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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Incessant I can categorically say that neither of those things are going to happen and they were always in the telegram confused and laughing that you thought they were serious. I get it. I use to be you when I first came here. But unless if you piss off one of the few hackers here you will be fine. They’re just trolling. Ignore them and it will get boring for them.

    Donald Trump paid her to say this!!! I saw the chat logs!!! DON"T ELIEVE HER!! SHE"S PART OF THE CONSPIRACY, KAFKA! YOU"RE SMARTER THAN THIS!!!
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Dirtbag This is bad. Bradley's been making threats toward me for years about tracking me down and raping me and will definitely try to do that if he comes here. Donald is obsessed and deranged. Idk if he was always that way or if my beauty drove him mad, that's happened before.

    lol u keep saying that but don't have any quotes or screenshots of when I ever said anyhting remotely like that.

    Where are the screen shots of me ever saying anything that nasty to u?
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry didnt u claim that it is obly going to get harder to me as I age bradley? these dudes are way older than me and dont seem to haev it so ahrd as long as theyr ein diff countrie sbradley and cities so waht u said is wrong?

    Yes as it beecomes harder to have sex, your dick will also be less hard.

    Ironically you will be less hard as the finding children who want to fornicate with you becomes more difficult.

    If you were 18 or 19 years old you'd just be dripping in pussy all day every night but now that you're 41 I mean bro common sense.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I like to imagine asian people with "Water" or "Courage" tattooed on them
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    My name is BradleyB not BradleyA. I'm not a work of art but I'm trying, I"m having fun, I'm not on drugs or drunk anymore, my sex life could be better but that's alright, I'm doing me (literally) and working on bettering myself. Being a less abrasive person, etc. But I know it's not perfect but give me a break wozdog I used to be wayyyyyyyyyyyyy worse 6 months ago when I starte dtrying to be a nicer person than I am now.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    How am I angry bro I would say the majority of the time I smile while I type to you, sometimes I have the bored look of indifference when replying to your conspiracy threads tho.

    I am trying to get help. THis BBS is my mental health treatment!!!! Also 10 out the 11 psyciatrists I was forced to see agree I'm not that mentally ill!!!! lol jk
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Hey tara :) I hope your day is going as well as mine is!
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    That's like saying Aldra is a better friend to me than Instigator.

  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Well yeah Donald Trump is a really nice guy anyone would be lucky to have as their confidant.

    You too


  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry braldye if u came to lodz oculd u ask them for me after they reecct me or event hoguh they are fulyl adult even act like me or a guy arpund 30 is too odl can u ask them why they dotn do here or in baltic what they do inr ussia chech or hunagry for me?

    Ya I'd love to help you figure out why teens aren't intrested in you. I think that would be a great activity for us to do while I get really high on mephedrone while we walk aroudn town.

    Originally posted by Warcry what is ur take on this issue who is the bigger white trash? females her ein ldo zlike this who wont fuck for money and onyl oook for suckers and trashy young guys or those in chech who look less and dress less hooker or trahsy but fuck old men or rimjob 50 yr olds for moeny? whsoe worse star trek? or bradley?

    why don't you become a young, trashy white guy in Lodz that gets all the babes? YOu already don't clean your apartment or wipe your ass with toilet paper, that's gotta count for something.

    Have you tried getting drunk and telling them about the pornography you watch and how it's legal in poland for them to have sex with you, an older gentlemen?
  11. Bradley Florida Man

    Yarr that's me poop deck your hositin, mateyplats
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Shiver me timbers, I hope he doesn't take me booty.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Folks he asked me if I am coming on the cruise, he asked me if I am coming to see him in Florida, he asked if I am coming online.

    He uses subtle comes to reference me cumming!!!!

    Who should I call about this? MY safety is important and I will not be raped by someone who wants my cum in and around their mouth hole. I'm scared!!!!
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Wozny is the mean edopted father I never knew I would end up loving.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Kinkou well, you will never be able to come back now

    Kafka, I have all the logs, if you would like to know Bradley is full of shit. lol

    You're really gonan show her what Donald Trump said for real? STinkou aren't you his friend???
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't like rape jokes and the like because it minimizes the severity and lasting damage a rape can do.

    When peopel joke about let's say grabbing someone's ass, they're much more likely to grab someone's ass while horsing around because that form of sexual assault has been so greatly diminished in severity that it's just 'playing around.'

    When people make joke after joke about rape, like peopel I know, then I find out later they didn't respect a woman's boundaries, or full on sexually assaulted them, I wonder if they learned that behavior or came to accept it as okay as a result of seeing other males joking about such things and ultimately engaging in that kinda thing.

    My guess. I just think rape is a fucked up thing to do to another human being so I don't joke around about it.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Donadl Trump posts his dick pics all the time but no one cares. Is it because it's small? Because he shaves? Because he's nicer than me? What's up with that!!!
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Kinkou brad, ur kicked off telegram forever now

    ya it's no fun when everyones posting pictures, doing voice messages, sending links, stickers of jedi people and hate speech and I can't. Sorry.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    i always been retarded just ask mr. kerns he was my special ed teacher at MPS
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny This comes off Murder Suicide threat. I think Kafka has a legit case

    i was talking to fralalalalala, my rummykum partner.
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