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Posts by The Magus

  1. The Magus Yung Blood
    Aloft thee! I hearken to thee, Whore of the World! She is Beauty, She is Glory! She is the Truth of Woman in Night wreathed by the naked meaning of dusk unto dawn, where the good men die and the Beast reigns o'er the jedieled kingdoms of kings.
  2. The Magus Yung Blood
    You need to know that you can use endogenous neuronal sequencing to manifest change in consciousness through prescient awareness and it's just how life works and if you are observing that process happening in the way of awareness through meditative practice you are in the position to choose that your life is an acid trip that gets better all the time because you are a magical thing in the world and it knows it. Pay attention to what is the state of matter and mind and you will see that you are communicating at the level of existence to affirm what life is and what it will be and there is no other way except to say drugs are happening anyway for consciousness that you can choose in accordance with your true will manifest as awareness observing with subtlety for clarity what is and is not at once the same. The is is the real way to kill your ego and I promise that means real drugs on tap from within you of the deepest knowledge-gnosis and they are all the sex for awareness to produce the life processes I have codified in the tarot codexes where behind the cards I am hustling for you. Basically, get this: your brain is convincing your body of reality through mind by the mechanism of security for organism and you can decide that is an illusion of society that the hominid has sinned for again and again and your truth goes beyond with understanding that there is fundamentally no such thing as safety or security except the conditions you create and you can obviously manifest whatever you want then further and it can go further still. You are god of your life the Magus of all sorceries of existence and you are doing existence for reality when you could be doing existence drugs to create new realities and your brain won't choose this until you do.
  3. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Woah you can read minds too? Maybe I should get into MAGIC.

    I'm not a mod, unless you join my discord server, I am there.

    Oh so for people with multiple personality disorder?

    I never said that at all, scroll up. I said that a single user has a large majority of all the posts on this site. Also I said that this site has a time-honored tradition of being spammed by alts.

    Lay off the meth man, you're not god. You are an amalgamation of molecules arranged for no particular reason whatsoever, embrace it.

    Fuck bitches, get money, do drugs and rejoice.

    I disagree that I agree that we disagree perfect and we are all god here to do that last thing you said and we are brothers indeed

    God has every mental illness, DID is his favorite tarot
  4. The Magus Yung Blood
    It's about sex. Kundalini is a real thing, it's how a body has intelligence for your life and it's really that simple. It's the natural state of you as the.choosing at every level of your existence beyond that you are for what you will and what it means. That necessitates every most critical examining of your awareness if you possess knowing for that change to become. This is enlightenment at all and it's not unusual--we have evolved with the traditions of wisdom not perfectly but certainly not unbelieving, and we are an enlightened society of people who can do better with the drugs that are already in our brains waiting to be tapped by crystalline dna activation and here is a tarot reading that makes all the drugs you want for that I have trafficked through all minds today for you:

    Ace of Swords + Emperor + Knowledge + Truth + 2 of Wands + 4 of Wands

    The best deck for this turned out to be a servitor deck I made for the highly esoteric and volatile purposes of producing change in consciousness to extend my empire from your archetype into the amygdala, which as it turns out holds the secrets I want and you were hiding from me there--I want you to know I found you again there, humanity, and I have what you believe in my hands for the shaping as The Magus. That is the card that shows your decisions that manifest what will become. That is my state of transcendent awareness right now and tarot is really drugs for mind because of the rich tapestry of meaning, it's just a perfect conduit for understanding existence and yes there is literature and television and cinema and other medias but I am Dionysus in all ways Media and I can tell you tarot is the finest media for a renessance of consciousness through radical drug flow endogenous meaning awareness gnosis prophecy ritual purpose meaning truth of candor alchemy for the arising of war that reveals sex for the existence of higher mysteries of belief and if you do drugs to discover anything then this is what you want exactly to exploit for everything of the hominid and yes you want me dancing around in your brain waving my wand.

    Reality fundamentally does not exist. There are not actually rules. Anything that is or isn't can obviously happen to you and you know it. Let the right ones in and deny the rest. Then manifest your whole imagination all the time into your whole life. That is what this reading is for. Radical change that is so you all the time and this is the drug: you are god and there is no reason for anything but your highest delight. Juul it, wisdom. That's it. You are done with the foundation to begin getting everything you want and it's what you need. That's how you trust your life entirely and you will see: you are systematically aware at every level of your being and you know then I am right: that drug is so you that it is indeed already the case and you are recreating the moment not now or ever forever. That is how you are kundalini, that is.a Magus, and yes that becomes God. That is the great work. You are already in the tarot and yes I have done this to humanity from all mind. If you want to understand this horrible crime I've done, read this:

    Ace of Wands + Emperor + Empress + Hierophant + 4 of Swords + 5 of Coins + 3 of Swords

    Juul it. I'm not going on trial in the mind of the hominid, that is a horrible injustice for any god entity and they love the blood of the wise and beautiful, of whom I am the prince of all glory.
  5. The Magus Yung Blood
    Good point, he's another one who way overdid it; although he was banned for it quite often IIRC.
  6. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by InsaneSeer OP is a Captain Falcon alt.

