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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude calm down.

    Also don't tell him or Lanny this but Mint being based on Ubuntu ships with Gnome by default but little do they know i added a custom terminal not unlike Yakuake which comes with KDE normally.

    Also Debian <- Ubuntu <- Mint, so packages are compatible across distros and with a few specialized Mint libs you can even emulate a C:\ drive in your regular environment for Windows applications, that and Samba for networking makes Mint highly compatible with different types of OS, which is a big part of why i chose Mint in the first place. Cross compatability is directly relevant to my interests.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've moved on to alien lolis. When we make first contact with sentient life I'm going super adventure club on the offspring.

    Not sure if alien lolis are attractive or not but iḿ just going to assume they look like Twi'leks so good on ya m8.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    o fuck im getting out of this thread lol

    Don't blame ya, check muh stats.

    + Sophie
    + Aura of Chronophilia
    + +5ATK/+2DEF
    + Has a 2d/6 chance to inflict
    + 'Stigma' on encountering.
    + Forcing enemies to flee.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Try Sublime Text 2. You can use a hex editing program and get the full version. I like it better than NotePad++.

    I see it uses OWASP ZAP, which is what I've been using lately(rather than BurpSuite). I may give it a try.

    Thanks for the tip about Sublime, also yeah mang, i prefer OWASP over Burp as well. Might be a little more general in capabilities and by nature, but easily configurable/extensible to one's specifications. Up to date and complex payloads for fuzzing make it a valuable asset as far as automation is concerned as well.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude calm down.

    He's just bullshitting, seemingly on my behalf. Good ol' hansen, Muh nigga.

    On a side note, lerning2chain and setting up a vpn\tor from the terminal is less trivial than you might think.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This site entertains me because zoklet made me laugh with its bad ideas and admittedly I have some things In common with the people here. I've read people comments about everyone having autism and thought its was just jokes. Are you guys severely autistic intellectual types that have replaced human contact with meth and bundy lol.the thread about not jacking off has boggled my mind. It's like you guys research the biochemistry of shit drugs and and what it does to your minds instead of understanding women and living a productful life. I'm drunk I've read neische the dude went insane from over thinking his concept of eternal recurrence kinda scares me because of dejavu. Ever read all that I know is nothing it's some quote from that faggot Socrates you people know nothing nobody does so why not stop being antisocial fucktards and do something find actual love in a girl it's not easy but at least try man up stop wasting your life with nutmeg meth and cough syrup

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Most girls don't have any hobbies at all that don't involve a screen. Like Jesus, fuck do something with your hands besides jerking men off.

    Cooking, sewing, woodwork, gardening ANYTHING.

    People that don't have hobbies that use their hands and brains are generally shitty human beings riddled with dumb problems.

    99% of society is absolutely disgusting and abbhorent

    Nigga, most men don't have any intelligent hobbie's really.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Incest, you're doing it wrong.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I recall an interview with someone with this position. He stated that he had seen infants with the umbilical cord still attached being molested.

    If this really happened he probably lied about his position, i'm pretty sure he meant to say he was with The Ministry of Truth.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The "New Topics" feature does appear to offer essentially the same function, but it requires action on the part of the user to be used, which requires more commitment on the part of the user. I understand why the difference between it and having an actively-displayed sidebar seems minimal, but I suspect it might make a good difference for those who minimally browse the site.

    Thot u killed urself o+
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sounds uncomfortable tbh fam.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Obligatory loli.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    She's obviously asking you to do meth and give her surprise buttsechs.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I made a shit ton of banners. I dont think all were used and I know some other people contributed banners. I suppose saying I made the banners makes it sound like I made all of them Anyway we should file a class action to get our banners back.

    I made the techy matrix looking one, and the big eyeball horror themed one. Those were cash, 'specially the eyeball one.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Looks rather interesting. Is it just your average ubuntu modded out for pentesting or is it a ubuntu based distro all together?

    Glad to see you post Soph. It seems like its been a while since we shitposted together.

    True dat. Modded mint akshually for max compatability.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I made the banners for that site. I should probably sue idio for not giving them back/using my artwork without EXPLICIT permission.

    You huh? I remember specifically making two of them, which incidentally were objectively the best.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Honestly, can you find a real moral fault with the guy? I can't say his preference is aesthetically pleasing to me but the idea of someone being guilty of psychological states seems… well it's not strictly incomprehensible but it seems really dumb

    Thought police yo.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Flat boobs only look sexy when they're on lolis.

    Can confirm.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Some typa Ubuntu.

    Neat tool btw PenQ itÅ› a browser based pentesting framework. I switched permanently from windows. Only thing i miss thus far is Notepad++
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Either that or ask for a null route.

    It's a programming joke not a networking joke.

    def foo():
    print "hello from inside of foo" #executed
    return 1 # return statement
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