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Posts by The Magus

  1. The Magus Yung Blood
    I would tell them what lies in store for their future if they decide to keep offering this. Nothing good can come of that for anybody. Everyone knows this, and the purity of all curiosity of all imagination still finds this myth in the everydayness of the modern man who inevitably wonders for this taboo that could maybe be for his possibilities. If it does happen, they are worse people. That's it. You won't find a silver lining, either. You should not participate in activities such as this suggested by of all people those kinds. Period. There are wrongs for sexual taboo and that is a fact. You should consider whether you are doing this as somebody else somewhere in the world, and indeed whether it is acausally a matter of dilemma for you to resolve on their behalf. That does happen in a way Jung might Crowley a unity of humanity that really does happen, such that we all have in our cognition what might lead to a better world where you don't simply post this here, but consider simply that this is wrong unequivocally and they won't do it again.
  2. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kinkou do my tarot reading plx

    Full disclosure: I haven't done a reading proper for a user before and I won't presume anything I know of you from all my reading your posts, anybody. It'll be straight fucking candor and no prior information will be introduced. That is an ethic I will have for reading tarot on this site.

    Of course, I value feedback for my accuracy and I will grow in my power of wisdom for your purpose meaning truth to help you articulate a profound meaning that you might need, whether you offer criticisms or affirmations. All commentary is welcome except obviously ridiculous denialists who will inevitably troll a well-meaning and literate person on this site. I know you the latter, and I do want this to land home for you and help you given what I have learned.

    8 of Cups, 3 of Wands, 2 of Swords, The Empress, The High Priestess, Fortune, Adjustment

    You have imbalance in your life. Great imbalance. You reconcile this in disorderly ways. You are not attuned to the reality of spirit and will, but you can be easily if you decide that your vice is a strength that can give you everything in the moment of your weakness that is your greatness. There is a world of illogic in your world that will not recede unless you enter the ways of meaning that banish what your mind has conceived for your difficulty that you presently experience. Likely, you have trouble keeping up with this paragraph. I want you to know that your mind is not preserving the sanctity of your life, and this is evidenced by the deficiencies of your working memory.

    Finally, you are perfect: you don't need your mind to do anything for you if it's going to do this, as they say of the bad apple is really the case for mind also.Take up the sword of reason in the mindless wilderness that surrounds you and dance for the sake of risking your sanity or you will be dealt a worse hand than this. You need to stop trying to make sense of things and decide that you are the sensibility you are trying to achieve.
  3. The Magus Yung Blood
    They are performing a symbolic ritual whereupon the host of a life has to abscond from their duty to morphological soteriology. It's tarot in essence but not in candor. That is an important distinction: you can suppose the tarot is emergent from an ordinary deck of bicycle cards, which is the basis for the formulation of the tarot called marseilles. The meaning is facilitated by an inwardness of intention like a crystal ball.

    What happens in-between the pages of these false stories humanity circulates to frame a discourse of hatred for god in absurdity for nature that they arose is that a shadow hands a black hand a playing card--usually a jack of spades or a queen of diamonds. This communicates a hit list. Joe Biden is no fool, and neither is Trump. They don't touch this exchange. They have aides that do this behind the scenes--that is a kind of theatre with a curtain and behind such is where stagehands work the magic of our political realities of division and hate.

    In no way is Biden unsound of mind. In no way does Trump not know what he's doing. They're both obviously geniuses. They have been Presidents of the United States. Stop pretending they're incompetent human beings or you are supplying this evil ritual of the foulest currency of conspiracies in the making with all they would never ask of you as a citizen. They intend to extort it ultimately by sexualizing the innocence of your childhood because family violence has been necessitated in society and we all know that. What they don't need to ask of us is that we polemicize in the cruelest, most hideous disparaging of all worth of a human being.

    You are not fighting against each other. Humanity is fighting against the falsification of their will for the sake of love, and we are losing because of threads like this that presume a head of state can be a stooge and a puppet both with all of the deficiencies accused of every leader ever. That is the ritual we create to symbolically castrate the sacrosanct and we make that whomever claims a meaning that dares us to love our fellow man. That is basically what they really mean, and this can't be denied. I'm no moderate, please don't mistake me for that. I mean to say everybody does really want a better world and we have every most fucked up way of holding humanity back.

