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2024-12-14 at 8:15 AM UTC
2024-12-14 at 8:16 AM UTCOK something about rick
2024-12-14 at 8:59 AM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm lots of alts u have
I can't be bothered having alts. Never have really, although I did hijack peoples names in chatrooms and make them say gay stuff.
There was this one screen name, Akasha De Rose, and I simply came in with Akasha De Fag and she chimped out so hard over it. Sent me nudes so I'd stop if I recall correctly.
I used to flood chatrooms with scripts too.
However, changing your name on a forum is not the same as having alts. I only ever have one account at a time.
When you get upset at someone online, you likely don't know the person or anything about them, you're angry at words on a screen, which can be hilarious. I change my screen names partly because I don't want to extend the drama that is created when I troll other trolls and such. -
2024-12-14 at 11:45 AM UTC
2024-12-14 at 3:29 PM UTCMajesty in German sounds like mass tit
2024-12-14 at 3:33 PM UTCmake a porno with ur rbitch im a steven spielnigger
2024-12-14 at 6:17 PM UTCFucking A
2024-12-14 at 6:27 PM UTC
2024-12-14 at 6:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm I don't understand this expression.
expand on it
its a common trope in zombie movies to have that scrawled on a pair of barricaded double doors with one phrase written on each door, so when read from left to right instead of top to down it reads "dont dead open inside" -
2024-12-14 at 6:54 PM UTC
2024-12-14 at 7:13 PM UTC
2024-12-14 at 7:13 PM UTCWe need several Scoobie Doo reveals.
2024-12-14 at 7:59 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 6:34 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 6:38 PM UTCOn topic I am thinking about encoding consciousness into video streams that sort of duplicates brainwave states from one person and puts them into other people who either view the stream or are simply in the stream in camera.
Through the principle of contagion and other types of mechanisms, it seems this sort of thing might just be possible. -
2024-12-15 at 7:24 PM UTC
Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs On topic I am thinking about encoding consciousness into video streams that sort of duplicates brainwave states from one person and puts them into other people who either view the stream or are simply in the stream in camera.
Through the principle of contagion and other types of mechanisms, it seems this sort of thing might just be possible.
You can think about being a space marine when you grow up too. It's just as likely you actually do either. -
2024-12-15 at 7:30 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 8:05 PM UTC
2024-12-15 at 8:05 PM UTCPretty much ur name is 68jj
2024-12-15 at 8:09 PM UTCMy name was LesbianButtSex and Jimmy420 on zoklet. If you could post a list of all the user names from zoklet, I could find all of my old ones