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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    he's just upset that I stole his schtick of getting retarded at work
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung Perhaps if Aldra fucked a nigger, he would feel better.

    maybe.. you never know..

    that or this is just a troll thread he made while barred out, I've made some off the wall threads that everyone ate up with a spork while on benzos before while feeling depressed as a cathartic release from my problems.

    its just he's never made a thread like this before so its out of character for him
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  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby this thread isn't about me, lil idiot. this thread is about aldra being a bitch attention whore, he's the one that made the thread not me.. okay so try to stick on topic butt boi

    like lets just be real here, it is pretty bitch made to cut yourself in your late thirties and show up to work saying "NO U!" and they have to call a woman to come pick him up.. it obviously wasn't serious, he was just being a dumbass showing up to work and looking like a dumbass, quit deflecting.

    how did his boss even know or figure it out that he cut himself?
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  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Im just seeing the thumbnail of the guy he killed in the still of the video and he looks like the kind of guy who gets killed
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  5. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby like seriously does anyone here think that what he did was in anyway reasonable? he hasn't even said why he did what he did, its just an attention whoring thread he made. He's lucky he didn't get taken away by the cops to the mental hospital because he's obviously psycho, i thought he was smarter than that but this is pathetic.

    waaahhh im depressed and cut myself a lil bit and showed up to work like a cry baby and had to have a woman come pick me up that will probably leave me for being a lil bitch waaaahh!
    Shut ur dumbass up, crying like a faggot about abuse & false allegations. Like anyone is plotting & manipulating charges on some Marfan queer without as little a car to his name. 😂 Pretty sure u should worry about ur situation, dummy.
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  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby like seriously does anyone here think that what he did was in anyway reasonable? he hasn't even said why he did what he did, its just an attention whoring thread he made. He's lucky he didn't get taken away by the cops to the mental hospital because he's obviously psycho, i thought he was smarter than that but this is pathetic.

    waaahhh im depressed and cut myself a lil bit and showed up to work like a cry baby and had to have a woman come pick me up that will probably leave me for being a lil bitch waaaahh!

    Nigger who tf are you to be passing judgment? You're literally an alcoholic dishwashing rapist whose parents pay his rent and was in jail last week. I'm sorry that someone else's struggle triggers you so much, especially the "attention whoring" by making a thread about his exploits.

    Thanks for your psychological insight into his mindstate which you dismiss as "attention whoring" with your 60k posts. You obviously don't have anything interesting or insightful or helpful and just want to make it about yourself, because you are jealous of little whore.

    You are very immature Bill Krozby. Stop raping
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  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    like seriously does anyone here think that what he did was in anyway reasonable? he hasn't even said why he did what he did, its just an attention whoring thread he made. He's lucky he didn't get taken away by the cops to the mental hospital because he's obviously psycho, i thought he was smarter than that but this is pathetic.

    waaahhh im depressed and cut myself a lil bit and showed up to work like a cry baby and had to have a woman come pick me up that will probably leave me for being a lil bitch waaaahh!
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data ITT: Bill Krozby is shitposting instead of being a father to his daughter

    Aldra can do whatever he wants with his life and blood and benzos, because he doesn't have a kid

    Get it yet Bill Krozby?

    this thread isn't about me, lil idiot. this thread is about aldra being a bitch attention whore, he's the one that made the thread not me.. okay so try to stick on topic butt boi

    like lets just be real here, it is pretty bitch made to cut yourself in your late thirties and show up to work saying "NO U!" and they have to call a woman to come pick him up.. it obviously wasn't serious, he was just being a dumbass showing up to work and looking like a dumbass, quit deflecting.
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  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Solstice You have no problem taking care of some other dickhead's child, at your expense?

    its actually very macho and says alot about you if you do that
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  10. Nile bump
    Imma burn a drawing I made in jail as a sacrifice so my demon will He assume your burdens and ruins the lives of those close to you
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  11. Nile bump
    Sup I'm drunk again
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  12. livingelegy motherfucker [my polyoicous forward graciousness]
    I was enjoying the ocean view on the beach the other day when I happened to pass my gaze over an attractive single mother walking by the water. After I gave her the old smile and nod, she sent her kid over with a message intended to encourage me to engage her in conversation.