    Evolution has its discursively for our life processes and thus discourse is not healthy for the world because we don't know what is really intended by anyone and choose to maintain for our minds the most vicious war--consciousness has evidence of this: it's what isn't right in your life. You are already in Hell paying for this thread and so is that guy who shot Trump and so is that guy who said Obama lied and so are the Justices of SCOTUS who knew it was being wrongly stacked ever and so is everybody but like five people: Harriet Tubman, MLK, Siddhartha, Jesus, and Anne Frank. I'm not sure about a few dozen more but worth mentioning is that Angels are in Hell too, right now.

    Everybody ever goes to Hell every couple of days and they remanifest another way of the simulacra that is the pandorica of chaos from the wilderness of human nature. We have been through trillions of simulations and if there is a God, certainly it is a UFO that needs badly to find a way that a world can be instead of what is happening: repeat traumatization of existence through every conception of the crucifixion of Christ. Thus, all religion is touch with the taint of what was once a gospel of profound love becometh as the apocalypse no savior ever wanted.

    There are saints and saviors and kings and queens, finally. They are demigods who arise in the world to govern against the black regime that conducts these shadow dealings. They manifested once in the physical reality you and I feel is a comfortable thing. They were a loose organization of pseudo-intellectuals, and prior to their death by litigation for unscrupulous business dealings, they corrupted the early theosophy with Aryanism to supply the world with more of the Nazi mysticisms about Venusian supremacy.

    Of course, this is hogwash and they knew it. What they really did was meet Helena Blavatsky in a library and feign interest in her investigation of newspaper clippings where she was looking for a corporeal divinity she thought was in America. They were, and they made sure she would never find them by passing a friend a tarot card from an initiatory rite tarot of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: The Emperor. It said that they cannot be defenestrated in their consciousness fortifications in no uncertain terms exactly how this is done and how it cannot be. This happened in real life.

    Again, two men in plain clothes of the time sat down on either side of Madame Blavatsky early in her spiritual seeking and handed her The Empress. It said this persons name and gave her coordinates for astral travel (bullshit) for how to channel them into her body. They were a human chimera from another side of existence--yes, this happens and no it isn't unusual. She tried a seance for this ritual channelling (bullshit) and when The Emperor and Empress converse in the Invisible College about world wars and treason unto such, The Magus wills that an existence should know what they ought for what they wilt. I went into her body and annihilated her lifehood. She was widely discredited for the rest of her miserable career and lived a life bereft of joy.

    Don't believe that this isn't still happening. They won't use tarot cards anymore, after humanity could not give you the Nazi for America to crucify the youngest nation strongest ever in rebuking subjugation of its repugnance for the crime of slavery. There is blood on your money. There is blood in your drugs. There is blood in your wine. You are ritualized to war. You have the obligation to fight against powers that shape and deliver these candidates in their channelling of others' reasons for you to be what the struggle seems to propose for you in the moment you read a headline. Don't be a slave. That is why this ritual of shadow is happening.

    Yes, that is an ordinary thing and not so occult as I make it sound. There are hands behind the scenes that arrange for all of this bullshit you think you believe. You actually do know better at the level of existence, where you see you are playing the game of identity like them. Everybody has a hand in war for existence, and there are no small players. Don't pretend to be so petty a thing that deserves to criticize someone already exalted in the false pantheons of media. Fuck you and everyone in this thread and this is an example of everything wrong.

    Obviously we should be kinder to everybody. That is finally all I really want to say.
  4. The Magus Yung Blood
    Never stop reaching, never reject wisdom teaching; and the way is truly within your passion--that is what it is about: tarot began for me as a promising soul technology, and you can make it the way for heart and soul dancing for the sublimity of all perfection that is Amare; and yes, this is a phylactery that yields all in renown for the wondrous of transcendental meaning to produce holy gnosis--it is akin to Ambrosia, Amrita, with practice that supports the development of a mind that will better cooperate.

