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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    game sold to, not told to, i changed my mind
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I kidna wanna get chinese food still, kinda nervous about covid tho
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    1st, I don't get a check, no one does. Direct Deposit onto a card or bank account of choice.

    And I don't really know the exact amount, i just put it on my hoard of gold i have piled up under this here mountain and go back to my dragon resting wwhile i await additional hobbits

    Everyone on SSI is a dragon
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Yeah you did great
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    she became a really ugly lookin adult but part of that is no sex, no boys, huge amounts of medication, and a diet extremely high in soy and state-quality-goodness

    Kinda sad.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why? and how does she have facebook when she got 40yrs in a loony bin? Do they let the loons have internet?

    Her family moved to Texas to get away from what their daughter did, because of the child's age she's handled with kid gloves.

    Like literally her parents said they wanted to move to texas, they gave them a list of like 30 places where Morgan could get treated, she's at a place where she gets 4 hours of computer access twice a week, three now because of CoVid. She can't leave or anything, she goes up for periodic like parole type hearings (can't relate it to anything other than my own parole hearings which were denied ofc) every couple of years.

    She's currently 21 and will transfer either this year or the following year.

    If she goes to Taycheedah (Wisconsin's only secure woman's prison) or WWRC (Wisconsin's Women's Resource Center, basically a psychiatric prison), I'll probably go visit her.

    Nice lady, good penpal. Likes me cuz I'm not a weirdo pedophile trying to fuck an attempted killer 14 year old.

    I told her the truth, I get high and I'm bored and in jail too.

    That works, folks.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Wanted to know someone famous. I'm good at gambling. So in jail I end up with a lot of stamps cuz so many inmates don't have commissary, want to gamble, and get 2 free stamps a week.

    So I get all their stamps. I used to give away a cup of instant coffee (two scoops, level) for 1 envelope. I would take 40 pre stamped envelopes and exchange them for IIRC like 22$ when I would get out. They stopped doing that now tho.

    I've probably won a couple hundred stamped or pre stamped envelopes in my life gambling on sports, dice, card games, and dominos.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Sorry Kyle Rittenhouse is from Antioc Illinois (Which if you all remember the thread, BRADLEYB SAVES THE MOTHERFUCKIN DAY AGAIN) is where I stopped Average_Jane & Her Child's kidnapping frorm her estranged husband Bradley Bond of Detroit Michigan wher ehe was on bail for substantial battery and wrongful imprisonment.

  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Youre confusing John Wayne Gacey (Boy Killing Clown) with Ed Gene of Ed Gene's Furniture Emporium in Planesville< Wisconsin

    Yes I know the Slenderman girls, well one of them. I know Morgan Geyser (the one that was older and orchestrated it), I don't like Anita Anweier. Morgan and I are FAcebook friends and periodically exchange letters, we've been doing so since give or take Fall of 2014 when I wrote both of them while I was incarcerated.

    Morgan wrote me back.

    Not sure who the violent femmes are, nor alien spooks.

    I do know that the band Weezer, Kyle Rittenhouse, and myself are all from Wisconsin.

    I've always wanted to have sex with Aaron Rodgers since I know he's a fag and stays up in Green Bay and likes medical grade weed.

    That's wisconsin in a nutshell.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I mean how many timse ont he internet @Fonaplats would you tell some greasy middle age loser about shell's pussy and what you do to it before you just call him a fag and tell him to go make a friend who wants to be his friend too.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Fonaplats We all use discord but @rabbitweed kicked you from it for overly homosexual small talk.

    rabbitweed kept askking me to talk about gay shit bro and it made me kinda annoyed, like I get I'm gay but after two hours of him being like "So when was the age you first touched another man?" "Wow, do you really like touchin cock?" "Maybe I'd love to suck your cock but i have to just keep asking questions about it cuz i'm too ashamed to live your life."

    Kinda just got to be gay as fuck bro, and I was passed it. Not for me.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Solstice Only a very selfish person tells someone who hates their own life enough to want to end it that they should keep on suffering for the sake of others.

    You should keep suffering for the sake of others.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Now I like su gar and I like tea
    but I don't like injuries no sirreee

    Ther'es only two thinsg that'll be me spook
    And that's running outta drugs
    And losing the virginities i took
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    feels like a good idea, thanks
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    for six hours high on DMT before you execute yourself on tinychat my nigga
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    have you ever cleaned a pistol?
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm gettin fucked up today boys!!!!
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra you're not supposed to hold in duster?

    Dude you got so much duster in a can for 4$. Don't hold that shit in, you might hold it in forever type shit.

    Crack is expensive, meth is a chore to make, don't waste taht shit
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    maybe small asian men like being man handled by aggressive white men?
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    thaks that's what i tell em at sentencing too
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