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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    kafka can u recommend 1 product for men who use no skin care products to help reduce the affect of aging ove rtime. I figured you're the best source for this material.

    I already am bald and ugly so i'm hoping I don't become real wrinkly. Rigth now I use this bottle of jergen's ultra healing lotion I got one time when I got sunburned real bad and now I Just use it on my face, hands, neck, head like twice a week because everyone calling me old made me think damn imma be super fucked when im wrinkly and bald, and ugly.

  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i hope this doesn't affect my testosterone/estrogen levels
  3. Bradley Florida Man

    Potential Stack: Noopept, beta-GPC,

    I'll add more to this later, i have some bullshit to do rn. This is a hobby project as all of you
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    So previously in my life (Age 19 [40 days], Age 26 [2 months]) I've used a nootropic known as Noopept.

    I'm goign to give you the shortest summary of the class of drugs I can and expect there to be gaps and incorrect generalizations throughout.

    Nootropics are drugs that "make you smarter" by increasing your brains effectiveness. This can range very widely with some things like Adderal and amph-stimulants also considered part of it. That's not the field I am speaking of.

    THere are another type of drug that SUPPOSEDLY* make your brian function better. The most common of them being piracatam and noopept. There's a couple others such as Phinbut & uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Midafil? I think? I don't fucking know

    The drug I am returning to is used in Russia as a shell shock / brain damage treatment as well IIRC a treatment for cognitive decline in teh elderly. Someone told me it increases some bullshit in the brain other people told me IT REGROWS YOUR BRAIN and another person who is probably the most qualified to give an opinion said they don't know


    Anyway, the reason both times I stopped taking them is because while they did increase my cognitive functions I no longer could get drunk. I would get physically intoxicated (stumbling, slurred speech, dehydrated/hung over) but I would remain physically present (About 10-20% of the feeling I'd normally get form 4 half and half mixers of vodka n juice) so being an alcoholic I quit.

    Well since i Don't drink and these supplements are dirt cheap I"m gonna buy another I think it's like a 3.5g bag and do 30mg twice a day, however I'mma eyeball all this shit so it ends up being closer to 40-50mg twice a day and I will report back. THere's some other things you're supposed* to stack with these. Some vitamins or something so I'll report back and hopefully htis makes me smarter.

    I would like to gain teh ability to ejaculate using mind control but I will settle for being able to read something once and memorize it rather than 3-4 times like it is now and to have more immedaite recall of short term adn long term memory.

    As for the energy and like boost and you know things that sound like speed/amphetamenes I'm not really pursuing that. That's a lot of the racetams draws for other people but I think it'll be good. There was a wealth of knowledge on this in 2012 the first time based on Euphoric Knolwedge, but that site was honeypotted & shut down.

    I think Erowid & Bluelight will be my resource for this.

    SO yeah share things related to Noopept, Noopept Stacks & other Nootropic drugs. Including recommendations and anecdotal reports. I will keep this updated as I go from being above average intelligence to EVEN SMARTER*.

    *All claims are 100% the opinion of BradleyB and other retards on the internet, FUCK THE FDA.

    Also I'm looking for a source. I know many forums frown on source seeking but since this is legal I hope it's ok. The last sauce I had was brainchems or some shit like that, i'm just looking for a reputable source. This si all still very early in my adventure down this rabbit hole (again).
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm aight, I been eating even healthier than I normally do with the increased consumption of fish and eggs.

    LIke 2/3 of my diet is vegetables and I feel healthy because of it but I was running into issues with not eating enough protein so I'm doing 2 eggs everyday and a can of fish every other day.

    I wish I had some speed lol
  6. Bradley Florida Man
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    IDK whose alt you are but on the odd chance you're not someone I already know, i really agree with your sentiment.

    It's like the fat guy who waddles around complaining about how the Ozempic shot isn't working, how his thyroid disease prevents him from exercising, how he never feels full as his weight ballons further every time he chooses fast food instead of spinach salad.

    I hate people that just sit there and whine and bitch about their current situation, expending so much time and energy into like you said just complaining instead of bettering themselves by developing skills and educating themselves so they can do something else.

    I got some friends who sit there and bitch and moan about warehouse work and I'm like bro sign up for school, you can get your apprenticeship in plumbing (southern florida has a huge demand for plumbers now) and they're like "idk man going to school is too much work ontop of working 40 hours a week."

    literally too lazy to go for 3hours Tuesdays and Thursdays for 1 year to go from making 30k a year at walmart to 60k a year installing PVC pipe
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Helping people grow through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous so they can relieve themselves of the burden of alcoholism and become better men.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't do sex chatrooms anymore after getting a very itchy computer virus
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Weren't you going to shoot their dog with an arrow? What happened to that idea?
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    if i was a horny turtle would you give it to me slow
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm going to the bank
    wit the shit i drew a blank
    check for my ass
    started selling gas

    asa little kid
    from the row that skid
    been to the joint
    did my second bid

    now im on top and i can't stop
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    is the crab game free?
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    hell yeah

    baldur's gate 3

    age of empires 4

    spent most of my day playing games, really having a good time
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Great thread
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I also liek to play Connect 4, rummykub, dominos, spades, hearts, cribbage, battleship, risk, monopoly, checkers, kings corners, and gofish
  17. Bradley Florida Man


    I like RPGs and strategy games.

    I am currently playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Age of Empires 4

    I do sometimes like a good shooter game but my preferred games are ones that involve swinging a sword as you go through quests, gain levels, buy items/sell items, train, collect resources and manufacture items.

    I like tech trees and development.

    But I'm also as I said of the traditional strategy top down empire games such as age of empires, age of mythology, shit like dat.

    I also liked Pikmin a lot, supersmash bros melee & original were two of my faovirte games, and of course Shower with your Dad Simulator
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    wondering how dirtbag is doing this evening
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    How come all the Irish people I know aren't militant, violent, or about that action?

    Every Irish person and British person I've met so far has been a whiner. Whining about the government, minorities, the state of the world and I think about in ym head like Oi!, skinheads, Skrewdriver, Boots n Braces, HATE88, and of course the IRA/Troubles.


  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Good idea. After you've been cut open you can say "'tis but a flesh wound."

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