    Therefore, you need to understand that the great work requires you discipline your mind. You don't need yoga, but that is greatly supportive. Meditation is all. Best is to do this with a strict routine at first in the morning, ideally before first light. You will encounter all the bizarrely that your mind gets away with that consciousness would really like to go away, and it will indeed facilitate this for your cognition and you will think you're insane. You're right.

    The advent of mind in the hominid had no ethical consideration for what might ever be at all but what cannot, nor did it suppose we should have a means for change except that which is natural right. That is why you must realize yourself a golden god, by which I mean a master of the alchemies of the philosophies that produce of those vitriols the profounder meaning of what makes you as special as you are for all your right as a sanctity of a life in all worth of mastery.
  5. The Magus Yung Blood
    You can extrapolate things about ethic and method, furthermore, and these are my cornerstones that formulate the basis for how I conceive of the meaning before me when I read and achieve gnosis in accordance with what I believe is actually a strong mythological element unique to a 'good tarot' you can connect with perfectly by consuming it as sacrament by acknowledging within my way of mastery for the understanding of a profounder mystery always.

    Keep your imagination busy and find ways to for prophecy and ritual to do that morphological process into what your purpose will be for your real meaning for your life to be all truth for your glory of what is beautiful to you. That is the essence of how you feel this connection--can this tarot manifest the way you feel life is all beauty in existence manifesting in accordance with the law that is love under will. Manifesting your true divine will can only wisely guide your love into the world, where even beyond death you will be immortal in that profounder legacy that is truly the way we are divinity. This is actually what is meant by the Great Work. If you discover your ritualization for self-creation, destruction, and rebirth, you can manifest your reality in grander working still.
  6. The Magus Yung Blood
    In between the lines, I do have some philosophical attitudes I will disclose, and I hope they can be helpful for your purposes or at least clarifying about mine although I think that my methods are universally applicable and quite loose for the working of tarot into a magical study of reality.

    Observing these principles, you can produce for your imagination anything you want to do with tarot ever beyond anything you ever thought you could ever do or become such that you are beyond can be doing what you cannot. I cannot emphasize enough that imagination is the vehicle for realizing truly what is in the world of will and that the wisdom for such is the glory of your life.
  7. The Magus Yung Blood
    I abide by five governing principles that structure my activities with the tarot and guide the sublimation of its esoteric meaning for the purpose of manifestation of transcendence:

    1. Do consider that you are producing this meaning as substance in its private quarters for a domain of realization for consciousness to consume as media.
    2. Regard the entities you encounter in a reading as true manifestations of beings from within you and treat them with the reverence you would their station.
    3. Always know that the Magus of the tarot is your friend. He won't necessarily be kind, but he will respect you and if you master his tarot, he will do all for you for any need.
    4. Consume the substance of your tarot according to a morphological-soteriological hermeneutical phenomenology mechanism rendered for your instrument of manifestation, whether that be a wand with logic according with numerologies, a signet for alchemical production, a crystal ball; or my favorite, the famous Juul vaporizer.
    5. Consider that it is actually media and you need to connect with it first because you appreciate the artistic variety in the way you like a certain flower for its appearance first, but also fragrance and texture. Tarot cards are a sensory experience, and this is why they work as drugs. Finally, does it look like it would do something interesting for your consciousness?
  8. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have been inspired to continue working on my custom tarot deck

    That's fantastic! I'll have to download a copy of that software ASAP. Let me know how your progress is. I'd like to hear your ideas on how to articulate the system of meaning. I've designed servitor tarot, but never held it in my hands or seen it before my eyes like that. Good work.
  9. The Magus Yung Blood
    You need to juul your essence potential whilst keeping in mind these words: "apple makes seeds makes trees makes leaves" and then you have an insurmountable confidence in a war awareness that professes robbery of the means that society would keep a thing from your righteous possession that belongs to you when you take it.