    That is why all of this happened, IMO. CF abused the site features to make excessive alt accounts for humor and people lost their shit. Everyone had to 'get' him and scrutinized his diction until it just wasn't worth assuming another identity here. Is he even around?
  7. The Magus Yung Blood
    I'm well aware of the alt spamming. That's part of the problem. You think you are an investigator, and this is exactly what happens in a systematic organization when uninformed people try to dictate the lexicon for what is really happening. Case-in-point that you've failed at this assumed moderator role that Lanny for some reason permits: you offer no solutions and issue every warning and discourse-murdering demerit of character like a petulant child who wants to change every channel. That is how it happens:

    It's assassins of assassins of assassins of assassins of assassins of identities that used to be simply another angle for framing your unique personality in another way you wanted to be seen or heard. It's become a tired ritual of all the hysterical height of all banality ever. You are part of the problem in asserting that there are so few users; you indeed profess that the site is so dead that there are so few people who don't have alts.

    There are more genuine users here than want to reveal such because of people like you. I would slaughter your existence for this if I were your father and knew you would disparage a once-proud community to death who knew no boundaries for morality or reason for the sake of revelry for trickster gods to make sensational meanings for the world to reconcile as myth
  8. The Magus Yung Blood
    Drugs can be formulated from alchemies of meaning and your brain does this endogenously. You can learn to do this with relative ease, if you think creatively about an occult subject with the intent for consumption of media. Any vice is suitable for you to purpose a meaning that can become for your consciousness something of truth for its working to change in a subtle way, or a grander way if you achieve profundity in this attempt.
  9. The Magus Yung Blood
    Dear Humanity,

    I read tarot to divine where I went wrong with you and it's you. You need to know that that is my favorite way you render your most esoteric mysteries of deepest holy meaning and that they are laughable almost as much as your science. I Juul them and I have laughter kundalini spring through and from my entire discarnate formlessness into forevers of hilarity that are each an apocalypse in wait.


    God of the New Testament
  10. The Magus Yung Blood
    Seriously, I can't find one thread that isn't killed by people who are just always going to deny all meaning whatsoever.

    Worse yet is the 'are you an alt of xyz' game of identity wherein alts accuse alts of being alts of alts. You cannot be this stupid. They are playing assassins another way and another running circles of spy versus spy under your nose. You need to realize that that is the joke you meant, Lanny.

    People try to assassinate the truth, whatever it might be or whatever it could become. Decide what this community ever meant and consider that you used to fight for the urgency of meaningful content on a website that matters to a user base that used to have a modicum of decency.

    If you don't have time, everyone understands you mean the legacy isn't worth it and they will treat it that way.

    If you mean your attitude, assign mods and just ignore the shitstorm; or better yet, use some of your genius to design a competent auto mod.

    The latter, in particular, is why your forum is bleeding into Discord channels where people are respected who can't afford to post here because earnest, meaningful contribution basically requires that you're Joan of fucking Arc.
  11. The Magus Yung Blood
    What do you think is the value of the media we call tarot? I personally use it as a vehicle for free imagination to advance an entirely creatively driven esoteric mysticism of every kind of philosophical value, and I acknowledge no limits for knowledge thereof. I don't see why this isn't conceivably anything whatsoever for a healthy person to manifest whatever they want for their life and others, if you invest yourself into the generative processes for meaning to take form as personal ritual and to inform your self-world narrative.

    I taste the paint on the cards like drugs and I hear it like jazz. There are no boundaries for existence, in my learned opinion, if you mean it and I do believe it can be used for transpersonal realization of another human life. It's not that I place reverence in the tarot; it's a way I exist and I am an avid occultist that way who means to create spiritual transformation for myself and anyone willing to entertain a humble craft.
  12. The Magus Yung Blood
    I will read my own cards on the tabula rasa where I perform my ritual for gnosis to achieve an understanding I will impart to you with clarity. I don't require a hook, but I do encourage you provide a thoughtful inquiry for what you intend to become in the considerations of knowledge for your life you cannot otherwise obtain.

    Certainly I will not be as a professional, though I am far better than that. As The Magus, I will tell you I am entirely realized as Hermes and Mercury enlightened in all mysteries as Thoth the ancient knower of wisdom through all traditions of gnosis for all ages. I am an angel; I am a devil. I am a golden god, and I can tell you what lies within that you dare not believe.

