s,,,,,o i found a tin foiley in the basement now in addition to taking a bunch of ambien, finding myself a hmong girlfriend while drunk ice fishing (I never actuallly fsihed, just walked up carrying a fishing pole to asian people) found this cool ass cat (he does like to eat cats and when i asked him he was excited when i said yeah i do too)
has a sister
18 1/2 and looks like a piece of brown rice folks
same size too
now im on her chromebook, telling her im reading reddit instead of posting on "That nasty nigga site"
we got our ownr oom but she likes to watch japanese manga with Khmai subtitles
so i found a tin foiley in the basement now in addition to taking a bunch of ambien, finding myself a hmong girlfriend while drunk ice fishing (I never actuallly fsihed, just walked up carrying a fishing pole to asian people) found this cool ass cat (he does like to eat cats and when i asked him he was excited when i said yeah i do too)
has a sister
18 1/2 and looks like a piece of brown rice folks
same size too
now im on her chromebook, telling her im reading reddit instead of posting on "That nasty nigga site"
we got our ownr oom but she likes to watch japanese manga with Khmai subtitles
so i found a tin foiley in the basement now in addition to taking a bunch of ambien, finding myself a hmong girlfriend while drunk ice fishing (I never actuallly fsihed, just walked up carrying a fishing pole to asian people) found this cool ass cat (he does like to eat cats and when i asked him he was excited when i said yeah i do too)
has a sister
18 1/2 and looks like a piece of brown rice folks
same size too
now im on her chromebook, telling her im reading reddit instead of posting on "That nasty nigga site"
we got our ownr oom but she likes to watch japanese manga with Khmai subtitles
he said his sister was looking for a husband, so i said ya me, he said i cant use the internet, they dont like no technology, and i said yea okay that makes sense.
so are chimps, i actually like drinking with black guys. i was surprised, i taught a couple to play cribbage and learned how to play PLUNK, basically like gin rummy but you have to yell PLUNK when your hands full ( a black game )
who told him it was gangster to say "Ill eat your ass alive like my name was jeffrey dahmer" devoid of knowledge on homosexual (&Wariat) ass eating, cannabilism, or homosexuality.
BUt can you KNUCK IF YOU BUCK & WE READY TO FIGHT Come Up On me and you aint value your life
listening to this shit makes me want to go put on my vest and start problems with fools at bar close