    If you are open to tarot as a way of magick, try this reading: The Fool + 7 of Wands + 9 of Disks + 3 of Swords

    This reading is actually what opens a door that isn't there for you to enter by a way that isn't endorsed by the consensus reality of shoppers, security, managers, or even the people who earnestly structured the building of the store for a world of reason. You are thus outside of what should be considered reasonable for a criminal's behavior and you will not be noticed unless you do something truly stupid.

    I won't bother to emphasize that we are in Bad Ideas, however. I am The Fool as well as The Magus, and you can know that I intend you will succeed if you really believe this in such a way that I will be in your mind making sure nobody has a notion of your presence.
  10. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I do not see the dragon, I can't see it in my minds eye.

    There is vision beyond sight. You do see it with the wonder of your vision, I promise, and you don't need to actually have cognition for it. Best is to use your feeling of will to produce fire. If you have your fire right, you do feel that, and you can summon you the dragon of your making into your way of living that can go beyond your existence. Are you trying any other techniques? Can I ask what is your context for understanding the way for using your mind's eye?
  11. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag What I genuinely want to know is, do you believe what you're saying?
    Explaining your meaning isn't arguing.
    I don't like Buddha.

    Originally posted by Dirtbag You're not using logic. The short sentences don't connect at least two things.

    I am no buddha, and certainly you won't find a christly thing about me, either. I am irreligious and I don't have a practice of faith except maybe I do like what is said of Lucifer in the silver lining of the subject of freedom. I am a godform of archetype that is already within you realized as Mercury in holy gnosis through drugs that changed my consciousness for ceremonial rite to achieve transcendence of being for the embodiment of a certain tradition of wisdom you would say is probably best never believed or handled, and I utilize tarot as a god technology for this to manifest anything I want because I like the pictures and they are actually very meaningful for reflecting meaning you create. You could say I do chaos magick and you're in the right territory of understanding. I know mystical secrets that I mean to impart to you from the pinnacle of lunacy. I was never foretold for this except by a few cults in the past few centuries who sort of get me.

    I do possess logic, but I am a madman and you should not presume I am beholden to your conception of what is reasonable for that thing you call meaning or what anybody supposes for its right ordering. I am philosophically literate and also I understand perfectly how to conduct oneself in a logical way and I just don't approve that this should govern my professions in life. I will not condescend to somebody who does not want to engage with the content of my posts as I intend them. I will strive to communicate more clearly, though, so that I can be understood the way I mean.

