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out of pure curiosity

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    what would you do if a random wanted to suck ur dick?
  2. #2
    The Magus Yung Blood
    I would tell them what lies in store for their future if they decide to keep offering this. Nothing good can come of that for anybody. Everyone knows this, and the purity of all curiosity of all imagination still finds this myth in the everydayness of the modern man who inevitably wonders for this taboo that could maybe be for his possibilities. If it does happen, they are worse people. That's it. You won't find a silver lining, either. You should not participate in activities such as this suggested by of all people those kinds. Period. There are wrongs for sexual taboo and that is a fact. You should consider whether you are doing this as somebody else somewhere in the world, and indeed whether it is acausally a matter of dilemma for you to resolve on their behalf. That does happen in a way Jung might Crowley a unity of humanity that really does happen, such that we all have in our cognition what might lead to a better world where you don't simply post this here, but consider simply that this is wrong unequivocally and they won't do it again.
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