I am capable of being evil incarnate and have a vast autistic data bank, information and the ability to identify, acquire, and properly analyze high quality information, particularly on the relevant subjects of psychological manipulation/analysis, and understanding of the human mind, particularly the dark aspects most are unwilling to learn about and accept, marketing genius, and would be perfect for drawing customers online, along with creating the plans and helping with the initial acquisition, setting up the structure of the business. It would be too difficult to do it alone, and finding someone genuinely willing to actually go through with something of this nature, someone you could trust to not betray you, blab about it (I have no desire to and literally talk to no one.), and actually possessing the competency required to adhere to proper safety protocols and evade law enforcement (I am extremely cautious and an INTJ, a "mastermind" strategist personality/mental profile, seeing an immense number of possibilities and solutions, along with understanding police tactics and how to negate them.), would be unimaginably rare. We could both take turns performing, I would do it solely for the money, since it would be unrealistic to expect that much sex from one person, enhancing ourselves with drugs like viagra to maintain the fullest erections, along with substances to greatly reduce the refractory period and delay ejaculation.

    Lol Malice, are you proposing we go into the childporn business together? You're not even a hebe though, asexual even by your own admission why would you wanna' bang a loli? What's more, we'd need at least over 9000 dollars to get started. Think about equipment, think about the time needed to find these girls. Also, Gonna' have to learn their language, because i can't imagine a 9yo Belarussian speaking English. Then we'd need a place for them/us to stay, money to provide for them etc. Kids are expensive breh even if you're whoring them out for cryptocoin(That sounds so wrong lol).

    Also Malice, not to be a dick but i don't think you'd handle little girls well, do you ever talk to them? So you know what they want? What they think about? What they need? How careful you need to be not to hurt them when you're trying to get romantically involved with them ope to the idea of sex etc.

    Have you read abut the camwhore business? How there are buildings set up specifically for this where they rent space? This AMA from a Romanian girl was very good:
    I'm using it as an example of how the industry evolved and how feasible it would be to adapt this model to our purposes.

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I daydream about fuck you

    You mad?
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We are predators.

    Difference being, we have the capacity for reason.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^ Thats awful to rob someone who didnt deserve it, fuck, find mymother and liberate her of her roxi script and Id be happy that she doesnt have them and someone, anyone but her does. Id never sink so low as to do that tosomeone, because Iknow what its like living in chronic pain, but by allmeans if they have it coming, do it. I was so happy to hear my mother got fucked over in a deal where she fronted (by her own sack of shit family non the less).

    The point is not what someone else deserves the point is getting what i want. When i worked as a pharm tech a while ago i was taking diazepams, tramadol and k-pins by the shitload. It was good because i had access to the computer system so i just changed the supply in the database and no one was ever any the wiser.

    Anyway, my empathy/sympathy is selective and i didn't end up doing it in the end so i deserve +1 alignment to lawful good.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I deciphered it:


    Calm down Spectral.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How is that any different or better than the current system?

    Also, consider this. All predetors consume other animals. But nobody wants to be eaten. According to your logic, not eating other animals is the universally preferred behavior. But you can't make a predator stop being a predator. So how is "universally preferred behavior" useful?

    If you really think predators(Animals) have the mental capacity for reason and morality then you're a silly nigga'. Also, UPB is useful in the same way morals are useful, you can't stop psychopaths from murdering people, does that mean we have to abandon morality or ethics for that matter entirely?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh you know they did. Weirdly, I wasn't one of them. :(

    Me neither. But it's always fun when you talk a girl into doing stuff on cam, i wonder how it went in TC that fateful night.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Malice you write too much about things that don't interest me. Now, realistically there's no reason at all why you should care what interests me, just thought i'd mention it. Now that i think about it, i probably feel like us, you and me, we, could talk about so much more interesting things than bitcoin and nootropics.

    Reading about neurological differences in the brains of autistics.

    Most Autistic People Have Normal Brain Anatomy

    Oh god, I hope so. That would be a blessing. What I mean is, if it's a problem with neurotransmitter levels, that's much easier to correct than, say, if certain parts of the brain are much smaller than usual or malformed, connected differently/improperly. Structural differences would be much harder to alter, there would be far more complexity involved, if it was even possible at all; an absolute nightmare. And if treatments were found they may only be usable or (particularly) effective at an early age.

    See this was interesting. Have you ever been diagnosed with autism Malice?

    Incidentally, i seriously considered robbing an old person today. I was at the pharmacy to pick up my GF's script when i saw he got three boxes of 37.5mcg/hour fentanyl. I could tell by the color and shape of the boxes. My immediate thought was: I want those. Then i thought, would i feel bad for robbing an old man of his pain medication he's probably getting for terminal illness? I thought maybe... But seeing how he was with another person it would have been too much to deal with without a weapon since i didn't bring my knife. If the guy was alone, i could just hit him in the face first thing, grab him by his throat and tell him to hand over the medicine and phone so that he couldn't call teh police immediately and get the fuck out. But there was CCTV in the pharmacy and i'm pretty sure he saw me there waiting, so all he'd have to do is tell the police that and they would have requested the footage of the pharmacy to identify me and that would be that so i decided against it.
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