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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    oh and they thought i bodied this kid but then they realize dhtat was retarded cuz i was 15 and didn't do it
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    tbh i could see that being me, due isn't ugly and i probably will end up looking like the guy on the right if i stop geting high and take care of myself
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Cormac McCarthy
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Hey everyone. This is my first time leading a book club online and my first time leading a book club focusing on fiction instead of religious books.

    The book we're going to be starting with is Blood Meridian a 1985 Epic Novel by some guy whose last name reminds me spices McCormac or some shit. The book is 340 pages about and due to the wild success of "No Boners for Older Men" by the same author, this book has wide availability in English speaking nations.

    I actually asked the library if they could inter library loan it for me and they said they have two copies on hand and i have a small town library.

    So @ 340 pages, if you'd like to be in our book club we will be under the assumption you can read 10 pages a day. Thus we'll do weekly discusions @ 70 pages, 140, 210, 280 and 340. Figure five weeks/month.

    YOu will be expected to post at least once a week even if you're just insulting another member or adding nothing.

    As always please don't ruin the endings, but if you do, you do, that's called life and part of being in a book club.

    We start 4/13 Tuesday.

    In a loosely historical context the narrative follows a fictional teenager referred to as "the kid," with the bulk of the text devoted to his experiences with the Glanton gang, a historical group of scalp hunters who massacred aboriginal Americans and others in the United States–Mexico borderlands from 1849 to 1850 for bounty, pleasure, and eventually out of nihilistic habit. The role of antagonist is gradually filled by Judge Holden, a physically massive, highly educated, preternaturally skilled member of the gang who is extremely pale and completely bald from head to toe.

    Blood Meridian - Cormac (1985)

    Please post if you have interest in this.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    what really sucks is on my tablet (I still have no phone) i can't upload pics to the app, so i'm like kinda limited to only non pornographic images and my penis is pretty much my best lead for hook ups as my humour isn't that sexually attractive over text and most of these people couldn't care less than I do bonsai or breed snakes or am smart.

    I really fucked up leaving that mirror out and that martial arts gook tranny seeing the razor blade and rolled up 100 and asking me if I Do drugs and *as i'm hitting a dab pen* I said "Yeah I smoke pot, like really often, this morning, in fact."

    :/ I fucked up telling lies to strangers but it is what it is
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    doing a line and buying a four pack before i start cock surfing the local cesspool of faggots near me

    No one wants to do starcocks2 or the chatroom so i'm outta options
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    I never expected you to have a nice voice. YOu really do.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I hit the rat with the gat, coughed but never spat.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    someone get ashold of cheezeboogers and tell her im tryna fuck
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    if i had a daughter i would abandon her and see her twice a year (the minimum) around her birthday and christmas

    Most of you are just jealous you don't have any chance of having a little girl get near you, much less live with you.

    Don't be jealous, if you start fucking women that have had a menarche, maybe you have a daughter too.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by WellHung But you currently have two felony charges against you, Douglas. And the fine citizens of Austin will hold you accountable for that.

    I have three felony convictions, what's up?
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Don't post that you actually did it.

    I was accused of doing a string of armed robberies and they searched my room at 16 looking for weapons and then a week later, the guy di it again and was caught red handed. He did look 100% like me from his facebook pictures, only i was two or three inches taller and about ten years younger.

    They said i started a series of fires at the Middle School by lighting toilet paper and throwing it into the partical cieling board tiles.

    But then they were going through my attendance and saw I had not been at school when the second fire was started.

    What about you?
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    doesn't seem very scientifc
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I had no father growing up, my mom had a couple boyfriends during the 17 years we lived together. One really went out of his way to teahch me hunting, fishing and try not to have me grow up into a fucked up person. I don't treat him well enough for what he did altruistically to help me succeed
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I Like waffle fries a lot.

    I forgot what steak fries are

    but wedge fries are just like eating 1/6th of a potato
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    never been to jack in the box or raising cains, they're not in my area, can you please describe this
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i vote we just give them a really sterm talking to
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Who are they HTS
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol i heard the nazis used to use those ankle biters the dauschands to bite jedis ankles while they were marching into treblinka

    lol xD
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    i thought fona has a really gfood job
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