2022-02-21 at 6:18 AM UTC
Guys this is serious
i have social media, facebook and twitter
So whenever I'm on facebook i see local people a lot of them i know in person, anyway some of these women post some depressing shit like when they're going through some stress
and post stuff like
"You ever just wanna run away and start over"
"It would feel so good to start drivin gand never stop"
shit that implies they might try to run away
if they don't have children in their custody/no children then post stuff like this, and then go missing, i feel like they would never investigate the shit all that well.
No one wants to go look in the woods or spend thousands of hours looking through someone's life if they think when they find them they want to be left alone.
If you could access the facebook at any point later on, you could post more sad memes and stuff one last time.
I always thought how easy these people would become victims of someone but as i have no interest in harming women or kidnapping them, i never used this idea nor will i ever in the future, so i decided to share it with yall.
Best of luck
2022-02-21 at 6:08 AM UTC
LDNR Militias are Mobilising
I don't know why the worlds primary powers don't just meet together and say ok Taiwan to China, Ukraine to Russia, and the United States just scoops up Cuba and everyone just goes home victorious to their people and the world is a little more divyed up.
2022-02-21 at 5:48 AM UTC
LDNR Militias are Mobilising
i figured out how to download it,
2022-02-21 at 5:46 AM UTC
LDNR Militias are Mobilising
do you have facebook messenger? I have a video i recorded from the bbc
No black person wants to call the cops. George Floyd 2 coming next type shit
Illegal immigrants (mostly from mexico in my exp) will never call the cops and flee them.
Even regular mexicans kidna run away from the police.
White people call the police over arguments and shit and like can't hash thinsg out themselves and as soo as they feel scared th ey hide behind teh police after having talked all that shit.
I hate the police and I hate people who call the police
Fuck the police.
Whites Against Police 2022!!!!
2022-02-21 at 5:38 AM UTC
.gay TLD
i wouldn't fuck anyone from pakistan
2022-02-21 at 5:37 AM UTC
Hey smooter (CandyRein)
i don't like when the club is all black it makes me want to go fromt he front to out the back and they say take that rag off your face afgahnaistan that's when i ran
2022-02-21 at 5:31 AM UTC
I changed my pronouns
i bet you wear womens panties and watch tranny porn
2022-02-21 at 5:27 AM UTC
LDNR Militias are Mobilising
i remember when the ukrainian militias were training with cardboard cut outs of military weapons like 3 weeks ago
if i saw that i would be so excited knowing that they're that empty handed going into this
i can't wait to be RIGHT for once with aldra and see russia just SHCOOP out that territory.
2022-02-21 at 5:22 AM UTC
.gay TLD
what's a tld i dont' think i got one
2022-02-21 at 5:15 AM UTC
where im at right now
wariat post a picture of your mom
2022-02-21 at 5:13 AM UTC
how would it even be possible
can a child leave the country without their parent present?