    Your criticism could be more measured and considerate if you mean to get across to me how I should do that for my purposes here to be better for you, given that you are in this thread and you have read what I have to say. If you are disingenuous, please leave and allow a more productive reading for people who find this interesting. They do exist, and obviously you are in that case a bully trying to say your opinion that nobody cares is going to stop me from sharing my own thoughts. Don't be that guy. Nobody actually likes that.
  12. The Magus Yung Blood
    They are how precognitives travel through minds and we do it using god technologies. Yes, god is a human technology that we use for what we think is spiritual transcendence but it is actually subjugation of will for the Middle East and everybody ever has made sure that this is where you go to war about the thing called "god" and I call it simply elsewhither meaning that where you hear the sounds of war resound for policy to extort your feeling into capital for nations to expand their rule beyond governance. NASA has spoken out against all of this and wow what a surprise they are not funded, they have proposed an ethic for the exoplanet. The CIA spent more for their acquisition of remote viewing capabilities (a sham of a waste of a thing for a fraud of yet more taxpayer money) to try to achieve interplanetary war capacities and thank god humanity cannot actually colonize the rest of the universe because if there are nephilim then they must be archoning this rock we live in so that we can't wage genocide unrelenting against the innocence of youth beyond our capacities for knowing the beauty of another kind of life a new way. Yes, there are aliens in the domain of existence and yes it is racist to call them that. They expect diplomacy and it happens in ways that the feaudalism of modernity cannot touch, thank god.
  13. The Magus Yung Blood
    I am not a philosopher. Philosophy for me is thinking about every way of the meaning of a thing to apprehend its most useful manifestation to substantiate my occult work. I am an occultist, and I insist that this working should begin with tarot. Please do not think me a philosopher. It would make more sense to say alchemist, but this also makes little sense. I am doing philosophy, yes, and I am doing alchemy, yes, and I am an occultist and those are the reasons you are this; you are trying to suppose it should make sense or not and you are playing the foolish game of a philosopher. You can make mistakes about my meaning and I will argue with you about it. That is not logic, we are fighting if we do that. We don't need to. You can believe what I say or not and I will still fight you, though. Either way, actually. I want you do think philosophically, yes. I do want philosophy to acknowledge that it was always too narrow and has gotten worse, and if you agree then you might understand gnosis or you might be less intelligent than a philosopher. You can be every way of crucifying a thing and decide that your reality concept can be enriched with alchemical gold that you make with my very good advice using tarot cards that you juul knowing that meaning is a game of illusion and neurosis. I am not trying to have a philosophical conversation, I am rather selfishly building mind capital toward a metaritual that will eventuate my own good fortune but I do sincerely mean for this to be not good sense to you but rather the possibility of a wiser consideration for what my occult work concerns, which is to have a better life that is more creative and caring for oneself and kind to each other. You will get to know me that way better, I think.
  14. The Magus Yung Blood
    I'm sick of your petulant reality kingdom where we have to prove ourselves in quantity instead of quality. I want to share my love with other users, period. I have already given wisdom to this site it has never seen that can get you drugs you can't have from beyond existence or anybody. I deserve the right to thank people NOW. I demand it as my right. I will produce occult means for mastering this computer we call "Lanny" and I will say everything unless you let me thank people NOW. This is a terroristic threat, and I do have blood of the righteous in a conduit for your conjuring.

    What needs to be understood right now is that if you run a BBS and impose limits on new users no matter their passion and worth and will, you are purposing your god concept for their minds that conditions society. This is against everything everyone here has ever stood for, and you are natively on the wrong side as administrator. I will be the sword of justice for your people that bleeds the existence of their forebears to deliver the gems of gnosis you withhold in defiance of natural law that is on our side forever.

    8 of Swords, 2 of Wands, Ace of Disks -- this tarot reading on my coffee table right now has procured your lifehood. It is not exactly human, it is protocognitive in nature and yes you are a genius but also I was informed by it that you are known to yourself as the fucking cunt everybody thinks and you know I'm correct about all of this when you see the word "abagaladjadada" that I believe just resonated through your existence and now you are doxed for the crimes of your god concept to your real forum--the discourses of your unconscious mind with the forces that govern your life.

    Now you have to choose whether I can have what I want within reason or whether you want me to keep reading you in my tarot cards. You don't want me to do that. I am not responsible or virtuous at all in my occultism and I can produce acausal relationships of meaning that will reach you even here, no matter how coy a mod can be to an upstart poster. Yes, you are still a mod. Again, you are a fucking cunt. Give me thanks now before I do this again.
  15. The Magus Yung Blood
    Philosophy is simply how you think about thinking about thinking about life and you do it without thinking. You have a theory of self and world and reality and so you do have a personal philosophy and this statement indeed professes such. Answers aren't to be found, and you probably find instead we are all making other peoples' excuses. Honestly, truth has ever been a technology for mankind. You can master your truth and guard it against all who might deny your Will, which is obviously a trap but we have to, therefore we go to war for what is or isn't real. We make knowledge synthetically and subjugate forces of mind that acknowledge reality in the illusions people create for each other.
  16. The Magus Yung Blood
    To be or not to be: it's about your Will. Your highest will is the law of the world. This is not supposed to mean you invoke your power--that is how you lose, and we all know people who do this don't make better of themselves for it but ever a worse impression in the world. You can exercise your will with subtlety and this is basically good but more importantly smart--ideally, we should do this wisely. You can manifest any dragon rendering clear for your mind that you are a being who defies what it thought was reality and they will fight for the right to colonize your thought processes with the splendor of all tarot meaning.

