Today was probably the worst. She was in a bad mood and we had a very weird shopping trip to the clothes shop, where she was complaining there were no shoes to buy despite being surrounded by shoes and insisted on trying on roller blades and buying knee pads (obvious joke har har). She's nearly 40 and can't ride a bike, she'd kill herself on roller blades.
The we went to Tesco and she spend about 2 hours going around, and kept bringing stuff for me to put in the basket that she didn't know how much it was. Again and again I asked. She was getting stuff like goji berries, expensive brand green tea, and vitamin e pill and turmeric and pepper capsules. She spent about €70 on a small bag of stuff and like an idiot I paid on my card, just to make some sort of point.
I was insanely angry, mostly at her acting like a retard and wasting my money, giving it to the english cunts in tesco for basically nothing. I told her that I wasn't happy about her grabbing stuff for me to buy without even knowing the price, and she said there were no prices. I told her there were prices on everything.
Then just before we got back to my mom's house I told her that "if you were buying things with your own money you'd make sure to check the price, wouldn't you? Therefore its not a good idea for me to buy you stuff any more. You have your own money here in Ireland, you can buy with your own money. I won't pay for anything more again for you. Good night" and I timed it perfectly to hop out of the car and get to bed. She did some big act of crying in the car and is currently downstairs, probably acting melodramatic.
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I find them repulsive in a general sense; never known any personally or wanted to but I've seen them around and have had to interact with them on occasion.
on one hand I don't really care what crazy nonsense adults do to themselves, but on the other given the rates of suicide and detransitioning it's obviously a movement and culture that preys on people with serious problems and often makes them far worse, to say nothing about the entire cosmetic and hormonal medical industry that's been built up around this.
people who groom children for this should be summarily executed, naturally
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Originally posted by Bradley
You could just leave now instead of announcing your departure every couple of days for the last two months just to say 'I ONLY SAID I WAS DONE POSTING FOR THE YEAR!!!' or some such tripe.
LOL@ Last two months
pretty sure I just said it recently and I can announce what I want
If you can announce you’re going to jail I can say I’m leaving
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
Originally posted by mmQ
Yeah, Rick knows you don't bite that hand that feeds you. I'm glad you have him well disciplined.
he knew his first day working with me that I am THE BOSS. I run the show he is free to leave anytime. he also knows we live like kings without a true castle. and he never had it so good,, fuck he didnt even leave the property for 3 years except to go to the vet or DR. he doesnt have to deal with the morons of the world he lives better than I do fucker has health ins, I don't, he gets 300 a week from disability 12 months out of the year, I have to save all my summer money to get through the winter
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Well what the fuck is it called? Why are we being weird and secretive about it? Just say the name of it so I can call them and ask them awkward questions.
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
Originally posted by Bradley
Why do you live with another man unless you're gay with him? I thought you make a bunch of money being such a hard worker.
rick used to be an awesome worker, he is honest, I can leave him with 20,000 bucks and all my shit for weeks and he wont touch my loot and will protect it like the best watchdog so when he couldnt work anymore I supported him while he got his disability, and we bought this place together now I work 6 mo a year and he takes care of the home and yard while I work all summer. he couldnt afford to eat ribeyes and nystrip steaks , tuna steaks and lobsters on his check but together we never go broke and we eat like kings .
one of us will not die alone and I can leave the house for 20 hrs and its got a good fire going when I come home. he is my best friend and I am his Best friens so be happy we cant get to you for speaking poorly of us cuz we don't fuck around with motherfucking faggots trying to say gay shit bout us.
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Interesting stuff on what stuff is useful in war and what isn't, by one of the guys who volunteered to fight in Ukraine and actually made it past the first week.
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Originally posted by Bradley
When I saw your nasty black azzz
You started liking white men well before you knew i existed ...but it's okay you're should be..guess you're not a sociopath after all ..just bipolar depression with multiple personalities and schizophrenia....
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Originally posted by WellHung
Smoke more junk. You buy a lot of single roses these days…but only for the glass tubes they come in.
none of you know anything about my life and to someone like me that has experienced a lot and had a rich life full of wild adventure ups and downs it's laughable when you say some shit thinking im some dumb retard faggot loser like you or the people you know but I can tell you don't get out much and have never done anything
yall need to live more and get some hobbies , dont' you ever chase bitches around??????
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man
Shes mad in your face super hardcore intense street walker from the depths of hell.
I am in love lads, she is one of a kind and refuses even $30, beer, weed and a loaded meth pipe!, shes cold as ice!.
I'm gonna tag her with this song on facebook lolz. YOu think you are degenerate punk? even hookers won't party with me… look at this young tight cutie she cant even stand talking to me for 5 seconds!!! IT JUST MAKES ME SO MAD I JUST WANT TO CUT HER OPEN WITH MY JACK KNIFE AND PLAY WITH HER SEXY INSIDES AND EAT HER HEART BECAUSE I LOVE HER WHY THE FUCK IS THAT SO HARD SCRAWNY JUST WANTS TO PLAY
Originally posted by Lenny
By the white girl mob!.
3 lesbians tried to pull a fast one on me but I was prepared with my bag of tricks.
I pulled out q box of Bundy and proceeded to chug the entire thing right there and threw the packaging at them. They pulled knives
So I went home and trolled their facebooks with meth pics saying "where u at? ?Missing the party"
It was that girl that kept running from me before
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man
Wheeling and dealing!. The heads are all flailing wild tonight , I saw this girl that looked underaged weaing very ratty unfitting clothes tearing apart a bunch of walkie talkies in the middle of a dirty construction site at dusk. I heard a loud noise and looked up the boulevard only to see a MASSIVE cardboard fort of epic proportions built over a concrete meridian next to the KFC and there was a half naked obsese woman that yelled "THIS IS MY CARDBOARD BOX FORT!!" every time a person walked by.
also its next to a KFC and its been there for like a week.. there are more popping up randomly too.
The reason this madness was allowed to go on was because there were cops everywhere pulling people over, driving around, standing around talking to people. I saw one cop car with flashing lights pulling over a guy with on a bike. The homeless junkies are doing their thing and there are children and families walking around and NOBODY CARED!!. Then I turn into this dark alley and get robbed by the lesbian Mafia!,the white girl mob!.
3 lesbians armed with knives tried to pull a fast one on me but I was prepared with my bag of tricks. I pulled out q box of Bundy and proceeded to chug the entire thing right there and threw the packaging at them. So I went home and trolled their facebooks with meth pics saying "where u at? ?Missing the party" It was that girl that kept running from me before and always asks "WHERES MY CRACK AT?!" I always say 'Same place as always its between ur ass.'
Every time I try to hang out With this girl & give her free dope she chimps out and I stay up all night getting high alone.
Fucking heads
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Had sex the night that this happened, which is rare with her. Then she had a pretty good day shopping today while I was in work, except I gave her cash and she pocketed it, then asked for my credit card. But she didn't spend anything on it besides a coffee, so it's OK. In the end she spent the day just looking around and then I bought her some hair oil she wanted. Then we got some groceries and things went OK.
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