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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny Yeah, in a strictly technical sense the ISP runs a gateway of course, likely several, but I meant more that carriers do stuff like transparent caching, and I would guess they do something similar to how a home router works. So with the home router there’s one “public” IP address that the router holds. With port forwarding hosts connected to the router can be externally discoverable but no two devices behind that router can listen for connections on the same port, although many can open client connections to an external host on the same port (e.g. you get one external service on port 80 from your home network, but many hosts within that network can access

    Right that makes sense. And to that i say Protocol Demultiplexer.

    So like if you use your phone’s connection to run a service I don’t think that service is going to be externally accessible even though the phone does appear to have an external address.

    If i understand correctly the service wouldn't be reachable when running 4/5g? Then how is it that i can use my phone's connection and tether my box, so that my box runs on the phone's connection and still run a reachable service? Also, a Hidden Service as in an onyo can be run from a phone that only has 5g on.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai self-discipline is useful for picking the best instrumental values, but you cannot self-discipline your way to changing a terminal value. let's say you very much do not want to get arrested and go to jail for life. you can use self-discipline to avoid getting arrested for serious crimes, but you can't "self-discipline" a desire to get locked up for life (or self-discipline your way to a set of goals where you're even just "okay" with going to jail for life). and if you theoretically "could" change those values, you of course wouldn't because that'd conflict with your current terminal goal of not going to jail for life.

    most everything is like this for me. the function i maximize for is maybe… "engagement with stories"? definitely not that specifically, but it's a close enough example and this just boils down to an excuse for why i will watch tv instead of learning to code. learning to code doesn't directly conflict with my terminal values but it also doesn't really factor into the thing i'm maximizing for and i'd need a new set of terminal values for that to change. but that new set of values would conflict with my current ones (i would no longer be maximizing for "engagement with stories" or whatever) so i cannot change them - or if i theoretically can, obviously i will not. 🤷

    Not going to jail for the rest of your life while hacking with the best of them is what falls broadly under the 'ethical hacker' definition. If you're a Red Teamer, you will get to do all the 'bad' stuff, and the people that hired you and your colleagues will be grateful for it. You'll get a fat paycheck, benefits, and go to Hacker Summercamp for free.

    Also the story that directly has an impact on your life is the one about your life. It is potentially the best story and sure as fuck the realest, for all other stories are simply contained within it. Engage with your own story. Or engage with the stories that certain skills can help you tell.

    Or don't, i'm not your dad you can do what you want.

    Originally posted by Nile Exploitation was a double entendre btw.

    I figured. But to exploit implies a moral and emotional connotation.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It just says Dead Cow Lakebed. cDc is a Cali thing, no?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by maddie i just set a few random processes to -20, changed limits of a few groups. created a forkbomb and down it does.

    random variables for these dont seem to work everytime, but every couple of dozen runs, it seems to get janky and likes to fall on its face.
    ill start hard coding values and see if i can get a more accurate measure on what is being changed.

    You probably want to automate the runs and save the numbers that get the result you are hoping to achieve, then when you have a good sample size run the numbers that seem to be working more often let's call it Pool X and as a control run a Pool Y with the same sample size but randomized numbers. Then you can see if the values that are coming up as 'successful' have any statistical significance.

    Might wanna try to see if it also works without the forkbomb.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah i saw, what a loser. IDK what you're gonna tell the FBI that the FBI can't already read though.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't care how hard i am withdrawing there is nothing that can compel me to use a random ass rig, or the same rig my friend just used, without boiling all the parts with bleach for 20 minutes straight first. Dopesick or not. Fortunately my dope comes pre-prepared as a solution for nasal administration. Well the fent does.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai im dumb and socially retarded and have no motivation. cyberspace doesn't need me. meatspace doesn't need me. i needn't exist. and yet… here i am, useless as ever.