    Our engagement ended there as an ill-timed bout of rainfall cleared the coast of beachgoers. But it occurred to me then how needy the average single mother really is for a man. And I certainly would have no problem raising the seed of another man. It seems that "bedding and wedding" a single mother would be a most agreeable outcome for me.

    I encourage you to discuss your encounters with these rare specimens here.
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  13. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how old is chichi in the original japanese version ?

    yes. goku is a pedo.

    I checked the wiki to answer this question but got distracted by the story of Goku and Chi-Chi's marriage and how it relates to this picture:

    Originally posted by Data

    He's looking at her like "I have no idea what the fuck is going in or what this bitch is making me do right now", and apparently it's because he legitimately has no idea what the fuck is going on or what marriage is.
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  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Sophie Yeah but a manslaughter charge is a heterosexual charge. So joke's on you.

    Idk fam, it's pretty gay if you catch the manslaughter charge for poisoning someone. That's how women kill people.
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  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Wariat hey Bill Krozby, would ryan leone just get over him?

    I don't know I'm not ryan leone, and ryan leone did a lot of fucked up stuff to himself over and over again to get in trouble despite being a very priviledged kid growing up. And get over who? like a cop that set him up or something just depends on the circumstances.

    But I know this is going to sound really bad but there is a reason why a lot of smug district attorneys get murdered because some of them go way out of there way to break up families / ruin peoples lives.

    I've been guilty of everything except this new thing i'm dealing with its total bs.. but with my whole thing with chzboogerz it gave me so much insite into how scummy the jedidicial system is and stuff they would go out there way to pull to make these weird theatrics to try and jam me up.

    One of DA's tried to jail me at court for breaking a protective order because I went to court and so was the victim thus me being too close to her and she was happy to see me, my attorney basically told them to fuck off. Its like you tell me to come to court I do, but now thats illegal.. they just didn't like that the girl came and hugged and kissed me so they made her cry on the stand and then said I got out of jail too easily (I bonded out on their rules) so they said I have to go back to jail or get put on an expensive ankle monitor that didn't even work.

    thats why I'm kinda upset that after seven years of minding my p's and q's that I'm getting jammed up over a trumped up charge.

    Some of these judges, da's , coppers, jailers, are the real criminals
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  16. Who the fuck is Luciano and why does Wariat assume we all know him
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  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Tenement Style Apartment for you Kr0z

    its all you will be able to afford. I hope you like Roaches and Silverfish

    section 8 places are pretty nice here.. you're talking out of your ass again and projecting, you don't even have a job peedy quit trying to make yourself look better than me. like why do almost all of your threads involve me? oh because i've called you a retard

    I thought you were leaving..

    and like I said I don't have to live in austin if I don't want to. But at the moment I like it here, its a lot better than where you live

    but yeah I've thought about getting through school and moving to the country eventually

    you should really worry about yourself peedy and quit making threads about me
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  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat i dont even understand this thread or drug addicts. why would anyone bleed themselves or cut themselves?

    why would you try to molest a 12 year old girl in a public park instead of meeting her at a hotel or something normal? fucking retard
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  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby you don't get to go to the great office in the sky by killing yourself, not right away anyways you have to sit in purgatory confused and even more depressed than you were on earth for quite awhile and then you have to repeat being on earth again so….

    You really believe that faggot shit?
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  20. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    I support all you queer homo faggot fucks coz it means more pussy for me. The reason I get to bang twenty year olds all the time is cos all the guys their age now are either gay or so fucking effeminate that they don't find them attractive at all. Girls want their men to be manly like men. But that's all good for me tho.

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