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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I hope I find a wife soon. THinking one of these haitians girls will go honestly, that or I'mma expand into south beach in two months.

    If I stay out of the water in warmer temperatures I have a nice size flacid cock especially for a white guy, wear basketball shorts with no drawers and have a couple of gold pieces on that make me look more attractive.

    I've been shaving my head and entire face for the first time in my life (cuz i'm balding and having a beard makes me look older) so I basically look lik ea cue ball with eye bros.

    I also got cut up a couple months ago and have a scar running up my nose which i was told doesn't improve my appearance but i can't start getting self conscious about scarred up cuts even on my face at almost 30 years old.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I like to mix my vodka with Pinapple Soda or Grape Drank.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I love America
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Do you think they'd actually let it run rampant like in the Matrix?
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    a lot of my enjoyment comes from thinking in different ways, reading, drawing pictures of Odin, watching police shooting videos, fishing, gardening/bonsai, smoking weed, drinking coffee, sex/masturbation, haven't watched porn in about 24 days, I also like to take walks and talk to non white women I encounter. Also ambien + Grindr is my sometimes quick fix when i'm depressed.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    happy pride month
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    You don't.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    i don't have instagram cuz i'm not a 13 year old girl.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I like non white people.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    River Dap Gang we the mob
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by POLECAT 60 quail hatched, 3 had guts exposed and one was missing an eye and its beak was twisted so I had Rick put em down, it was to early for me to be killing

    Is Rick your "roommate?"
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Still having horrible nightmares.

    I don't remember the first one, but I went to go jack off in the bathroom at 4-4:10am (the best jerking time IMO) and went back to bed and I dreamed my friend from up north was dying (Which he is) and I started feeling really bad about not seeing him, and we had to do a college assignment where we gathered either various plants, or hides, or some other natural materials and give a presentation so I flew back to Wisconsin and he was dead and I failed the assignment.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    The environment will benefit greatly when self centered bastards like yourself use less fossil fuels to save money since unless it directly affects you personally you won't care about anything.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by BummyMofo No Lie some white girl the other night asked "Sir I Politely Request You Wear a Mask"
    But she was like 300 pound bitch with skrillex hair
    i tell her to go get her mammy to bring me a mask i'll put it on if she aint busy fuckin with 10 of the nazimen down the street

    The director made all of us wear masks, they gave us the nice NK95 masks, I proceeded to cut a hole in the front of mine and wear it like that and when it was my turn to speak it kinda did like a puppet mouth thing and everyone saw I had a "defective" mask but I correct them saying I can't breathe through a mask unless I cut a hole in it. I've been doing this for 2 years guys!

    Whenever anyone with a mask talks I loudly interrupt them and say "Can you take that mask off when you talk? I can't understand what you're saying." and when they are done I say, "You might as well not wear that mask if you're gonna take it off when you talk."
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    i cut my beard off except for a mustache and I feel like I look like a police officer bred a 70s porn star.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    She also would call his family and tell them that she was pregnant with his baby and his family urged her to carry it to term and like idk be a family but §m£ÂgØL just wanted backdoor cock action from her trailer park husband.

    We should see if he knows how to read and encourage to come to our community.
  18. Bradley Florida Man

    I recommend that §m£ÂgØL/Mexican Master Race write it since he was the only user we have currently that had sex with her before being sodomized by her pedophilic husband.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Hydromorphone has died.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    been listening to this guy's ankle bracelet go off with a car alarm for like 10 minutes, they made him sit in the office and he has a pillow over it and the Federal Probation Officer with the key is coming at 9am. Apparently his charger stopped working, so while he was sleeping and charging it, it never got a charge and when it gets below 10% the alarm goes off and he has to either go to them or they have to come here.

    Parole and Probation Federal opens at 9am and it's 903 and it reminds me of a car alarm but more manic.
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