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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    is he cute
  2. Bradley Florida Man

    30 image
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    hell ya but great news i was really mad at myselff and my friend cassi dyingi and I woke up todoay, made a cup of coffee

    gonna try to find something to do today and not drink
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Great thread
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    I loveit. Night scrawn <3
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I honestly should be banned because Im going to write a tell all as soon as I stop being addicted to internet and probably stop masturbating as much as I do. or not.

    the sad thing is people died and no one thinks that´s a sad thing but rather says stupid shit like ¨Colladeral Damage on Americans¨ and ¨What makes your country any better¨ and I agree. it shoudlt be. But the truth is the people behind 9/11/01 may not have been directly George Bush or Dick Cheney but they made shitloads off of it and probably had inside info it was going to go down. and clearly Arabs paid the terrorist for it. and the terrorist like Muhammed Atta just thought they were going to a CIA trial test or actually thought they could fly the craft into a target which was laughable. not impossible if you´re determined. BUt laughable because even determined its hard to hold a craft going full speed below 10000 feet. I mean at 1000 feet the planes can be ripped apart let alone steered. they climb above 10,000 feet for a reason. at that 2 mile high altitude the planes have little air resistance because the air is very thin. and the higher they climb the smoother the ride.


    go fuck yourself

    You said you're 57? How often do you masturbate and are you blind?
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    No one should be banned and all banned people should ban evade.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby stfu peedy you're dumb and never listened to his music, quit trying so hard to fit in, nobody even wanted you on tc because you'd ramble about jeff hunter constantly

    Dude maybe he really loves joe hunter
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost you made that you ugly faggot

    Do you actually jerk off to pics u saved of me scron
  10. Bradley Florida Man
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost a real meth head will find it and use a crowbar to open anything in between them and dat big bucks

    Wanna buy this crowbar
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I'll hold it for you op
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready First place theives look is Freezers. No lie. I watched a show on the crime network of where not to hide money. Freezer in frozen foods, under or inside the matress, pillows, picture albums including the covers (people peel back and place large denomination bills of thousand or higher bills inside), Attic under fiberglass insulation rolls or in (though if you go deep enough in, that might work), inside a wall pocket you cut out, inside Paintings, Inside the vault behind the painting, taped to the Water heater in the insulation with silver duct tape, on top side of ceiling rafters in garage or attic, under the floorboards of the crawl space (Luigi be finding shit), placing in water tight sealed vacuum bags and a pvc pipe with endcaps then shoved in the sewer tapout outside the house. really. put it in the bank or put it in a bankś safety deposit box except dont withdrawl money and then ask to go to your safe deposit box each time you get money. I guess its not legal in some countries. USA might be one. also the people at the bank may never steal money but they can allow a friend who is a key locksmith to come in on one skeleton crew shift and let the fucker make the second key to the box to steal money out. You cant claim money out of a safe deposit box Im told. lol. good way to fuck people over.

    Dont bring your phone with you, Find a large state park. do what you stated and bring a very reliable GPS with you, mark the GPS with some red or yellow flag. walk a mile, back to your car, drop the GPS in a foil pouch. go back to the spot you flagged. Remove flags (write down the coordenance first..duh) and bury your fucking money in several areas of a park, in an area you know no one would just come along and find. Make sure you place large rocks over the stache, place coffee grounds inside and all over the fucking place so no dog will start digging. Dont eat food prior. wear brand new gloves when digging so a dog wont smell food. make sure you do it at night. Maybe go camping at a camp ground and do it there so No one will fucking know shit moonless night. bring a Infrared camera and tape over its own Infrared lights and use it to make sure no one is watching you because they will light up super bright (as in make sure no infrared light is on you. flir if you can afford it), and then bury your fucking GPS location. make sure you have it down to fractions of coord. and maybe draw a tree or take a photo with people standing in front of it with any natural rock formation as an extra backup in case you lose coords.

    place the photo of the family in a family album in the safe depost box. You now have made the safest spot ever for your money to hide.

    tl:dr Thats your fault. This is the best tip evererr

    Don't forget to put an X to mark the spot
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Yuuuh guys get excited this is gonna be the greatest orgy ever. Iam
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Diometric rare earth magnets get a small fist size amount don't wear baggy pants my boys cock does into the shelving like lp grabbed him. Stay tuned why. Menards has them home depot hAs them 20$ 30$ for more online but ya stay tuned why
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    He said if other ppl post he might tell me more I could share
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I knew 1 meat thief. He used to steal steaks too. Its Most important to bag it and weigh gala apples then hit 1 on quantity and keep it moving with bulk other groceries. I heard from the meat thief between sausage trading
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Famous or not,, Brotha shoulduv hung out here. we would of monitored his ass on tinychat type of stream. just us. no fans or any crazy bitch stalking him. just us. everyone treating him like another person. hearing his pain.

    DMX may have been on Zoklet or some shit for all we know. Hell 50? &TOTSE Dialup OG

    The only person who likes blacks here is §m£ÂgØL and only their cocks
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby thats typical of gays to want other men to be gay with them but I've never wanted to sleep with a man. I like feminisms bodies, curvy hips and ass and tits. I met a tranny on tinder and we became friend and would get high and hang and go to the bar but "she" always wanted me to fuck her and I didn't want to do it, we eventually stopped hanging out over it because "she" was upset I'd be texting real women. She was from wisconsin actually, good person just I've never seen a trap that convinced me, the forearms are a dead give away, too mannish for me. Does that make me a pussy?! lol

    I don't want to sleep near you bro I wanna stretch u bro

    And ya it makes u really judgemental
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby howard says you can also eat on the cheap in cambodia for like 10 dollars a day you can eat like a king and for 20 dollars you can get 3 hours of ass, but you have to get used to the heat / smog

    I eat like a king for 10$ here and I can get three hours of ass with a dick pic and hook up sites. U have a huge cock u know this.
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