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Tarot of the ancient wisdoms

  1. #1
    The Magus Yung Blood
    What do you think is the value of the media we call tarot? I personally use it as a vehicle for free imagination to advance an entirely creatively driven esoteric mysticism of every kind of philosophical value, and I acknowledge no limits for knowledge thereof. I don't see why this isn't conceivably anything whatsoever for a healthy person to manifest whatever they want for their life and others, if you invest yourself into the generative processes for meaning to take form as personal ritual and to inform your self-world narrative.

    I taste the paint on the cards like drugs and I hear it like jazz. There are no boundaries for existence, in my learned opinion, if you mean it and I do believe it can be used for transpersonal realization of another human life. It's not that I place reverence in the tarot; it's a way I exist and I am an avid occultist that way who means to create spiritual transformation for myself and anyone willing to entertain a humble craft.
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