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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Black Hole
    I think he's alright. I kinda like him. His posts are of a standard quality and that makes him a great weiner in our sausage community.
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    Thinking about getting molested again, not really sure how to go about it. I figure I could hit up the guy who did it last time and seee if he's down. I know he shot himself int he hand and is into drugs and has a criminal record now.

    Gonna make a dating profile tomorrow, kinda disappointed but I haven't really been meeting people like I used to cuz of Covid.

    I was gonna fuck this girl I grew up with that my friend spanwed a child with, she had 2 other kids too. But then I found out she just dropped her kids off at her dad's and went to California out of no where. And that sounds way more chaos than I need.

    But you know, as they say, thugs get lonely too.
  3. Bradley Black Hole
    Wow! Right in my childhoood molstation
  4. Bradley Black Hole
    I support everyone's holiday's plans.
  5. Bradley Black Hole
    I considered raping another man, but it was not because I had some weird sexual fetish but more so because I wanted to immasculate him. We're not friends and he's not gay, I just know him on Facebook. I don't think I would be able to maintain an erection while fighting and restraining another man.

    Think I'm gonna stop watching porn too here in a little bit when Yule comes.

    Maybe I drink cuz I'm a fag, but im Out in my lifestyle so it's not like I'm repressing anything.

    I wonder what I'd be like if I didn't get touched, would I still be a flaming homosexual queer? Would I have a family, nice job and not be posting here?

    The world may never know. Lately I've gotten into WMAF porn after a bonsai page I follow on FB got hacked, never thought I'd really want to fuck some dumb asian slut (Since i've only seen two or three in my whole life in person) but now I kinda do.

    I wish I had a pontoon boat.
  6. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby sure they do, they give you a tax reduction for donating

    not for a pair of boots lol, how are you doing Bill Krozby?
  7. Bradley Black Hole
    I woke up and felt very sad. Decided to go back to sleep and try again. now its 1:30pm and Im a lil better off.
  8. Bradley Black Hole
    How do you feeel abut president elect joe biden
  9. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bugz You're going to go to goodwill the day after if needed? you mean to sale them and buy crack?

    goodwill doesn't buy stuff
  10. Bradley Black Hole
    undere space
  11. Bradley Black Hole
    why are you already jackin off bro
  12. Bradley Black Hole
    Dark Souls 3
    Assasin's Creed valhalla
  13. Bradley Black Hole
    i had sex with a tranny multiple times and I loved her a lot b ut she had a lil kid mind from starting HRT. IT basically made her lik ea 12 year old girl eexcept at 21, I meet her when she was 22 and she still had a litlte kid mind. Shed' argue with me about the dumbest shit, and like take things really reaelly hard, including my penis, we were together for a year and when she left mei n JUly, it really cuaseed my mental health to get bad and me to get very very sad.

    Now she's dating a nigger.
  14. Bradley Black Hole
    I felt like I was molested eveen thoough I was 23 when the psychologist and I were having sex. I felt like I coulnd't say no becausee I was small, at the time I loved him but now I see it was litrally only me telling him about me. YOu can see how I would each that shit up, well suddenely I felt like I had beeen hoodwinkeed when i realized I didn't even know he was married or ever had been marrieed.

    Looking back I can't really rmembr if I ever asked him about himself, I had to of. but now im unsure. THey were trying a lot of different drugs on me at the time and it was kinda shitty.
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    wheres §m£ÂgØL
  16. Bradley Black Hole
    Hi everybody I was moleested by a 15 year old boy but really all he did was grab my weiner and ask me to grab his and it caused me to become a homosexual. Maybe. I think I might've ended up like this either way. I also had sex with my psychologist in the retard center and thought I loved him a lot and then I Found out his husband was active duty military personal and he wanted nothing to do with me outside of the center :(

    I never thought about moleesting or raping anyone. I thought i was stupposed to as a child hood sex abuse survivor, but i nevere really got those urges lik I doo to creampie dumb women and immasculate femeinine men.

    I do know everyone on this site has beeen molested (i checked)). I know it and you know it and its time we talked about it as a family

    Or are you the molester? Feeel free to describe what that's been like I guess. Bonus points if you incriminate yourself repeatedly.

    God Bless!
  17. Bradley Black Hole
    badtouch tuesday
  18. Bradley Black Hole
  19. Bradley Black Hole
    r any of the girls on here girls or just more of us
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    i only have tortilla chips, that's a meexican chip cuz i know u dnt have mexicos in crisp land

    Thy're like pakis except more humanlike
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