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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I think fona has a wonderful personality that chell has fallene for despite whatever visual misgivings yall may feel upon seeing him
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    If you eevere think you're beteter than us you will devluge your PI willingly and we will give you our honest opinion

    Bill Krozby did it, i'd rate him 6/10, because of his bravery in admitting evrything he has about himself and him being funny, i'd hoonestly give him an 8/10

    He's like a mexican shaggy from scoooby dooo, what's not to love
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    i keep these choppers soo close my momma think they just my neighbors
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby [

    I'm a latinx and I'm pretty smooth, i shave my bush and ass, and once a month or two i shave my smelly beird that i drool in when i sleep

    ever since you first told me what spam was again and then about spamabalooza and about how your mom and a dad would save up all year and your dad would blow it all on spam the night before for himself and you'd have to go to spamfest just trying to get some sasusage from other father figures in the greater downtown houston area,

    You're a man who will work for his meat and that's a quality i can respect, unlike Data/§m£ÂgØL who is a chalupa in all forms except taste
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby [

    I'm a latinx and I'm pretty smooth, i shave my bush and ass, and once a month or two i shave my smelly beird that i drool in when i sleep

    Ill try it yea
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    why can't any of you ever be any nicer to a mufucka that zoom song shit someone posted made me cry earlier, bradleyb doesn't deserve that! He was always so nice to everybody! He didn'te tell on anyone for shit.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data Your penis must be ruined

    Hard as ever.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    here's a photo of me crying about the zoom song all fucked up throowing up gang signs in case i ever try acting better than anyonoe else.


    fuck ti
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    somoetimees u just gotta do a fatass dab hit and get over shit and not relapse and be a woorthleess alcoholic

    wee good
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    and fuck joe biden
  11. Bradley Florida Man
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    i remember being likee 4-10 and crying myseelf to sleep and wishing i coould be like ethe kids on zoom and have someone that gave a shit teaching me estuff and i'd cry and my mom would be tired from work and i just wanted someonoe to give a shit but no one did and then my heaert brokee space n igga,

    and then we put it back togther, space niggr, and my heart is hardened because it had to be and i wish it wasn't like that but it is, i'mma go buy some fuckin beer bro, i'm sad as fuckinshit
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    zooom zoom zoom

    and allt he kids wouold comoe oout, i wanted to be one of those kids so bad it was my first disappointment in life, no noee wanted to teach me or educate me for fun
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    dude how old were u i was 6 when this shit came out

    my family was poor nigga

    prolly cuz family was 1 woman 1 child

    I remember we had TV that my mom watched jerry, judge judy, and i looked forward to watching zoom

    do you remembere zooom with tthee kids on pbs that was my fav
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    even pretend like Bill Krozby
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    and are either of you hispanic
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    how old is ur daughter
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Like I tell all my friends "Wait till you get your Biden Bucks, cuz i can't pay for everything if all your doing is getting high and sucking dick."
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    And unless i'm marrying some girl my mom isn't trying to meet her or you, sorry.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Is she married. Send me a photo of her. How old? I have a daughter almost your age but you´re a faggot and all

    My mom is 62. she had me at 35. I will send a photo of me and my mom last easter for a photo of u and ur daughter. YOu are white, yes? I am not trying to marry people who are not White American, Native American, or Mexican-American. I do not like that.

    Don't tell your daughter about me being gay, I'll try to be straight again bro, we got this!
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