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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I notice I say a lot of dumb shit on the phone

    I get through with everything I had to tell someone after I called them

    "Okay, Mr.B, well thanks for calling."
    "You too."

    I hang up and think what the fuck did I thank him for calling for?
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i can chase way faster with shoes on too.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I think that black lady with the fro I don't remember what the position is called like Media Minister or Press Secretary or some shit i'm not looking at up, I think she's really pretty and doesn't take shit from people
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I kinda wonder why they odn't run Pelosi. She has enough clout to be effective as a VP for their party nomination and is a pretty long time swamp member.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    i will leave my shoes and socks on though because I don't like dancing barefoot.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    first thing I"m doing during the zoklet meet up is taking my pants off

    (I don't wear underpants)
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Best Poster goes to Donald Trump for his second ever victory. Should count double because it's been over 2 weeks but it doesn't.

    Worst poster is a 3 way tie between 2 pedophiles and a retard.

    1 Paul Wozny for consistently making unfunny jokes, unengaging threads and playing connect the dots between unrelated events. Great job, big peephole.

    2 Kafka spamming shit no one reads, talking to herself more than camdyrein and being a contributor of posts not worth reading.

    3 warcry for making everything about 90s video games his mom bought him and sex with children his mom indirectly funds.

    Thanks everyone.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Are you crowd funding to buy a ticket
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry why cant people jsut admit it. that im right?

  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Free my nigga and the angry black man that yells at him!!!
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    did drake really have sex with a 10 year old boy, a poodle and a vietnamese prostitute on film at P Diddy's mansion on cam?
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I'll be honest with you Donald Trump one thing I'm looking forward to more than anything is having sex with strangers with you.

    I know we/you/I can afford to get multiple women and like do 1 on 1, tag team/switch off coupling but I don't want that, not for me adn u

    For me and u I wanna get 1 recipient and just both at the same time but not in a weird way. Like in teh eiffle tower, high five at the top kinda way

    i'm a little chubby just at the thought

    BUt I don't wanna fuck some nigga that's bigger than me or has a beard, cuz that's really gay.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    I can see RUssia from my backyard, said a fat aging peodphile

    The audience then BURST into laughter at such a dynamic witticism.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What about you Brad? I don't think she has a vagina or a willy but maybe she'd let you walk down her sandy desert trail. You'd need to be gentle though, I'm sure she could beat any normal guy up pretty easily.

    Originally posted by Bradley Kinda looks like a dude, bro.

    Or is that the part you like???
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What about you Brad? I don't think she has a vagina or a willy but maybe she'd let you walk down her sandy desert trail. You'd need to be gentle though, I'm sure she could beat any normal guy up pretty easily.

    Kinda looks like a dude, bro.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    So she was born a girl (vagina), buy had XY characteristics, now her vagina can get hard and she's a boxer???
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I got a tool u can rent
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Hey CandyRein, I hope you'r ehaving a wonderful Friday Eve :)
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    That's the nigga who doesn't give pennies when he makes change at the liquor store!!! I know that guy!!!
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    OP wants to get his fart releaser boxed in by an Algerian ladyboy.
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