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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    oh look another wariat thread about nothing
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I think we should do group banning where whoever gets the most horseyhats has a horseyhat placed on their avatar and are banned for 1 week
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    ya i wanted a small display to match my brain and cock
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    oh i was worried it was because you didn't like me

    thank god
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Ya I am gonna try to be nice again to CadnyRein I just had a slip when she started blaming me for Fonaplats showing people her nudes in a chatroom.

    Which is bizarre but feel like she harbors some ill will towards me and always has

    but thats' ok i still like her just wish she wa sa bit nicer and dind't blame me for the actions of others
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    OP is a bad thread maker.

    I suggest that a limit be set on users thread posting capacity. Likke Wariat at 5 per day.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Thanks. It's not been too busy, most of the people that live here work during the day so i've just been sitting around watching the news waiting for the sweet release of death
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by ner vegas social standards (and you not meeting them) are why you have to live in Poland

    are you talkinga bout when he met that 11 year old girl at the waterpark for a "neckrub"
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    100 Teens polled unanimously agree Wariat is an unfuckable old man who should stick to dogporn and fantasies.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    My mom didn't have enough money for braces and since it's normally hidden by the bottom lip she said fuck it!!!
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I remember warning you about this about 5 or 6 days ago saying "You're sshitting up the forum again, stop it."

    and you said "haha no ur retarded bradley people love my posts or threads"
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    have you read lolita? I think you'd like Humbert Humbert a lot.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Or him dressed as like Josephine Zeller and he's got a corncob in his butt and poorly applied make up on and he's recording himself while masturbating in the bathroom mirror.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    dude imagine u get it working on the memory stick is just full of videos of female corpses in various states of display and undress with a clearly sexual motif and you're left wondering anyone can ever really know an old man
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    my nickname is Sloppy Joe
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    when was the last time you got laid wariat?
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry i know for sure im betetr than whatever ghetto trash is their standard. and im sure in a diff venue liek a porn set theyd fuck granbdpas too. so they got no standards they just lie to make themsleves think they do. if the money si right i mean right jihg?

    You must be uglier and more unattractive than bootleg and grandpa macaij
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry some of these dudes here have literally missing teeth at like 20. and they hang around those dudes vs me.

  19. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm excited
  20. Bradley Florida Man

    Remember I am a poor 31 year old alcoholic man who likes to fist fight and uses hard drugs occasionally.

    Apparently 1/3 Americans don't smile because they don't like their teeth.

    What do yours look like?
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