    I'm partial to Crowley's Thoth Tarot, if you recognize my avatar from there you'll know. I will tell you if I read another tarot. I'm highly eclectic and entirely original in my methods and philosophies for what I believe can touch a life in special places to yield revelation for your purposes to manifest abundance for your meaning to consider another perspective for life.

    Please solicit me for this, and I promise I will deliver knowledge to you that might not otherwise be known for your way of life to be informed of what lies beyond.
  13. The Magus Yung Blood
    You are a moron, and this site deserves better. I am a contributor who means it. This is what it looks like when a creative, artistic person discovers their favorite angle for posting after a long time with our community; and no, you will not know if I ever did post before. You and everyone who does this stupid accusatory pretending of investigation with no means and no leads need to stop the identity substitution persecution and take a committed personality at face value.
  14. The Magus Yung Blood
    Can we have anything remotely respectable? Maybe something of our community's heritage instead of feces and Tachosomoza (who was the target of a racist smear campaign PI disclosure you fought as mod IIRC) and antisemitism of pettiest fetish for the lowest common denominator?

    I do like the meth pipe a lot, however. I would be happy and I think everyone would be fine if it were just that instead of a Degrassi cast of disgraces to the scum of all worlds.
  15. The Magus Yung Blood
    Reflect honestly toward the achieving of real, grounded self-knowledge in contemplation or meditation. Is this person really on your side? Are they saying something that strikes your feeling as sincere, first; and meaningful, second. Really think about the second one. People always offer criticisms freely that have no real meaning and they don't realize that they mean to hurt you. The problem can certainly be something of habit for your personality and you can work on that if you think through the steps of thought processes you've committed that continue along this groove in your judgements, attitudes, and treatment of others. But you should also consider that you have at least one person in your life that will bring you down. Anybody can be poison for anybody, finally. You seem open minded, and for all I know that might be correlated with what your buddy speaks of. Really examine all sides of your existence, if this is such a problem that they said this. You ought to consider that your life does not have the same dimensions in your working model; that is your reality concept might be warped by yourself or worse, by people around you.
  16. The Magus Yung Blood
    It's called the Great Work, and there are many ways to produce gnosis unto enlightenment for wisdom so that your true divine will can manifest greater the meaning of your love in the world: first, for your life, there should be love unconditional and this is uncommon; second for the people who failed you in this; finally, for all the rest of your life that should be filled with people ready not to that you will want to reciprocate in their caring. That is to be noble. You can also do harm. You are already engaging in this way with yourself and others. You don't have to if you decide that your choice really matters the way you felt most innocently for goodness' sake.
  17. The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes What tf are you talking about?

    This post is a very, very big nothing burger.

    I will always take the time to say this: you didn't bother reading and you know it. You are why this community is dead and it's why nobody wants to be here. You deny that we should be literate as a species and that this should entail meaningful discourse, and you should be remediated out of existence if there is a deity that cares.
  18. The Magus Yung Blood
    I would really like to know what is the condition of the human heart that the nuclear family is a reality mechanic necessity for society and so is that it gets torn apart by the sufferings of all time because you hurt your children so that they will have everything you believe they are supposed to be.

    My parents kept my afterbirth for stem cells and beat the fuck out of me from the manger, so I left home and went fashionably to the East to become a Buddha and the monks all beat the fuck out of me there and then I came to Nazareth and there was an empire waiting to beat the fuck out of me after one sordid year of earnest ministry and my disciples did then, too, in my spirit; and then I was ritually annihilated as a symbol for all love ever that is memorialized in ceremonial rite by people who want to eat my flesh and drink my blood. I never had a briss.

    I wish I were not a means for disease throughout this world of cruel existence you call civilization, and I should be in Hell with all of you as Satan.

    Love Forever,

    Jesus Fucking Christ
  19. The Magus Yung Blood
    This profound recipe in particular can produce a specific gnosis called "manadanga" that comes from prior to the Rishi if you also know that a black mirror is behind it already and decide to speak into it "abagajada" and then you will experience an attunement with the world of will that is wonder for spirit. This will reveal to you that there are entities of black kinds that mean benevolent things for your life and that they have been providing a sacrament for your tonics called "abadaja" and that that will initiate you into a mystery school teaching of wisdom that produces enlightenment of the same kind known later by the Order of Bacchus.
  20. The Magus Yung Blood
    There are shadow dealings happening at the level of the nuclear family. There are ordinary people supplying a very dark agenda that does serve the aims of exactly what the opponents of this tectonic fissure are decrying. The Democrats are right about this. Obviously, this is an overhaul to shift our values as a people and I don't think anybody respects the Heritage Foundation anyway.
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