What are you doing, troon, that you are so afraid of being discovered in the act of?
whats a paratha?
yall niggas make me wanna order food, which i only do a couple times a year, I was wanting to save the occasion for the winter solstice next week
wariat we barely care about your opinions, much less the opinions of your dumbfuck countrymen none of us (including you) will ever know, or want to know.
Striking someone in the head with a 4 foot metal extension of your strong arm as hard as you can generally causes mortality if repeated until you get the effect you're looking for.
2022-12-14 at 1:10 PM UTC
This Sunay's Confession
probably not in your ability to add quality content to a forum if they've ever observed you in the wild.
2022-12-14 at 1:08 PM UTC
Random image thread
God I couldn't imagine being so fucking fat and androgynous that I get mistaken for a woman despite being a middle aged man.
Fuck I'd rather be bald, hairy, loud, and carry all my weight in my belly and ass than that bitch.
2022-12-14 at 1:07 PM UTC
Random image thread
i thought they were a lesbian couple tbh.
basically they're fighting over a couple hundred miles of border, but there's no resources, it's all straight up mountains, there's like six thousand people who own nothing and don't vote that live in the valleys herding goats and shit, unlike the uh fuck what the fuck is their name, the northern Iraqis, they don't see themselves as like their independent people's without (KURDS, THEY'RE KURDS WHO WANT KURDISTAN in Syria/ Iraq!!!) so basically india and china been fighting about this no value real estate and they're both nuclear powers.
They realized this could quickly evolve into a full contact sport between nuclear powers over something worth less than the cost of one nuclear weapon.
So now they use sticks, pieces of metal, i'm pretty sure sharpened metal like swords and knives is a no no, so basically it's just shitty cantina wire, sticks, and a bunch of year 2 GIs playing hands on Red Rover, i think a lot of this is done for fun bro
wow u guys are really knowledgable about wellhung
2022-12-14 at 12:54 PM UTC
another full night of talking to yourself + 1 person you hate lol
2022-12-14 at 8:50 AM UTC
lol i think u got a screw loose
when I think of "mass disease" i think of 1/10-1/2 loses, not a culling of the weakest .3% of our population.
That's like saying a windstorm that blows all the leaves off your property into your neighbors yard is the same as a tornado that removes your house from the foundation.
I hope the next pandemic actually kills people.
2022-12-14 at 8:24 AM UTC
NiS Mobile Group Chat
wow MM I didnt' know you wer ea homosexual ontop of being a devout muslim & virgin
It would've been July, perhaps-August of 2019.
It's quite in vogue to claim things with great detailed proof AFTER the fact and claim you knew such detailed nuances long before anyone else, you just chose not to disclose them.