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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Maybe the search parameter is injectable, try this.**/or/**/1466649=1466649/**/and/**/%22%25%22=%22
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Obviously, you still have not learned any lessons from all this. You're still stuck in terminally-stupid mode.

    Fight me in real life.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bump for excellence.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Everyone scoffed and laughed and ridiculed

    Everyone still scoffs and laughs and ridicules you because you're full of shit.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, marijuana is now sold at shops where I live. I can legally go to this little store not to far from where I live, and I can legally buy up to a quarter of marijuana there, take it home, and smoke it.

    Freedom, amazing isn't it?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How awful of a person would I be if I lead on this gay dude and be his boyfriend so I can spend his money and drive his car

    Sounds like a plan, but what are you going to do if he wants to kiss you and shit, lololol.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hate to keep bringing it up again and again, but you are pretty well responsible for the final attack on the Temple, which sent it spiraling down to the depths of history like a persistent sparrow with only one viable wing.

    "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

    Get tuff, Spectral.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There are lots of bad things that did not happen to me, still that doesn't really improve my life on its own.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's ok Malice we can't all be hung like jesus.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It can be good to find people in similar situations, that you can relate to, identify with, particularly when suffering from profound alienation. People generally gravitate to others like themselves, the best they can attract. Visualize people's various traits as having an assigned value, 1-10. Why would those rating high in happiness, verbal, general social skills, who are funny and engaging, know how to have fun etc. voluntarily spend significant periods of time engaging in positive interaction with those who are opposites of themselves? Realistically omegas, if thrust into the world, would only be able to attract the lowest quality people who would likely harm them, engage in the destructive behavior that is standard for their kind, and drive them further into alienation and depression.

    Ideally you could find someone to share in your struggles, to work with on activities requiring more than one person, to develop yourselves, and share things with someone who can truly relate and understand. Without the internet hikis would be in the worst position for finding others, even with it, with all the problems associated with the condition, it's still very difficult. But I do agree that their largely self-destructive circle jerks, at least wizardchan and r/foreveralone.

    Mostly it's just depressing as fuck.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't mean just bombings, there are so many things you could do just for amusement. Put yourself to the test and gain confidence. I guarantee you that the psychological impact of actually proving yourself, going through with what only a tiny fraction of a percentage of the population have the courage to even attempt, and succeeding, along with demonstrating you have the numerous positive traits required to succeed, which will translate to success in other areas of life, would change your life. You would look back on it as the defining moment, the pivotal point where you began on the path toward becoming who you wanted to be, and be eternally grateful for it.

    You suck at this Mal Mal.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You could easily get away with it. Think about it, you leave the device in an area without cameras, detonate it from far away, never talk about it again. How could you get caught? People get caught because the sad reality is that the vast majority are absolute idiots, and even the above average are generally unremarkable and still insufficient.

    The perfect crime. There's a certain joy to planning it, finding a brilliant idea and creating the plan, solving the issues involved. Bringing to fruition, seeing the fruits of your labor, the bloom, would allow you to reach a level of ecstasy few ever experience.

    Every place that would be worthwhile to bomb would have CCTV. Unless say i rent out an apartment in a big apartment complex fill it with explosives and send the whole thing to hell. The costs would be enormous however not to mention that it would be suspicious as fuck if i buy metric shit tons of ammonium nitrate.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    To be fair, this totseans thread did make me lol
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck America, it's too far down the road for any chance of redemption as is the rest of the west. This is late empire, roman decadence shit and the only thing that's going to stop it, is it's inevitable collapse. I'll kek out loud as the west burns, even though i'll probably burn with it. Too bad, it's too late.

    Can't wait to see the documentary about the UCC Shooting in a couple months though.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Indeed, i hope banter finally kicked the stool. I read it was missing on the totse subreddit, ho, ho, ho. Tupac was like: Yeah brahs, come to LLZ we is da new hang out, bad idea site etc. So i signed up for an account and posted: Didn't you get hacked? If you can't guarantee the security of your own website how do you propose to offer anything by means of security with regards to your user's PI? Nice bad idea site bro.

    Then i lul'd and left to shitpost somewhere else.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you're a 'hikkomori' going to a board especially for those kinds of people is not going to make you any better. All these specialized chans are simply circle jerks of self destructive behavior.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I see, i don't really care honestly. I just noticed you were here a lot, then i remembered banter had a stroke when he/she/it found out i was hanging out at redfern so i was just wondering.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd rather have them exist than not. Every other group advocating for internet freedom answers to some authority, but this one is beyond control and free to do what public entities are incapable of within the law. Yes, some people will do idiotic things under a collective alias, but that isn't exclusive to anonymous: you'd find that in any decentralized group of radicals.

    I'd rather have them not exist, 9 out of 10 of 'Anonymous' fags are just in it to ride the fucking glory. They have divorced themselves a long time ago from what hacking is all about. Which in it's purest form is learning to get things to do what they aren't supposed to. Glory and e-cred is fine, if you pull of an amazing hack and earn it like Phin Phisher and cripple two INFOSEC companies. Hacking Team and Gamma in this case.

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know you will like me bruh. You never didnt like me. There were times maybe you thought I was a faggot and indeed a nigger I was but for the most part we got along. They are just bluffin aint nobody know who I be except maybe lanny but he probably doesnt give enough dicks to look into it.

    wii fam nao

    k wi fam

    @Sploo you were on Riflows too.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do something interesting IRL to fill what your heart longs for.

    Remotely detonated firebombs, arson, explosives, or even just very large smoke/stink bombs for fun. Be creative. You have what it takes, but from what I've seen you're likely too much of a pussy to do anything other than dream. I am far worse, of course, so don't take offense, it's just acknowledgement of reality.

    Not a pussy, just realistic. I don't imagine jail being very enjoyable, i like freedom. Furthermore i'm not taking offense at your transparent attempt at 'motivating' me.
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