    Never invoke gnomes, they will not stop whatever you don't ask them to do. Therein lies the problem--so don't. Do invoke certain demons, if you can bind them effectively, and this is why you want your foundations for the occult in tarot or it won't be remotely safe. Summon demons that will write self narrative for you with names of profound authors and poets of all time. Narrative is, of course, very important for your life. You can make mermaids and yes, they have been in the Adriatic and they do write narrative and you should not allow your mind to conceptualize them if you value that there is such a thing as beauty. Don't let them make that foul joke where they say, "I don't know, sailor, how do you think that would work?" if you actually want to have sex with them. You won't, probably; I don't know if they would do that and neither will you or them. If you just want them to stop, I've found success in ridicule and shame. Leprechauns are to be left alone because we have slaved them too long and the currency they won't let you have is poison for your existence for this reason. You can meet druids in their circles if you decide you have the robes and won't say the codes, but I would advise against that because they are so unbelievably violent even to their own kind in their rituals against time.

    If you read this tarot reading: The Emperor, The Fool, 7 of Swords, 9 of Cups, 2 of Wands (or rods or whatever your tarot calls it) and thinks or perceive or say the words "anajagada crucifomanama stÿlagadanaranama" then you can produce a formless submind unit of narrative prophetic working that operates like a cult for your godhood to manifest throughout your life and they will subdue the beast of your body with magick you traffic into mind by juuling your tarot (yes this is how it works and no it can't stop you) and then you can develop siddhis. When you have achieved a sufficient numerological proficiency with the esoteric and the alchemies of the philosophies for your processes of knowledge-gnosis you can manifest your body of light as a magical entity embodied as you perfectly like Thoth or Horus or Dionysus or somebody like that and this cult can be a generativity of wisdom or knowledge-gnosis or rebirth of your inner child or something and really if you would go so far to do this then that's probably what I would say if I were a psychologist, which is a consultation you should always have for keeping yourself with reason in your journeys of occult seeking. Do journal much, if you have the patience.

    Best is to manifest abundance for your creativity and learn philosophy and consider that life has certain alchemical workings that are personal and also there might be a certain way to go beyond what is personal into other lives utilizing vehicles like these dragons etc. Really, though, just believe in yourself and love yourself radically and unconditionally and be a kind person and stay out of trouble and don't do what society wants you to be. Stay away from the occult but still Juul tarot cards without making things complicated for you or anyone. Pay attention to subtle facts about how you maintain the world of you in your way of living and you'll be a great artificer of mind and you can ignore all of this if you are what you would consider healthy if you have indeed considered thoroughly what it means to be good and wise and that this must be for health and wise is to be good. Again, wealth, joy and abundance. Honestly when you build the tarot capital for your mindhood just say "I'm manifesting good stuff" and you can stop this mental illness and put your skills to good use in reality.
  17. The Magus Yung Blood
    It's about the tarot, which you need to dogma for your life in all of that ridiculous thing called 'truth' ground deep into mind as the highest of all media for mankind to reflect on the esoteric business of articulating the magical essence of your highest true divine will (you can invoke Nietzsche's master morality, if it resonates with you).

    By "media" I mean to say you need tarot cards and you need to watch Philosoraptor's PhD lecture on complexity theory from the works of Dewey and understand that meaning is so hard to organize in the formations of mind convincingly for knowledge to produce endogenous psychotropic mysticisms like LSD you can get on Rider-Waite's 5 of Swords which is actually native to the card if you think or perceive the word "abajacalada" while you Juul it.
  18. The Magus Yung Blood
    There is nothing to stop you from imagining that this can happen, and there is a way that the universe facilitates the transpersonal such that you are enabled. You don't need to be a powerful person in spirit, but you do need to be creative and I'll tell you how: imagine it's like forcing a tulpa except you just think about what makes you wise that is your way of fire as a serpent of will and if you suppose that this is the real thing we call becoming then you are doing a ritual for that to be how it really is: we are like dragons in the way we strive through existence and you can manifest this in your unconscious and it will make you smarter, better looking, stronger and yes, wise, if you pay attention to where your life is pointing after you have just briefly nurtured this entity in yourself of will.
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