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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    ya i'm not gonna be able to talk shit on the internet forever!!!!
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    black people invented aids
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I gave this old guy my grippy socks, I did have a yellow pair. I don't like them because my feet sweat too much in them. I greatly prefer the thin dress or ankle socks that are very cheaply made.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Do I free grippy socks? Not sure what this means.

    I wear black ankle socks that I buy in bulk for very cheap. I think I pay 9$ for a dozen of them. I like how they have the same appearance because I don't have to find matching socks or anything.

    When i become wealthy later in life I"mma wear those dress socks rich niggers wear but they're like 5-6$ a pair
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Instigator Lol

    How much have you got to pay for a tetanus shot?

    I go fishing so I regularly jab myself with dirty rusty fishing hooks and as such I get a tetanus shot every 8 years. I got my last one in 2020 during the pandemic so I got that covered.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not all heroes wear underpants

    I'm wearing polyester slacks and a button up, it's 90+ degrees and humid as shit out, do you think I'm gonna tack on some 100% cotton underpants into this? My balls are sweaty enough bro.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    It's crazy how entertaining this forum is for me. Like I could be playing video games, wathcing tv, reading ab ook, but I'd rather just watch the same forty users or so just argue and talk shit to one another and I love eit.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    But if the creepy pedophile is 32 year old volelyball coach and wants to fuck a 15 year old girl we're gonna hang that dumb fucker immediately.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    An exception will be made for hot milfs who want to suck off teenage boys, as I remember Ms. Feyereisen my art and ceramics teacher who I still think about when I shower to this day 16 years later. That is OK
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    If she can't drink legally, keep your penis out of her body.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I think it should be raised to 21 years old. In fact I think they should make it a death sentence for anyone under the age of 21 to have sex with anyone over the age of 18. Furthermore I think if you have sex with anyone over the age of 21 and you are over the age of 21 you must film it and let the government know. A website should be made where all sexual encounters are put online as a matter of public record, the website will be called and I will be the administrator, lead moderator and frequent commenter.

    There will also be a search function where you can search by keywords and descriptors.

    All sexual relations not filmed and submitted to me will result in an immediate 1 year sentence, repeated violations will result in castration.

    In fact you can start this by sending me videos of pornographic videos involving yourself (unless you're under 21 or a fat male, fat girls ok).

    Send all pornographic videos, booty shots, or anal play videos to

  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Bro that's so fucking gross lol I'm still kinda in shock
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Folks I"m at my fourth day of managing a sober living facility of 17 other people.

    Guy came back work, just got paid, paid me rent, and said he was tired. He was holding a blue powerade.

    I sat in my room shit posting and looking at youtube videos of horrific battles from ancient times and shit.

    His roommate came back and told me the doors locked, said he knocked, I said ok and grabbed my key. HIs rooommate the one who just came home was leaned against the wall on his bed with his lips turning purple.

    I ran back to my room and grabbed my narcan (This is my first time narcanning someone who actually needed to be narcaned) and I ran back and did the nose application twice in both noostrils. I began to do chest compressions and there was only very shallow breathing, so I started doing mouth to mouth resesitation

    Dude puked in my fucking mouth. Stomach and acid and blue powerade. Medics showed up and the police for some reason and told me I saved his life. :/

    LOL Happy Friday yall!!!! THe owner of the house showe dup andt old me I did everyhting right and how proud of he was of me. Dude that was such a nasty fucking sensation feeling warm powerade and stomach acid go into my mouth and then I started coughing it up and spitting it out onto the floor and now I Have to clean up all this puke and the more puke from when he kept puking on his side :/

    I don't feel like a hero, I feel like a garbage bag full of puke lol
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Why would you cook shrimp on a spit?
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I remember when I said to call me Braddy the first time and you said "Is that a combination of Brad and Daddy?!" Haha
  15. Bradley Florida Man

    - Braddy.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm debating if I want to splurge and get some fast food whether I want chicken wings n fries or if I want chinese food
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Black people invented Africa.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    I just got someone elses puke in my fucking mouth, haha, I hate this job already
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Haha ur so unattractive to everyone
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Old gay seasoning sounds like my boy paul wozny
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