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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Black Hole

    My altar.
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    I wouldn't have replied had it not been of an Odinic nature. My faith is better than ever. I am in the process of turning my body into a burial stone with Odinic tattoos that I pull off Odinic burial stones. My relationship with the Alfather is better than it's ever been. I teach several men where I live and have plans to construct my first permanent outdoor altar. I'm debating if I want to file as a church for taxation.

    See you guys later, blessed be.
  3. Bradley Black Hole

    Is this the exit? :)
  4. Bradley Black Hole
    CASPER your delivery was shit because you're fat as fuck and are easily winded by talking which is why most of your conversations are on the internet.

    Should I have taken the ban hammer instead of MARKX3131312? Yeah probably.

    I am a top, I engage with men who generally the entire length of me knowing them, I never see them climax. Very bizarre that men would want to engage in sex without busting, but I'm cool with it.

    My farm pays for itself, I hid money at various points of my life that I largely have been using to double my standard of living on disability. I don't have a huge fucking farm or anything crazy.

    I'm also doing well enough in life that I don't want metadata listing my location. On Facebook I have it set up where it says I live in a little town that's basically a meth/poor pocket. However I'm about 40 miles east. I also don't really want to put up photos anymore of myself.

    I'm happy, I liked a lot of you and I'm sorry I had bad parts of my personality that made me greatly disliked. I'm not a Nazi or a racist or really anything beyond someone whose afraid of the government and worships the Earth and smokes weed.

    I'm sorry for all the fucked up shit I said to people on here and the opinions I no longer feel. I guess this is part of making ammends. I'm a different person now and I don't sit on the computer much at all anymore. I live life and love life. I hope you all can find the happiness and the peace of mind it took me until 25 to really GET. I live to help people and am deriving happiness from the happiness of my people and my animals.

    I wish you all the best of luck and as much as I'd love to hang out here, it's 9am and I got shit to do outside. Stay well everyone. I will never forget you all.
  5. Bradley Black Hole
    Hello everyone. I have come to tell you about my success. I am over 3 years sober except I smoke about 3.5 to 7g of weed a day, I have a girl and a farm and a couple trailers and be turning up hard as a bitch. My girl let's me fuck dudes on the low. I breed tropical fish, zebra finches, parakeets, ball pythons, small dogs and tropical fish. I no longer do bonsai but grow sage. My bitch manages a successful gas station. I engaged in a losing conflict in Milwaukee and fled to the safety of the Nicolet National Forest. I'm back in school but don't intend to work ever again. I no longer go to AA meetings, play video games or do anything of my old self. I'm openly bi/gay and make okay money and have no unmet needs. I came back cause of the passing of malice. I am practicing elements of Buddhism and an Odinic soldier. I teach Yoga now and love dab carts, having sex with US military personnel and breaking off 18 year old twinks I make my step son find.

    My life is perfect and I live to make the world a better place. I'll throw up a photo of me.
  6. Bradley Black Hole
    Good night sweet princ e
  7. Bradley Black Hole
  8. Bradley Black Hole
    Come now. Or forever take my piece
  9. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Enter what's those? are they all marijuanas?

    Japanese Trident Maple, a lot of Ficus (Ginseng, Retussa, Tigerbark, and Varigated), Gardenia, Fukien Tea, Jade, a lot of ferns, some Lythops and cacti, a couple of house plants, some pines, some palms. You know, hood shit.

    Originally posted by Malice That’s one of the worst shirts I’ve ever seen and your bonsai look like shit.

    I made the shirt myself and my bonsai don't look like shit.
  10. Bradley Black Hole
    Hi everyone. I got the 40$ Steam package, AoE2, expansion packs 1, 2, 3. My username is Odin_Loves_You . I wish to pummel you all and make you accept my Byzantine rule. For real though, if you want to get a match going post in here. I'll try to check it regularly or send me a text witha time
  11. Bradley Black Hole
    I get more money, fuck more bitches, blow bigger blunts and eat more beef jerky than I ever have at any point in my life. I'm back in college. Two years sober. I go to dance clubs and the Domes in Milwaukee. I don't fuck dudes anymore, that shits gay. I also no longer identify as a Nazi because lets be real, I'm just another nigger. New whip, new money, new trees. Yeah that's my mom's kitchen, I don't live there, but still stop over to take care of the dog sometimes. :) Alright, well I guess I don't have the photo on this cell phone.

    Anyway, everyone, I am doing well. I miss everyone except Tachosomoza if he's still a thing.
  12. Bradley Black Hole

    This is my life now.
  13. Bradley Black Hole

    THis is what my life consists of now.
  14. Bradley Black Hole
    I bought a bond, and tried to do some slayer. Shits lame as fuck I don't see how I wasted years of my life with this game.
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    I don't play this gay ass shit no more
  16. Bradley Black Hole
    12-27-15 was the last time I had a drink. I gave up on AA cuz I can't work with a sponsor and tell him every crime I've ever committed. I don't play Runescape. I have a bonsai collection now. Things are going really well, I miss many of you so rather than individually message I wanted to just state for all that I'm doing well.

    I'm going back to college in Fall going to pursue a masters in Conservationism and Environmentalism.

    I'm happy again. Sorry I don't post more often. I know I had some real fans and their greatness eclipsed the detractors but it's just a lot for me with the bonsai and stuff.

    I wore this on Martin Luther King Day, Harambe my other favorite dead gortilla.
  17. Bradley Black Hole
    You know what the worst part about fucking twenty three year olds is?

  18. Bradley Black Hole
    Fun Fact, all of you were molested but only a portion will go onto molest but all will blame their actions on the cycle of molestation.

    It's not molestation if you came.
  19. Bradley Black Hole
    I might tell you I'm alone and I aint lyin
    but when I pull up I'm with my shooter JOhnthegiatn
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    I might tell you that I can't find my keys, you gotta come to me
    Cuz I got a dude here tryna fuck and I aint tryna leave
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