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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat

    It sure would be awkward if they reverse image searched that pic and found this place
    where we worship our demonic lord SATAN who demands we SPILL THEIR FEMALE BLOOD AND DRINK IT!!!!!

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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    reminds me of that joke about Whitney

    "her family said at least she was clean when she died

    you'd hope so, she'd been in the tub for hours"
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  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    im just gonna ask her do you want to come visit me again but this time bring your dsughter and both of you come over and maybe soend the night with me?
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  4. blaster master victim of incest
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    his divorce court episode:

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Technologist Actually yes, when I was a curious little girl, but I’ve been strictly dickly.

    Do you represent Houston like Whitney?
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  7. Originally posted by Bradley how are points decided? So like how are these games played? Say for Group C

    You had
    Team a
    saudi arabia

    so if SA beat ven, is venezeula out? and winner of team A & B plays SA? or what's this point shit, please explain that to me bro

    4 teams per group who play each other once.

    3 points for a win
    0 points for a loss
    1 point for a draw.

    So drawing (or even losing) doesn't necessarily mean you are out of the next round.

    Again the 2 teams with the most points go through to the next round, if say 3 teams all had 10 points then the team with the best goal difference would go through.

    For example, lets say this was the points at the end of the groups round.

    England 9 points (goals for 10, goals against 3)
    USA 9 points (goals for 6, goals against 4)
    Iran 9 points (goals for 6, goals against 3)

    England and Iran would go through because they had the better goal difference.
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  8. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master fucking hate when people from here stalk me that shits the worst.

    Sorry dude 😔 I’ll try to control myself in the future.

    OT thank god for this “update” seriously who here wasn’t on the edge of their seat waiting for an update from arguably the most vain self absorbed poster on this forum (other than scron of course who is really the only cringe simp who seems genuinely obsessed with OP ) who’s mother probably tried to have her sectioned after her father’s death because she likely carried on like a psycho over someone who she only actually met a handful of times 🤭

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Is Incessant the stalker?

    I don’t think incessant, or anyone here, except scron, actually give a flying fuck about OP so I’d say no, it ain’t incessant 😆
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  9. Kafka sweaty
    I won’t get implants. I was fine having normal sized boobs because I could hide them if I wanted to, no push up bras and I liked looking somewhat flat, no strain either. Since getting the bar in my arm though they got bigger and I love them now. Idk I feel like bigger boobs just ruins some outfits or maybe I like the anorexic look.
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  10. blaster master victim of incest
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  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Kafka has gotten involved again with a ring or Yiddish circle of traffickers.

    You name it drugs, women, cars ,booze , guns, nuclear bombs, boats which get broken down into scrap, trafficked and built into new boats that further the conspiracy
    They are also behind all the traffic 🚦 fucking bastards HEY IM GONNA BE LATE HERE!!!
    Yeah she was lured in by a charmer and now she is being chased around her village by out of townies that wear dark robes and perform strange rituals with dead animals on the outskirts of town

    She's sitting in a cafe right now trying to avoid strangers, and doesn't know the man in the robe across and behind the bannister away from her view is me! and I'm paid by this group to bring her to them.
    Stay tuned folx on the next episode of the kafkaverse will milk ever call her back? And what about that lesbian fling?
    *yung and da restlessd theme starts playing on da cowbill loop*

    Originally posted by Kafka Why did you add a b at the end of your name if Jerry is phoney why not just Jerry?

    JerryBeans Man
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  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost yeah but somehow killing yourself which hurts 0 children

    smoking weed and meth which involves and harms 0 children
    having sex with an 18+ tranny another activity that doesn't involve or even produce children
    is worse than having sex with them becuase THEY WANT TO

    they also want a chocolate bar for dinner and a sports car and to be a dinosaur when they grow up. DO you just indulge every childs whim until the day comes when they have stomach ulcers, no car, no skills, no job and are pregnant living with a 40 year old polish coomer retard because they got tricked and trafficked when they were 17 and young and dumb

    "But but but fuys if they edont have gronw up man cock they will turn to the DOGS you don't get it girls get horny at 8 yers old and because they are under developed and children brains they are very easy to manipulate and take advantage of and this is just a natural phenomenon and if a mans eyes are attracted to a woman that is horny that is simply the will of the universe, I'm a fucking saint fuys im literally ghandi just being a natural human in the universe and you are trying to inverse law your satanic society rituals on my existence!!!!"

    Originally posted by Ghost "We should love and celebrate sexual minorities and stop discrimination and hate towards LOVE "

    Originally posted by Wariat I sont know why it is difficukt dor people like you who slander others to not just use the forrect term to slander someone if tyat is who you wre but the lowest denominator ibcorreftly to tey claiming theyre something they wre nor and just say hephephile? Is it too difficukt of a word or complex of a term for you or your brain to fanthom?