    You're smarter than you portray yourself to be. And self-discipline can and must be learned. Although i know it's easier said than done.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is very important so listen up, if you want to be a hacker but can't draw ASCII art, you might as well give up now.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Does putting Avast into silent mode qualify?

    Did you know, AVs on Windows take on (kind of) malware like qualities in an effort to protect themselves from malware that might otherwise just turn it off, turn the service off, kill the process or whatever. Yet a lot of them are programmed to make a trade-off between consuming resources(Thus being a giant pain in the ass for the end user) and actively looking for signs of malicious behaviors.

    Seems sensible, but malware authors don't care whether your AV is sensible and user friendly or not. A compromise for resources, is a vector.

    Originally posted by Obbe I would like to be a hacker, but I don't want to learn the trade from a pedophile. Do you know any non-pedophile hackers?

    I'm not offering classes today just some inspiration. And yes i know a lot who aren't pedophiles, but the most interesting ones are.

    That said, if i was offering classes, hacker mindset would tell you to take my knowledge and weaponize it against me, if that was the angle and you managed it. I wouldn't even be mad.

    Originally posted by Nile Pedos are probably great at security measures, secrecy and exploitation.

    Better to learn from the best no? Keep your friends close and all that no?

    Nile got the right idea. There's a trueism in the field of Operational Security that says: Your secure network isn't secure enough if it's not being used by pedophiles and terrorists.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I heard FemCel is a thing now.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Buy a faraday case for your phone, just a faraday case would be enough.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It would have been interesting that's for sure. And it's easy to put Kali on an Android. Look up Kali Nethunter, the github repo has all the info including which types of androids are supported and not.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If i figure out where stl1 lives, will you travel to his place and sneeze on his favorite recliner Fona?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why aren't you a hacker? You should be a hacker, or you should want to be one. What are you gonna do with your life be an accountant? LMAO those are the guys we rob. Or maybe you're thinking you're a pretty technical person you'll be a programmer. FOOL! Those are the ones we dunk on the most at the office. Never mind the fact that we only need to get lucky once and they need to get it right all the time, pfft. Fair. we don't have to care about fair, we stacked the deck AND counted the cards bro. Besides, did you see how embarrassing that one mistake by that one programmer was, and no one even noticed they launched their application like that! From day 0. That's right we count from 0 like everyone should because we all know that 1 isn't really the first number.

    Have you ever sat down and opened calculator.exe and thought: What a useless program? I should be able to use this program as a vehicle to do everything i can imagine and more. Well you're in luck. We've been popping calc.exe since time immemorial.

    Can you lie to total strangers with a straight face? Gain their trust get them to do things against their training and better judgements? You might be a social engineer.

    Ever saw a cute girl, followed her home, learned everything you could about her and stored that data for use at a later date? You might be an Intelligence Specialist.

    Wanna do all these things and more but with friends? That's what the Red Team's for.

    We doodle skulls and arcane imagery all over our development projects to imbue them with the power of Satan.

    If you're too cool for school and like breaking the rules, come hang out with us.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I play the game of life. Gliders are pretty cool.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood they sent me a sample of red mercury

    Well, did you try some?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Imagine how annoying Wario would be in VR chat.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Buffers, and why they overflow. A tentative step towards your goals.

    Alright, ok.

    Any particular procs particularly sensitive to having their NICE values changed? I'd imagine anything userland shouldn't have that much of an impact.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Gratz, you have earned the pedo seal of moral approval.

    It's the best kind of moral approval. But entirely besides the point.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by maddie i feel the feels, because i use to do it myself. ruined a few families by releasing their parents SSN to forums..
    grew up since then and now i see how immature i was for doing it..
    but to my defense. i had good reasons (in my opinion) and i also warned them multiple times to stop doing their shit before i released it.

    Here's my opinion.

    Sounds like they had it coming, and even if they didn't. Seems to have made you a better person upon reflection. So on the scale of total good in the world i think on balance you're coming up positive.
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