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how remourseful do u guys really think he is?

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Free my nigga and the angry black man that yells at him!!!
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Okay but in a society of supposed christian forgiveness where is that when it comes to parole? People really seem to enjoy the protections of the law in that case and will not forgive a person until both of them dies just so they stay locked up for the rest of their lives.

    I dunno man. That lady in the wheelchair being unable to forgive someone is holding up the entire system, just because she got shot?

    Like okay she has been economically hurt, but it's not like this guy can ever repay her. He just has to rot for the rest of his life and never has a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of society, he will always be a criminal.
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