    I'm not using your faggot pedo snowflake terms like "Map" and nobody gives a shit about age of consent, you're deranged and sick and will get what's coming to you
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  13. Kafka sweaty
    Some things that are going on:

    I'm being stalked by someone here but I know this person elsewhere on the internet and they are following me into chatrooms two weeks later. It grosses me out because I feel like they're trying to create drama and I'm being watched.
    I've started making arrangements to move house, it could happen within a month.
    My GP prescribed me sleeping pills yesterday. I haven't collected them yet but pray it's Zopiclone.
    I left Mik.
    I found out it was my mum who tried to get me sectioned right after my dad died, so she's dead to me.
    I may be starting a new job soon. This is stressing me out because I have chronic fatigue.
    I'm talking with my ex gf. She's fucking a homeless heroin junkie pedo now.

    Mentally I feel better thanks to hypnosis, planned cosmetic procedures, drugs and am looking forward to going to London next week.
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  14. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat those republics have no legitimacy.

    The right to self determination is internationally protected
    An overthrown democratically elected government is not legitimate
    These are 2 different things and I've already gone over them
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    anyone heard of this?

    Sploo played a lot of OSRS and lived in NY maybe he was real reality

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man runescape was the drug all along.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Im not going on a quest for Triangles, Got damn it!

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man lol "quest". This isnt runescape bitch! The triangles will either get you or they wont. And from the look of it you havent even hit line bc yet

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I'm in school with panic attacks everyday but I'm not a druggo anymore. My life is boring as hell besides dating 13y.o. and the occasional psychotic break and is unmanageable without whole medicine cabinet at once and hoping things will either get better and won't be >tfw no gf for eternities. But then again women are the world's primary source of psychotic break. Idk, life is lame and I'm hoping one day in 10 years I will have 1 functioning dopamine receptor and be able to feel something that isn't triangles. The highs of my life are expressed as seeing the maniac in my eyes and telling girls from 8th grade that I want them to act like a baby girl. The lows include absolute misery and dadfights. Years of bundy abuse has caused me to spend a whole existence as a shell of human who is aroused by empty bags of chips that have been stuck under the sofa accumulating dust and does nothing except play runescape and watch adult swim. You a heroin attic so that's probably worse.

    Originally posted by cerakote i got blackout drunk on nye and almost raped a girl

    i lied to someone about being a virgin

    i nut in my bathroom sink when im beating my dick sometimes

    i bully furries on runescape

    i jerk off so much that i inflamed my prostate

    To the uninitiated, scale theory is the belief that the Gielinor we explore in RuneScape is not a true representation of Gielinor as a planet, instead it's a small, scaled down, version of the world. Scale theory proposes that Gielinor has been shrunk down to suit the confines of a video game which has led to a large part of the natural landscape - open field, rolling hills and maybe even additional settlements - being omitted to create an easy-to-navigate map and, if Gielinor was an actual plane of existence, it would be far larger than the one depicted in RuneScape. This theory is used to explain the multiple illogical, often strange, climate changes that occur across Gielinor and how the distances between certain locations are shorter than described.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man basically throw yourself into a constant state of sensory overload and you'll never get bored. i've discovered the secret to true happiness :) the passive receiver of information is constantly saturated with this excess data so the mind conditions itself up to operate in a state where it perceives the amount that it finds the most pleasurable and energy efficient. for example, depending on my level of energy and mental clarity i might be laying down in the dark or just facebook chatting with the tv on low or reading, when i have more cognitive energy and i feel unexcited i can challenge my cognitive abilities by trying to watch music videos and kartewnz and play dragon age inquisition and have my runescape character create invention materials all at the same time.

    Post last edited by puffy butts at 2017-03-07T10:55:18.546285+00:00

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  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost More like you busted ass while your wife bled you dry

    Ain't you the guy living with your so called girlfriend in her parents condo. lol

    If anything I'm bleeding my wife dry.
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  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley was jacob a muslim

    Jacob was renamed Israel

    Euro Ashkenazi Kazars are edomites who converted to The faith

    This is why they say anti-semite because Esau was the father edomites. Esau was Jacob's twin brother so both are semites which are the decendents of Shem the son of Noah

    Shem is Semite

    So they use the race card Semite" because theyre not israelites
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  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley what you do for a living your whole life long?

    I was in the navy 6 years and then worked at various factory type jobs. Went to tech school and became a auto tech for the last 25 years mostly self employed. I'm pretty good at electrical and computer car problems because I was a electronics tech in the navy. You can make decent money on those kind of problems because most guys can't do them.

    Oh yeah I bought cars at auction, repaired and sold for awhile but its a pain in the ass so quit doing it.
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  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Guess he's to lazy or stupid to get all he can. I'd take any program or school they offered me if it was free, fuck the gov bleed their ass for all you can get.
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  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting Share a pic I can tell you why its that way for you

    Yeah like I would share a pic with you fuckers. She's 12 years younger than me and still looks good, not a fat ass and watches her figure. Some of us fuckers luck up, lots of good looking gals in hillbilly country and some heifers also for you horn dogs into that.
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